Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Friday, 8 November 2013

Right out to Lunch

Re: Centre Conservatives beat left NDP Nov 7/2013 MR Times

Mr. Bulpit  as I have mentioned before your headache has nothing to do with me, it is a result of trying to make sense of a collection of political junk or more to the point contradictory and false notions in your brain or what is called Cognitive dissonance, it seems to be epidemic in the far right these days. 

First your letter was supposed to be a response yet at no time did you explain where the $3.1 billion dollars the Conservatives lost or who ended up with it, so much for a response. 

You would be the only person that knows me to call me hard left as Federally I have voted Liberal most of my life, although knowing what you believe to be the political system that is not surprising, once again the NDP in Canada are considered to be centre left, hard left would be Communist, the Liberals with the exception of the misnamed BC Liberal's are centre, centre right and the (reform-alliance) CONservatives and real Conservatives are considered right and in this present totally corporate controlled government are pushing into the realm of Fascism. 

The next delusion you are suffering from is that the CONservatives are strong financial managers, what can I say, do you actually read anything other than Randy Kamp’s newsletter and anything I write, the CONservatives took a Liberal surplus before the recession and turned it into the biggest deficit in Canadian history they pay 3 to 10 times more for anything they buy ( G20, icebreakers) more than anyone else, and they just lost $ 3.1 billion dollars, while at the same time selling Canada’s sovereignty, trashing all the environmental progress made over the last century, cut our social safety net to ribbons and let’s not forget them screwing veterans over royally and they are well on their way to destroying our public health care and as far as jobs goes, jobs for Chinese nationals do not count, I could go on but what is the point everybody but you knows all this stuff. 

As far as the free trade with Europe, it is hardly a done deal and if it was done as well as everything else they have touched, be very afraid, and not only that it is just a memorandum of understanding and if it did actually happen it won’t be with the CONservatives in power, if it becomes an actual free-trade treaty I would suspect it would look nothing like what Harper signed which was nothing more than a hasty distraction to take Canadians minds off all their corruptions and scandals and lost billions. 

Mr. Bulpit you count yourself among a very small radical fringe when you claim you are proud of being a Canadian at this sorry period in Canadian history, and by the way you obviously haven’t noticed we aren’t even welcome on the international stage anymore.

I have not given up on you Mr. Bulpit as there is a cure for ignorance but unfortunately not for stupidity, open your mind and read something other than CON propaganda.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Canadian TeaBagger

Re: Problems in the world bigger than pot and breasts The NEWS Oct 23/2013

True to form Mrs Katnich castigates a women for standing up for women's right’s and equality and yet another for trying to keep Canada from overtaking America as the country with the most of it’s  citizens in prison per capita in the whole world, it seems the prison industry is the CONservatives only real growth industry, right up there with the tar sands, another better idea from the CONS, never mind that 68 percent of the citizens of BC want pot legalized and 52 percent of Canadians want the same, well since when have CONservatives or Harper or Cherryl for that matter ever cared what the majority of Canadians want. 

I find it ironic that Cherryl a slavish champion of the very corporate and government whores that are the cause of every major problem she mentioned world poverty, genocide, wars and starvation and every other problem the world is faced with at this dangerous time in history. Cherryl is a quasi religious ultra-right wingnut, living proof that cognitive dissonance is alive and well in Canada and at least someone thinks there is an audience for ultra-rightwing tea-bagger retoric in Canada. 

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Red Herring

Red Herring

I wonder how one goes about losing $3.1 billion dollars, that can’t be easy, as that is a stack of $1000 dollar bills 1110 ft high. In fact you just can’t lose that much money, the truth is obviously that what the Harper government of Canada really spent that $3.1 billion dollars on would get every Canadian out in the streets, obviously this money was spent on something so heinous that Harper would rather Canadian's just believe they were just careless or are bad money managers ( theres certainly enough evidence of that already) than have you know the true destination of this massive missing amount of your tax dollars. We can at this time only guess where this money ended up perhaps in someones offshore tax free numbered account, or how about the CONservative re-election war chest, or a new highly advanced domestic spy system that monitors every Canadian every minute of every day, or maybe Harper bought some new state of the art stealth aircraft carrier and he doesn’t want anyone to know we have it, or maybe it was spent spying on our allies for some corporation, or to finance some foreign war that the Canadian people don’t support, knowing this crowd it could be something so bizarre that normal Canadians could not even comprehend it. 

Possibly this is the one illusive issue that would finally infuriate Canadians enough to get them off their couches and finally rid Canada of this fraudulently elected, illegitimate dictatorship, a government  with so many ongoing and past corruptions that with a true democracy we would have seen these quislings turfed long ago, and more than a few actually put behind bars.

One thing is for sure that money is not lost, it has just been misappropriated by a less than honest government and the Canadian people have a right to know who took it and why, and if it is illegal as I am sure it is most of the government should be put in jail because I believe that it is more than just a few of the CONS who know the whereabouts of these stolen Canadian tax dollars, or are the rest of the CONS content to just shrug their shoulders and write off the $3.1 billion as an accounting error.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Time to look in the mirror

RE: We need a punch in the nose Bob Groeneveld July 23/2013 MR TIMES

I sure hope the 16 percent of Canadians who made it possible for Harper and the Conservatives to get a majority are happy, they have done what I would have believed not long ago impossible, made the majority of Canadian's ashamed to be Canadians. Yes we have not always done the right thing for one excuse or another but overall I think this government and ultimately this country is trying to outdo those past injustices tenfold.
For example Canada’s minister of citizenship, immigration and multi-culturizm Chris Alexander just announced that "poverty has been eliminated in Canada”, just how removed from reality is this government? 
I guess they just ignored the 1 in 8 children that live in poverty and just totally discounted the hundreds of thousands of Canadians that we all see living in the streets of Canada and the 16.2 percent of Canadian that live below the poverty level and how about the places in Canada that local governments use biological weapons to get rid of their homeless population or other city's that are actually criminalizing poverty, and how can we ignore the first nations people when talking about poverty who have had a 2 % percent cap on core services since 1996 and due to population growth and inflation now have the equivalent of 23 cents on the 1996 dollar, and least we forget the many seniors that have seen their pensions and saving and benefit’s disappear at an unsustainable rate. 
PS Just in, another statement from the twilight zone from non other than Vic Toews "I leave public office at a time when I believe our country is more sensitive to the needs of victims, more fiscally sound and safer for citizens and future generations of Canadians,” - Former Minister of Public Safety - Vic Toews

This is way past lies and Canadians are subjected to an ever increasing flood of Vile untrue propaganda that has absolutely nothing to do with reality in Canadian life. It is present in every facet of Canadian life from the environment , global warming, poverty, scientific fact, employment, wages medical system and just about everything that impacts Canadians on a daily basis. 

