Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Saturday 28 May 2011

50 percent plus one

I recently had a conversation with my American cousin from California trying to explain how a government with 40 percent of the votes could not only govern but have a huge majority, in the end he just couldn’t get his mind around that fact. When it comes down to it neither can I. 

It seems to me if the party’s that enjoy the 60 percent of the vote can put aside their differences and agree to govern for the good of Canada it would save Canadians from a sad trip down memory lane back to the good old days, illegal abortions, gays not being able to marry, capital punishment, a major new destructive costly war on drugs where the impetus is to put all pot smokers in our brand new jails, back to the days when things were done based strictly on ideology, and religious rhetoric, not science and common sense (INSITE, Birth control, Condoms, abortion, global warming just to name a few). 

With Steven Harper and his band of fundamentalist Neanderthals it is not a stretch to see women losing the right to vote, after all it wasn’t that long ago that they did get that right, a Conservative MP actually made that statement, apparently women are to left thinking.

Sadly Canada is no longer a democracy but an Oligarchy, and Steven Harper is just the tip of the insanity he represents.

Mr. Harper is not a man anyone can count on to tell the truth or even be consistent but one thing I believe he said and meant is his statement that             “ you will not recognize Canada after I have finished with it”. 

For the good of Canada and Canadian’s and their traditional Canadian values the NDP, Liberals, Bloc, and the green party have to do what is best for Canada and demand that the Governor General make the only rational decision, that they be allowed to form a coalition government with their 60 percent majority. 

The first thing this government would have to do would be to instal a more democratic proportional Federal voting system, and last but not least reinstate the traditional policy of separation of church and state.

Wayne Clark

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