Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Saturday 14 May 2011

It's the economy stupid

Re: Why does no major party want to save the planet? Province April 7/11

Frank Sterie Jr. asks what is probably the most rational as well as the most important question about this whole election exercise, but the sad truth is           It’s like Bill Clinton told Al Gore Quote     "It’s the economy stupid”. 

Humans are like a bunch off lemmings headed for a cliff, they will not see the error of their ways until they have gone over the edge and there is no going back, just the crash at the bottom. 

When times are good the two camps tug of war back and forth making at best token begrudging progress. On the one side are the deniers, right wing governments, big energy companies  and other businesses responsible for climate change, basically all the big money and their apologists that just do not want to change their ways period, on the other side are people that possibly do recognize the danger but just do not want to give up that boss SUV but do attempt to make a few easy minor changes to ease their conscience somewhat, and then there are a few believers that not only talk the talk but also walk the walk, sadly there are not enough of them to make a big difference. 

Unfortunately in the end when times get tough as they tend to do on a fairly regular basis, the health of the planet always takes a back seat to the economy and big money and again nothing is done but rhetoric and window dressing and we all just keep stumbling toward that cliff. 

Wayne Clark

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