I know there are the same 16 percent of the population that gave you your majority that support you in all these issues but you do not speak for the majority of Canadians. 

The only way a government can claim that the Conservative government has ended poverty in Canada is to compare Canada to Zimbabwe and in Harpers retort to the U.N. chastisement about poverty in Canada that was exactly their stance.

In my humble opinion along with that well deserved punch in the nose I think a good swift kick in the ass would be just reward for the poor and apathetic mismanagement of our fragile democracy and what the Canadian people have allowed our government to do to our fellow Canadians and the environment in our name.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Sub-human garbage

This is to the pathetic degenerate coward who plotted to kill and or maim my puppy Taz two weeks ago at Volker dog park, fortunately Taz threw up immediately after eating the poisoned kibble you tried to poison him with which made him deathly ill for a couple days, but no thank’s to you he is fine now. 
Taz is truly innocent in every sense of the word, he never did anything bad to you or anyone else in this world, his whole ambition in life is to run, play, smell every square inch of his environment, and get petted by everyone that he comes in contact with not to mention giving 24/7 unconditional love to his family and friends, he literally does not have a mean bone in his body. 
Taz makes everyone that watches his antics laugh and feel good, but for some unfathomable reason you want to hurt and kill these wonderful animals, truly man’s best friend. Taz does not bark, does not bite, is as friendly as a dog can be, I can not imagine why anyone could indiscriminately hate all dogs enough to do this kind of thing, you might hate a particular dog if for instance it bit you,  but to hate all dogs is not only totally irrational but downright psychotic and I would suspect that person will be killing people before long as well. 

You shall be caught and will be recognized as the lowest of the low of the criminal element, more despised even than murderers, or pedophiles you had better hope that it is the police that catches you because if it is one of us dog lovers you will rue the day you were ever born.

If anyone has any information or suspicions in regards to this depraved coward please contact RCMP 604-463-6251, the person we are looking for must have access to tempered window glass, or have dog food but no dog, or go on rants about dogs or other animals, or possibly live close to Volker dog park, please help stop this person before he does kill or maim any more dogs who are important irreplaceable members of our families.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Crucial new do-over list

In my opinion going into the next election Federally or Provincially under the same conditions is a total waste of time and money.

Four things have to change if the people of BC and Canada are to bring democracy back to Canada.

In BC we have to start three referendums and get them in place before the next provincial election, we did it for the HST and all these issues are at least as important as the HST.

  1. A referendum to bring STV to BC by the next election. A referendum to be simple democracy which means 50 percent plus one not 60 percent 70 percent or whatever impossible fiqure the government sets to guarantee defeat of proposed legislation as was done on the 2 occasions for the previous STV referendums.
  2. A referendum to outlaw union and corporate money for elections, government financed elections. Strict rules for outside or third party advertising and money.
  3. Strengthen referendum and recall legislation.
  4. Fines for not voting.  A box on ballot that states ( NONE of the ABOVE) for those voters that want to register a protest vote.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Media Tyranny

Re: News Views The News May 22/2013

The irony is mind boggling, can you say cognitive dissonance or how about hypocrisy or how about good old fashioned conflict of interest,  the News editorial claims the electoral system is broken, really what was your first clue the fact that only 50 percent of voters bothered to vote, maybe you should take a little responsibility for that fact, the constant barrage of dirty tricks, multi-millions of dollars of attack ads, slander, character assassination, outrageous lies, fear mongering, deception, misinformation, propaganda, the bending and breaking many of our laws and expenditure of public funds to bribe Chinese and East Indian votes using public employees to do Liberal election work on the public dime, the medias total bias toward the BC Liberals for less than honest or honourable reasons, let’s call a spade a spade the News owner David Black has about the most serious conflict of interest imaginable with his gas refinery a pretty well done deal with the election of the BC Liberals. Another point made in this editorial is that the present electoral system is an archaic joke, well as I remember it was this same big media that fought against the STV using the same tired sick tactics we just witnessed for this election to defeat the STV, so once again the media has to take much of the blame for what is for all intents and purposes a dictatorship which is more to the advantage of big money and the people that own and control big media. 

The people of BC will continue to be brainwashed and deceived by the likes of Tom Fletcher in these rightwing rags who tell us we should not be interested in justice, it is to expensive and the people of BC do not really need to know whether the people in power in this province are criminals or not and why do we really need to know if development projects will destroy our environment. Really Tom you do not even have to write a column all we have to do to know your position on any subject is just imagine the most extreme ultra-rightwing position on any subject and that is invariably your position. Your insightful comment on the beginning of the end for the old left-right model for BC politics is so you, but it is nothing new it is a very old evil called dictatorship. 

The truth is you Mr. Black and your big media, big money cohorts bought, thus own this election and respectively this government so you are responsible for every mistake, corruption, insult and injury and not to mention damage that is done to the province of BC and it’s people and ultimately the economy, not that you care about that as long as you get your pound of flesh.

The fact is that the wealthier and more powerful the corporate media giants have become, the poorer the prospects for participatory democracy and the chance that this big money, big media monopolies best interests would be in the peoples best interest is highly improbable.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Biased media, Big Money

Re: Our View, Democracy a good thing MR Times May 21/ 2013

I would wholeheartedly agree that democracy is a good thing, but would just as strongly disagree that what we just witnessed was an exercise in democracy, in fact it was anything but.

It was all the worse components of an American style election complete with gerrymandering, big money from all vested interests,  big oil, Alberta oil money, pipeline money, federal Conservative money, more than likely Chinese money all desperate to control the fate of BC as regards to pipelines, oil supertankers access to BC waters, and resource extraction, and I dare say the workers to do these jobs. 
It involved multi-millions of dollars of BC tax dollars to bribe for instance Chinese and East Indian voters, constant unrelenting attack ads, dirty tricks, slander, character assassination outrageous lies, disinformation and propaganda, we are talking about tens of millions of dollars in propaganda, government employees working on this BC Liberal campaign on the taxpayers dime. 
They didn’t even let up when they got caught bending, twisting and breaking the laws of BC and Canada reminiscent of last Federal election. 

