Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Saturday 14 May 2011

Formula For Failure

RE: Clash of visions in political spring

With the sharp shift to the right the world has seen in the last few years Mr. Dix is probably closer to the centre than anyone at this time. 

It was only a few years ago that a right wing government gave birth to BC hydro and started it’s own bank can you believe, and can you believe if Dwight D. Eisenhower or Ronald Raygun 
were alive today they would be considered socialists.

Mr. Fletcher conveniently fails to mention why countries like  Ireland, Iceland, etc. with their ultra right wing governments  financially imploded, the cause was simple they tried to follow America with it’s George W. Bush neocon surefire formula for failure, other wise just what Mr. Fletcher wants Canada to continue to follow, to our and every other country who takes that failed path to a inevitable tragic end. 

It is simply not sustainable.  

Anyone that reads can tell you that if our economist Prime Minister Mr. Harper had a majority, that we would have had the same disastrous financial  policies George W. Bush instigated throughout  America and the unfortunate countries that followed the same tragic path (thank god for small mercies). 

By the way Mr. Fletcher Canada’s currency is not so much soaring past the US dollar, the American dollar is collapsing, the country is bankrupt thanks to Mr. Bush and the NeoCons and their VooDoo economics. 

Mr. Fletcher your views are so yesterday, the pendulum has swung about as far right as possible, at least in Canada, and now it needs to move back to the centre to a more rational, sane, fair, just economy, where some CEO  does not make more money before coffee break January 1, than another person working full time makes all year. 

You can call it income distribution if you like but I don’t buy it, just a few short years ago before this insanity started the income gapes were hundreds of times smaller. 

Wayne Clark

P.S. I seems there are still Canadian's that want to flirt with Fascism before Canadians begin their long journey back to the middle of the political spectrum. 

It could be a while because the middle has been decimated thanks to Mr. Harper and the NeoCons and their all powerful propaganda machine. 

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