I notice Mr. Groeneveld never mentions the medias part in this sordid tale there is no doubt that the election coverage was totally biased toward the BC Liberals letting obvious lies run as truths, the same BC Liberal rightwing hacks in the paper literally every edition, letting Liberal lies and pie in the sky fantasy pass as credible reality, one of the local papers having a complete conflict of interest in the outcome of this election David Black wants to build the biggest gas refinery in the world and already has the go ahead from the BC Liberal's before an environmental assessment has been done, no conflict of interest there.  

Mr. Groeneveld claims democracy was done and the best man won but takes no blame for the 50 percent of the people that didn’t cast a vote, but I think it has everything to do with the way the negative farce that was the 2013 BC election was carried out and the media who’s job it is to inform the public on the real issues and the credibility of candidates and their respective platforms once again failed the voters of BC in their job.

I wonder how Mr. Groeneveld will explain how Christy Clark who obviously was not the best person for the job will be running the whole province wide sellout for the next 4 years. 

You can say our stupid antiquated electoral system was partially to blame for this unlikely election result and you are probably right but once again it was this same media that did not back the STV and failed the people of BC once again, the simple truth is the best interests of the people of BC are not the same interests of the big money that own these giant media corporations.

You can stand back now and claim this electoral disaster was not your fault, but the truth is you the media own this outcome and everything it produces, all the privatizations, the squandered tax dollar, the diminishing social safety net, the further destruction of the health care system, the corruption and sellouts, the destruction of BCs environment is on your hands and your hands alone.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Democracy Lost

I have never seen such a sordid spectacle as the 2013 BC election for lack of a better word.
It was the 2012 federal election, American Federal election all rolled into one, gratuitous amounts of money from the federal Conservatives, big oil money from Alberta and how much from the one percent and China one can only imagine as they are all hungary for BCs energy and mineral wealth and most important passage through BC to despoil BCs unparalleled beautiful environment, their greed is insatiable their resolve fierce and the poor NDP were swallowed whole  in the process, the BC Lieberals pulled out all the stops incessant attack ads, slander, fear mongering, unbelievable lies and disinformation, even resorting to advertising for the green in case someone was just to disgusted to vote for the BC Lieberals they should vote for the green to split the vote, and it worked.
It was an orgy of raw power unlimited financial resources, total Media control and bias by for one example David Black media mogul and owner of local media who has what any rational person one would consider a major conflict of interest he wants to build the biggest gas refinery in the world in kitimat and ship the gas by supertanker to China and the BC Lieberal's have already rubber-stamped the project before any environmental study. Black's newspaper The News was a perfect example of every kind of biased propaganda, Hitler would have been proud the two big daily's and their local papers were just as slanted and I personally experienced their power as well, unfortunately when the gatekeeper is biased it critically distorts the power of the press or media and this was a seriously one-sided election, the day the writ was dropped they literally stopped printing my letters on provincial election, after a few weeks I complained and they put a few of my letters online but would not put them in print, but printed every rightwing hack every edition I have had the same problem for other elections and the vote for the STV as well, I was shut out of the conversation because I was not saying what they wanted to happen.
A free and unbiased press is crucial in a healthy democracy and we definitely do not have a healthy democracy at this time in history we have no democracy at all Federal or Provincially.

They bought the election pure and simple, sad day for BC sad day for Canada.

The electoral system is broken more than ever, less people voted for the Lieberals than other partys and they get large majority somehow that seems very familiar. 

I see four BC voters on the street and I know more than one of them voted for someone other than a Lieberal, less than one of them voted for a Lieberal and the two ignorant lazy assholes that never voted at all actually voted for the Lieberals.

It has not been commented on or maybe never will be how many election laws were broken or bent to come up with this improbable election result.

The outrageous one sided biased media coverage has to be dealt with somehow maybe even banning the media with serious vested interests in the outcome of this important election such as David Black from being involved at all in all elections federal and provincial.

I see Mark Dalton with a stupid shit eating grin on his face with his Xed fingers as though it was his hard work and good record or even luck that got him another four years at the gravy train, the truth is even after all the lies, propaganda and fear mongering that the voters were subjected to 24/7 more people voted against you than voted for you.
 It is hardly rocket science that multi-millions of dollars of lies and propaganda, fear mongering, character assassination of the opposition a broken archaic electoral system, fear and the colossal ignorance of a brain dead population got the Lieberals another majority, but still after all that money and lies less people voted for the Lieberals than they did the opposition.

Let's not forget where that money came from to finance this farce, the fat cat criminals who have been the recipients of the rape of BC so-far, and the fat cat oil corporations of Alberta that want to turn BC into a unreasonable facsimile of polluted Alberta without the financial benefits of resulting pollution and I wonder how much the Communist Chinese government pumped into the brainwashing propaganda blitz that BC citizens were subjected to to get their pipeline through BC to pollute our land and coastline and of course let's not forget the Federal Conservative and our ruler Harper who is counting on Chrispy to let Harper put his pipelines through BC unchallenged.

All in all a object lesson on a fraudulent election practice not resembling democracy at all even using minimal qualifications.

 Seriously I do not know what to do at this point, my first instinct is to move to Vancouver Island and start a campaign to separate from Canada, at least they had the brains to get rid of the corrupt destructive corporate whores the so called BC Lieberals.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Magic Money

RE: Economy: Concerns about banks safety unfounded The Times May 9/2013

Mr. Dixon are you telling us that Mr. Flaherty did not bring the same unregulated financial players into Canada that caused the American crisis with their 40 year no down payment loans, and they didn’t deregulate the whole financial sector, and it hardly matters whether those toxic loans ended up with CMHC or the gamblers that made them because those insurance polices you talk about are paid with out with Canadian tax dollars. 

Whether you want to call this present situation erroneous conspiracy theories or solid government policy the fact is that calling Canada's or any other countries monetary system stable at this time in history is just plain wishful thinking. 

Every country has to print at least as much new money every year to cover all interest on all loans but for the most part this is far from the present practice, America is printing $85 billion a month or about 3.2 trillion in the last 5 years, the European balance sheet is even higher $3.45 trillion or how about Japan which will double it’s currency in the next two years and most countries in the world are doing the same thing just to keep this monitory system afloat and while Canada is apparently just printing enough to cover interest it’s deficit is growing at an alarming rate and will be $673.1 billion by the end of the year. This policy is called Quantitive easing or the opposite of what was done in the great depression, printing massive amounts of money out of thin air and holding interest rates at record lows, only history will tell if this monetary experiment works and saves the present monetary system from collapse, but the simple fact is that every new dollar you print devalues the already existing ones so savers and seniors on fixed incomes are the biggest losers.  

It is not surprising that Conservatives always expand a countries debts, it is wealth redistribution from the taxpayer to the rich from whom the government borrows the money, the Republicans and Harper would like nothing more than to bankrupt the nation so they can justify eliminating all social safety nets.

Mr. Dixon appears to be very happy with the view from where he is sitting and thinks I need to join the real world, but this is the real world and the consequences of years of Conservative magic money theory. 

PS You might want to check out a very well done article on the whole world financial reality  PeakProsperity.com

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Joseph Gobels would be so proud

Talk about Hitlers big lie technique the huge picture of Christy Clark standing in front of a giant NDP SPEND-O-METER on the front page of a newspaper and calling it NEWS.
Of all the lies and doublespeak told by these unrepentant liars, talk about rewriting history, these people and the people passing this misleading propaganda on truly have no shame. 

The untarnished historical truth is it took BC 98 years from 1903 to 2001 this included Conservatives, real Liberals, Social Credit, NDP, to accumulate a $ 33.8 Billion provincial debt and the outgoing NDP left a 1.2 billion dollar surplus for the BC Liberals in 2001, making a $13.8 Billion increase under the NDP, it then took the BC LIberals 11 years to increase that debt to $53.4 billion and that is if you do not include the further $80.2 billion dollars of unfunded P3s which brings the grand total to $134.6 BILLION which is nearly a whopping 400 percent provincial debt increase in 11 years these are unfunded contractual obligations that we have paid dearly for because the government can always get money for cheaper than the private sector. 

I believe these figures are just the tip of the iceberg as the BC Liberals have been using Enron style accounting practices for their entire term of office and have been chastised by the Auditor General repeatedly over the years for this deception, only after a proper accounting by a new government will we find out the true debt these incompetent money managers have saddled BC with.

This all happened while at the same time they were liquidating many BC assets for pennies on the dollar such as BC Rail, BC Ferries, BC Gas etc etc . These great money managers watched a convention centre cost ballon almost 200 percent and is still 40 percent vacant, a new roof on BC place that ballooned another 200 percent, a new Port Mann bridge  that it may be years to find out the real cost and how much over budget and what about BC Hydro paying triple the market value for private power merchants.

To me this front page is a perfect example of the total bias the media has demonstrated in this whole BC election process due to vested and conflicts of interests by the main media groups and their respective owners, it is without a doubt a sad day for democracy, and if the BC Liberals manage to steal another 4 years out of these lies and misrepresentations, the media will undoubtedly be the main culprits in this outrageous spectacle of lies and deceit.

PS I sent this letter of protest to all the papers but it of coarse will not be printed so I will have to start getting creative I already have this blog and I think I will publish all my letters on Facebook also, whatever it takes, whatever it takes to fight big media.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


The right wing bias in BCs media is sickening and a clear and present danger to the little democracy we have left when it comes to a fair provincial election for instance. Check out the articles and letters to the editor, rightwing scare tactics and lies, every edition filled with the same tired rightwing apologists, the left and centre almost totally excluded. 

It is not hard to find the reason for this rightwing bias the Vancouver Sun and Province and all their associated local papers are owned by Paul Godfrey of the National Post which is well known for singing the praises of neoconservatism and obviously wants the same rightwing crowd kept in to fleece the Citizens further, so they can pick up another BC Crown corporation for pennies on the dollar at the ongoing corrupt fire sale of all BC assets to the fat cat chosen few, still up for sale Crown Corporation cash cow jewels, like BC Hydro, LCB, to name a couple, you can be sure the LCB will be gone within days of the election if the BC Liberals retain rule. 

Then you have David Black another media magnate who has some of the most rightwing nut-balls in print today in his publications and has a direct interest in returning the BC Liberals to power as they have already pretty well rubber-stamped before any studies or anything resembling an environmental study for his Kitimat vision of the largest gas refinery on earth complete with pipelines, supertankers and cheap asian equipment, how about cheap foreign labour, not to far a stretch when looking at what goes on in the rest of the resource extraction in BC under BC Liberal policy.

PS This letter has been sent to all the papers noted but I have no illusions that it will be printed as none of my letters have been printed since the writ was dropped except some are put on line and the PittMeadowsToday an online paper prints most of my work.
Foreign workers in BC 74,000 and counting. Yes that is thousands.

Silver Tongued Devil

A friend commented to me what a great talker Christy Clark was the other day and I reminded him that being a smooth talker was not a good reason to vote for a candidate for political office, as any police officer will tell you that is a prerequisite for any successful CON man or CON women, you should be listening to what they say not how they say it and even more importantly does what they are saying make any sense and how many of the promises they have made in the past have they acted on, or to put it more simply do they have a long history of lies and broken promises BC Rail, BC Gas, HST, and literally hundreds of lies and broken promises. 

Here is a well researched article about the hundreds of lies, broken promises and failed destructive policies of the last 12 years of BC Liberal rule. http://www.pittmeadowstoday.ca/100reasons-the-bc-liberals-must-go/ 
check it out and pass it on you and your children's future depends on it.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Had Her Chance

Christy Clark stated in this election campaign we have a choice - a stark choice - that is nothing less than a battle for the values that we hold dear as a society. 

I could not agree more with the ideal but would seriously doubt that it would be Clark and her BC Liberals that would be the ones to deliver the values the people of BC hold dear as a society.
As far as I know the people of BC still want to live in a democracy where the MLA they elect goes to Victoria and vigorously participates in the democratic process that is supposed to keep this province running smoothly and efficiently, that happened less than 4 weeks last year and has been the way this BC Liberal government has governed for the last 12 years.

A legitimate democratic government get’s a mandate from the voters they do not tell people what they want to hear and literally the day after the election do the exact opposite, for example BC Rail, BC Hydro, HST, etc etc.

The peoples business should be carried out in an open, transparent democratic fashion , not in dark secret rooms with shadowy unelected people with vested interests and come up with agreements that the government has no mandate or even any input into such as TILMA, NERT, EPIC and many other shady sweetheart deals to do with Crown corporations such as BC Hydro which have drastic consequences for the people of BC.

Selling off Crown corporations is a serious act and should be something a government definitely has a mandate for as these entities belong to the people of BC not the government of the day. 

Christy Clark has had plenty of time to show the people of BC how a government with her as leader would perform and as far as we have seen it is just more of the same basically a dictatorship with none of the signs of a healthy democracy, the same old back room deals, privatizing Crown corporations for pennies on the dollar without a mandate (LCB) which without a doubt will be privatized within days of a new BC Liberal government, the further bankrupting of BC Hydro, costly overruns on every project the Liberals attempt from the Convention centre , BC Place, bridges etc etc.  Apparently BC has the second most corrupt construction industry in Canada, no wonder with the government one of the biggest villains in this public fleecing.

The biggest lie of all that we have low taxes in BC, since the BC Liberals have come in our taxes have skyrocketed I pay $1600.00 for MSP alone a TAX that only BC and Alberta pay, I pay $50 to $60 dollars a month on bridge toll (TAX), the people of BC have been paying over $2 billion a year more for the HST (TAX), gas TAX, environmental TAX and literally dozens of new fees and taxes, not to mention the doubling and tripling of existing fees, (drivers licences, passports etc).

At the same time the BC Liberals have been cutting all our benefits such as medical benefits and at the same time increasing costs such as MSP, I now have $500 total medical benefits a year which doesn’t get me through January.

So far the liberals greatest accomplishments have been having a huge fire sale on the people of BCs assets and hatching flash projects that end up costing twice as much as promised and bankrolling casinos to the detriment of the charities that would normally receive these funds,  I wonder if the highest child poverty rate in Canada is also part of those values that are so dear to us as a society.

Friday, 3 May 2013


They are at it again telling us what we want to hear Mark Dalton and Doug Bing spinning a wondrous tale about what them and their glorious leader are going to do for all of us if we are foolish enough to give them another 4 years in charge of the public Kitty. 

Well I have heard it all before Gordon Campbell's deceitful promises to help seniors then shifting 2.1 billion in new taxes on us not only once but twice, then comes Christy with her false promises to help seniors and families first. 

What a sick joke that is, this BC Liberal government has affected my life all-right, let me count the ways.

In 1999 I had to take a medical severance due to severe fibromyalgia from BC Transit, I was to receive a small pension, just enough to get by and paid medical and dental and MSP for the rest of my life, that lasted till 2001 when Gordon Campbell gained power he immediately started screwing with the medical, cutting benefits, increasing cost’s, increasing deductibles then they cut the free dental the next few years was a steady assault on my medical and dental plans until my medical was so diminished that we had to get my wife's medical also to help pay the costs of dealing with my fibromyalgia, they also tried to take the transit pass I had received upon taking my severance package, not that I ever used it but I thought it might come in handy if I was unable to drive at some point in life. At this point my medical plan from transit is not even worth having as it is a maximum of $500 dollars a year and that unfortunately doesn’t get me through January. This treachery was pushed through the courts but apparently unless you are some rich CEO with an iron clad golden parachute these union pension agreements are about as water tight as toilet paper. 
Then surprise, surprise all of us get another 2 billion plus tax hike, the HST that especially targeted seniors and the sick hard, I paid over $1000 in HST just on my RMT treatments alone, then came another blow to the kidneys part of that medical severance was they would pay my MSP another better BC Liberal idea to fleece the citizens of BC of yet more tax's and now I had to pay that also. 

I have just waited 76 weeks to have a hernia operation and I was bumped once because the BC Liberal's have basically run the whole Medical system into the ground, the end result giving BC some of the worst hospitals in Canada probably just one more phoney ploy to justify privatizing the whole health care system.

Then I hear people like Mark Dalton and Doug Bing tell me that they are going to make things better for you and me, I say where have you been for the last dozen years, this government has never ceased wringing every last penny I have to finance their corporate masters.

Fool me once shame on you.
Fool me twice shame on me.
Fool me three times and who is the FOOL.
Fool me four times, time for a brain transplant.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Red Herring

Re: Unions made world a better place MR Times April 18/2013

Paddy you are right on the money, Mr. Robson claims that “Unions could soon bankrupt BC”, god what a crock, it is unions that have given Canadian workers all the benefit's union and non-union workers take for granted, or to be more correct what we used to take for granted, the unions were even responsible for all the highly skilled apprentice and journeyman trades people Canada used to be blessed with, unlike the present situation where they have to bring in foreign workers because we supposedly do not have qualified people to do them, yes unions fought for those benefits and skills and a living wage but everyone ended up benefiting from and getting them in the end, now that the unions have been systematically busted and marginalized by the Federal and Provincial governments those hard fought benefits and wages are rapidly disappearing. 
Unions are a necessary advocate or lobby if you will, for the worker’s, the very entity that attempts to ensure labour gets it’s fair share of the GDP or meaningful employment, they quite simply make Capitalism work for the workers. 

But enough about something that unless you live in a cave thousands of miles from civilization everybody should already know, the reality as Mr. Robson well knows is it is not the unions bringing the world including BC to it’s knees it is to big to fail corporations, bank’s and CEO’s who make more by lunch on January 1 than most workers make all year, the insatiable greed of the one percent who are literally sucking the well dry, killing the golden goose. 
The citizens of BC now pay more for just MSP than all the corporations that use our infrastructure, roads, bridges all the services and utilities our taxes pay for, for literally nothing, not to mention the depletion of our rich renewable and non-renuable resources they get for a pittance, well below world market prices. 
Canadian's then get to watch these robber baron companies bring cheap wage foreign national workers in to even do the labour to extract these precious resources or simply outsource those Canadian jobs, they then take their ill gotten tax free gains and put them in a offshore tax shelter out of reach of Canadians never to be seen again, therefore also depriving Canada of any multiplier affect from the exploitation of our valuable resources, and of course the wages are all sent home to China. 

After the resources are all gone what will Canadians and their children have to show for this obscene orgy of destructive exploitation, nothing but a environmental nightmare a Canada stripped of it’s natural resources and an environmental nightmare that we will have to clean up at our expense or more likely just try to live amongst the toxic devastation this insanity has produced and our children will wonder what were we thinking, and how did we let it go so wrong. 
The powers that be have refined the exploitation process to the point that they have even figured out how to take the trickle out of the mythical trickle down affect.

If Mr. Robson and the rest of the chosen few get their way Canada and the whole rest of the world will be nothing more than a giant third world with the chosen few filthy rich and the filthy poor with no middle class to speak of,
Mr. Robson’s Brave New World really does not look so much new but more 18th century.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Slippery slope

So Mr. Kamp and his master once again is riding to the rescue of the Canadian people and protecting our hard earned savings. He claims Canadian banks are the strongest in the world, which from what I have witnessed over the last few years is not saying a hell of a lot even if it were true, hard to tell what is true with this crowd. Canadians were told that Canadian banks were not bailed out in 2008-9 but it would seem CMHC which last time I looked was a government funded entity had bought $114 billion of Canadian banks tainted if not toxic mortgage debt which translates to $3,400 for every Canadian man, woman, child, but apparently is not a bailout. 

The Conservatives unashamedly take credit for Canadian banks not taking as big a hit as other world banks but the fact is that even as a minority government Harper pressed mostly unsuccessfully to deregulate Canadian banks but after getting their majority, succeeded in deregulating much of banking, in his first budget Harper’s finance minister, Jim Flaherty invited NEW PLAYER'S that is, U.S. financial corporations (unregulated) into Canada’s mortgage insurance market and doubled the amount of government money available to back up private insurers from $100 billion to $200 billion. Harper has also asked that companies be given WTO enforceable right to trade in derivatives or what Warren Buffet called “financial weapons of mass destruction”. The CONservatives are fervent champions of “financial innovation" and those are two words that according to Paul Krugman "should henceforth strike terror into the hearts of investors". 
In spite of the obvious direction these disastrous polices were taking America and the rest of the world Harper doggedly continued to push the envelope on deregulation both domestically and internationally, despite the catastrophic cautionary tales that were unfolding around the world.

Once again Mr. Kamps apparent argument is, I know that you believe you understand what you think you read but I’m not sure you realize that what you read is not what we mean. 

The fact is that at the very least this legislation will mean that the banks shall if the same ongoing gambling habit that caused the 2008 and Cypress crashes causes yet another banking crisis, Canadian bank’s will be legally able to turn your precious saving, bonds, stocks, whatever into what are basically bank shares or what amount to worthless derivatives or bank shares with no apparent assets other than your confiscated moneys.

Maybe it would be a good idea to stop this destructive ride down this slippery slope to financial ruin, instead of the further enabling of a bad behaviour due to bad policy.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Medical Conundrum

I just received an E-mail from Mr. Doug Bing the BC Liberal candidate for Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows that claims, Quote “ you don’t know what you are talking about, we have one of the best health care systems in the entire world” unquote, well Mr. Bing either you are a victim of actually believing the multi-millions of dollars of lies and propaganda we are bombarded with everyday paid for by our hard earned tax money by your BC Liberal comrades or your idea of what we should be receiving from our MSP and health care dollars is a lot different than mine.

Did you ever wonder how the BC Medical system arrived at this present sorry state, for example I have waited for 76 weeks for a hernia operation, many people wait up to 3 years, how is this possible don’t we pay enough for adequate heath care in BC the figures say otherwise Canadians pay $3895 for MSP coverage and according to the World Health Organization Canada is ranked #30th in the world as far as quality of health care, France pays $3601and has literally no wait times for surgery and is ranked # one in the world, how is that possible the average age of the French is 39.4 years old to Canada’s 39.9 which is comparable but even though Canadian's pay more for heath care France has 3.5 doctors per 1000 people compared to Canada’s 2.1 per 1000, which put’s France at #25 in the world as per doctors per 1000 people compared to Canada at #58. 

As far as I don’t know what I am talking about  the fact is most hospitals in BC have at least one aspect of care in the critical category. 
The Liberals have overseen the squandering of multi-millions of precious health care dollars, everything from the poorly conceived, ill fated NEW ERA, to the disastrous and illegal union and contract busting of public sector health care workers which inevitably led to nothing more than costly spinning of wheels to deadly ideological mistakes such as privatizing hospital cleaning that has been the direct cause of at least 84 deaths and counting, doctors refusing to operate because of unsanitary O.R. conditions and much anger and frustration with the nurses and other health care professionals.
The senseless shutting down of hospitals such as St Mary’s that has put extreme pressure on other facilities, the fact is BC has 4 out of the 8 worst hospitals in Canada with the lowest or D rating and our Maple Ridge Hospital is one of them, and not one BC hospital rated A+ the highest grade, and it is something to brag about by Mr. Bing and his BC Liberal colleges. 
MSP and the Maximus fiasco is a whole other medical and security nightmare but overall I think it goes to say that everyone is entitled to an opinion but not his own facts. 

Canada is using one of the most expensive un-inclusive health care system systems in the world as it’s model, Americas privatized system which is a dismal #38th in the world and still doesn’t cover everyone. 
Why would Canada copy an inferior system, other than to please some very big US corporations?

Well if we look back to where it all seems to have all gone wrong BC surgery wait times doubled from the late 1990s to 2006 and the BC Liberal's doubled MSP premiums from 2001 to 2006. BC and Alberta are the only provinces in Canada that have this regressive tax that you and I pay the same as a multi-millionaire. You might also wonder where this money goes, you would expect it would go to pay for health care right, wrong it goes into general revenue to pay for the government advertising propaganda you see every minute of every day telling us what a great job they are doing and of course their raises and let’s not forget India film festivals and other BC Liberal high priority expenses.  

Some of the obvious reasons for these obscene wait times defy explanation doctors are only allowed one day a week in the O.R. and they can not operate after 3:30 and if the last operation at say 2:30 will take more than an hour it is canceled which happened to me just last month, is it any wonder there are extensive waiting lists. 

You might ask yourself why the medical system has deteriorated so rapidly under the BC Liberal's, it really doesn’t make any sense unless you bring the whole underlying BC Liberal ideology into this sad picture their whole purpose so far has been to privatize everything they touch whether it make sense or is cost effective or not, and if they can stress the health care system to the breaking point they think we will let them privatize it out of desperation.

The answer to this problem is to throw this disaster of a  government that not only doesn’t believe in government at all, but it’s only vision for BC is privatizing all profits and socializing all costs, they are only interested in breaking every government function and bankrupting Crown corporations so they can justify selling it off to their friends for pennies on the dollar, do the people of BC really want BC Hydro privatized, or the BC Liquor, or how about the Public medical system, etc etc.

The obvious solution to this disastrous race to the bottom is to throw these radical incompetents out of power while we still have public health care and what is left of the legacy of our mothers and fathers built and let a government like the NDP that actually believes in government fix a severely crippled public health care system as well as other stressed government functions into something we can once again count on and be proud of.  

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Let them Fail

Once again the 99 percent are being forced to pay for the illegal predatory banking practices of yet another one of the British banking cartel countries, Cypress which is one part of a group of completely unregulated banks that have been at the epicentre of all of the big bank trading disasters that come out of London and it’s satellite partners in corruption   ( Cypress, Gibraltar, etc ) that flourishes by the rule “we won’t steal your money, but we won’t make a fuss if you steal other people’s"
These banks are used by the so called hot money people, third world dictators, corrupt stock market executives, oil sheiks, drug lords pumping billions of clean, questionable, dirty money, blood money into what as we have just witnessed illegal drug money being laundered by these outlaw bankers. (drug money $800 million, no charges, no jail, small fine, just the cost of doing business) in the ultimate tax and legal haven, the square mile in London which is in principal just like the Vatican in Italy, they pay up to $214 million for a residence there, where they have their own laws and regulations or more to the point no laws or regulations, which puts them above the law and makes them pretty well untouchable and as in America, Cypress, Greece, Iceland, etc etc when their scams go bad as they often do they come to the 99 percent to bail them out. 

The whole premise of too big to fail is a flawed, failed economic policy which I am sure has Adam Smith rolling over in his grave, back when America was at it's strongest the opposite was true when companies got to big they were considered a threat to free enterprise, a monopoly if you will, companies like Standard oil or ATT were broken up into half a dozen smaller companies which created competition as well as a strong dynamic economy and as it turned out each of those companies and their employees grew and prospered.

The sooner these criminal “To Big To Fail Banks" are put out of business the sooner the worlds economy will stabilize, they are not to big to fail, they are to corrupt and disruptive for us to tolerate their existence.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Hypocrite of the highest order

WOW talk about cognitive dissonance, does Steven Harper even know what democracy means, he insults Hugo Chavez for being a dictator  when the reality is the man won four elections fairly with as much as 80 percent of the vote which is certainly a lot more than Harper can claim, then he trashes Venezuela for being a socialist country, WOW can you say hypocrisy, this is a man that is joining Canada at the hip for at least the next 30 years with a brutal communist dictatorship. 
Just when you think Harper couldn’t possibly embarrass Canada any more than he has already has Harper manages to pull something even more bizarre out of the dark recesses of his mind to trump his last public relations nightmare, not to mention the fact that it is just plain embarrassing for me personally, but most Canadians. 

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Maximum Incompetance

BC auditor general John Doyle say’s that the outsourcing administration of the MSP and PharmaCare to a U.S. based company Maximus has failed to bring expected benefits. 

From my experience with MSP I would say that is an major understatement, back in April I transferred my wifes and my MSP account from my pension account to my wife's account, at the end of the month I received a two page letter telling me that my account was overdue and if I didn’t pay the outstanding debt it would be turned over to a collection agency for collection, I phoned my wife's company to see if they were paying our MSP payments and they assured me they were, I then attempted to contact MSP and when I finally was able to talk to someone and explained that the money was now coming from my wife's account I was yelled at and told I had to pay and what credit card would I put the outstanding amount on, I told her that there was no way I would pay double. Every month I got new threats and demands of the alleged accumulating debt, I tried two more times to communicate with MSP employees with nothing more than shit and abuse for my efforts, here it was October and the threatening letters just kept coming so finally I phoned my wife's pension administers just to make sure our bill was being paid and was assured that they were making payments, the lady also explained that MSP was normally 5-6 months behind and there was two companies involved neither one of which had a clue what the other was doing, I told her I was going to get my MLA involved as my account had been turned over to a collection agency and I had had it with this wasteful stupidity. The lady asked me to give her a chance to clear this mess up and sure enough she phoned and said it was all fixed up, not to worry at least till the end of the month when guess what showed up in my mail box again another threatening letter, I went over to my MLA Michael Sather and showed him what was happening, this is what it took to solve this seemingly simple problem that one simple phone call back in April should have done the trick, but instead it took 7 months and a phone call from my MLA Mr. Sather to the Minister of Finance, and the letters finally stopped. 

What a waste I don’t know what this boondoggle cost in office costs and peoples time, not to mention bad feelings and outright anger but it is hard to imagine a more incompetent system in this day and age, no wonder MSP costs continually keep escalating and service keeps deteriorating.

The Security problem alone is enough to get out of this absolute inappropriate bad deal on every level, as far as I can tell the American Patriate act insures that all American law enforcement and intelligence agencies have access to all BC citizens health records which is to  me totally unacceptable.

You might say Maximus is the poster child for incompetence and inappropriate failed privatization.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013


There is a wind of change in the world today the voice of the one percent has started to change it’s tune, for instance one of the main villains in climate denial and architect of many ecologically destructive polices in the world, the International Monetary Funds managing director Christine Lagarde just described climate change as quote “the greatest economic challenge of the 21st century” she also said Quote "unless we take action on climate change, future generations will be roasted, toasted, fried and grilled”. 
This is not Greenpeace or Al Gore speaking but the head of the International Monetary Fund probably one of the most conservative organizations in the world. 
Then you have Jim Yong Kim new President of the World Bank also urging urgent climate action stating Quote "what are we waiting for? We need to get serious fast. The planet our home can’t wait.” you can add to that list past U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu and outgoing U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and the Bretton Woods Institution have all lined up behind the U.S. President to demand climate action.

On the flip side our Conservative Prime Minister Harper sees thing a lot different he ignores a report from the Pembna Institute that says Canada is falling behind the rest of the world in green climate technology and the report estimates that Canada has the potential to build a $60 billion clean tech sector by 2020 and a warning that failure to act could condemn us to an unliveable world.

The Dear Leader Harper has committed Canada’s whole future on the peddling of dirty oil without any thought to the consequences of that path for Canada and Canadians and ultimately the world, the damage to Canada’s environment, the health of it’s people and the majority of Canada’s economy that most of us depend on for our livelihoods, not to mention the dangerous position this action put’s Canada in as far as the rest of the world is concerned, not only that but setting in stone Canada’s direction for at least the next three decades no matter the consequences of this narrow vision. 

Can you envision the rest of the world in the next decade never mind 3 decades cracking down and getting serious about global warming, I can see world boycotts on Canadian products and resources, maybe even sanctions, it is not that hard to see, we are already feeling the heat, our politicians not welcome on the world stage or at the table as far as global warming and our politicians not even welcome at global affairs, we don’t even rate a seat on the U.N. anymore.

Harper doesn’t seem capable or willing to rethink Canada’s direction in light of this reality, I suppose you have to expect that when you elect a provincial government (Alberta) to be a Federal government, sort of like electing the PQ party to be the Federal government of Canada, no doubt a recipe for failure for all of Canada.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


Poor Mr. Kamp just can’t seem to catch a break he was unable to speak to a reporter without having set approved questions and approval from the Dear Leader and Mr. Kamp or a representative from the Propaganda Ministry were not able to attend information meeting for the same reason and for some reason Mr. Kamp believes that what came out of that meeting was one sided, I happened to be at that meeting and found it quite informative, mind you lacking in a lot of government spin and disinformation. 
Mr. Kamp assures us that Canada’s lakes and rivers are not being eroded in the interest of economics, he assures us that this is simply not the case they are definitely protecting 3 oceans 97 lakes 62 rivers,  well that is a relief, and now each municipality will get to protect their own lakes and rivers from the likes of Gateway and KinderMorgan I wonder how that will turn out when Maple Ridge is threatened with a multi-billion dollar lawsuit from China alleging municipal regulations will cost China billions of dollars in profits. Talk about David and Goliath. 

Mr. Kamp's basic argument is, I know that you believe you understand what you read, but I’m not sure you realize that what you read is not what we mean. 

The simple fact is with the the removal of legally enforceable language and the deliberate fuzzifying of all Canada’s environmental regulations Canada would not have a hope in HELL of winning any legal challenge as pertains to these laws.

Mr. Kamp says quote “ To be frank transportation experts will continue to make navigation decisions and environmental experts will continue to make environmental decisions” ( how they would do that without regulations to back them up is beyond me). Then he does a complete turnaround and Mr. Kamp says quote “ the focus is now, I believe rightly, on protecting habitat for fisheries sake, not protecting habitat for habitat’s sake”. I guess any habitat other than economically viable habitat, it’s every species and river and lake for themselves. 

Apparently economically worthless habitat is not worth protecting to Mr. Kamp and cohorts.

By the way Mr. Kamp the dictionary definition of “ habitat is the natural home or environment of an animal, plant or other organism ", and you and the Dear Leader have just put at least 95 percent of Canada’s habitat in jeopardy. 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Mythological Money Managers

Can you believe 26 percent of the people of BC would still vote for the BC liberals after all the scams, corruption and squandered  tax dollars, who are these people, well obviously you have the politicians themselves and I would guess their families, you have the corporate fat cats at the trough that could possibly see an end their own personal gravy train and their family's, you have 70,000 chinese guest workers who can not even vote and you have the ultra-rigtwing fanatics who we see in the papers and media every day who would without a doubt not hesitate to vote for Adolph Hitler and the NAZI party if it was the only alternative to the NDP.  

I know the NDP had that Fast Cat thing where they foolishly tried to bring thousands of high paying multiplier jobs to BC, much better to spend even more tax dollars in another country to buy poorly made ferries with no multiplier effect at all. 

Then there is the poor money managers thing, pretty important stuff, to bad it is just not true, it took BC 98 years from 1903 to 2001 this included Conservatives, real Liberals, Social Credit, NDP, to accumulate a $ 33.8 Billion provincial debt it took the BC LIberals 11 years to increase that debt to $51 billion and that is if you do not include the further $80 billion of unfunded P3s which brings the grand total to $131 BILLION which is nearly a whopping 400 percent increase in 11 years. This all happened while at the same time they were liquidating many BC assets for pennies on the dollar such as BC Rail, BC Ferries etc etc . These great money managers watched a convention centre cost ballon almost 200 percent and is still 40 percent vacant, a new roof on BC place that ballooned another 200 percent and to my knowledge has never been opened for an event, you have a broken health care system that I personally have been waiting over a year and a half for an operation you have a Golden Ears bridge that will never be paid for and will not last 25-30 years if that, it already feels like driving on a rutted dirt road, and a new Port Mann bridge that has to be shut down for ice and snow conditions and apparently has a 35 year shelf life. 

Is it any surprise that BC has the second most corrupt construction industry in Canada, second only to Quebec. 

These are just a few examples of the BC Liberals mythological fantastic money managing skills and if it still impresses you I would strongly recommend a brain transplant.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Bottom of the Barrel

We have Conservative MPs like Randy Kamp who slavishly parrot the Dear Leaders talking points and just do as he is told without even knowing or caring what they mean, or that they actually break Canada’s laws or the Charter of rights and freedoms or the serious consequences of his actions and then you have Conservative MPs who do understand the negative consequences of their actions and talk, even rant on about them and then go not only against the Canadian publics wishes but votes against his own conscience. 

I don’t know which is worse the ignorant doppelganger or the enlightened traitor. 

I have to wonder what obscenity it would take for these gutless Conservative quislings to vote non-confidence and not only put himself out of a job but bring down this destructive dictatorship, but at least salvage a bit of righteousness, how can any honourable man recognize the evil he is about to vote for and then still vote against not only his constituents and better judgement but his own conscience, obviously neither have a conscience or any integrity either. 

Neither one deserve the privilege, honour and responsibility that has been bestowed on them by the Canadian people and they are an affront to democracy and will rightfully be recorded in Canadian history as the villains they are.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Dumb Meters

Re: MR Times Jan 29/2013 Installers considered trespassers

Cheryl I wish you all the luck in your fight to refuse a product that you rightly feel is a hazard to you and your children's health and is being installed on your property against your wishes.

The sad part of this whole despicable exercise is that only months AFTER installing thousands of smart meters did BC Hydro think to test those very meters and the truth is that even if you win your gallant fight it will be a classic case of "winning the battle and losing the war" because according to those studies done at Pitt lake this last summer those meters emit non-ionizing radiation and it’s health effects are not really understood at this time, especially as pertains to children and those waves travel at least 2.5 Km and that is a minimum as that was the last time I talked to the researchers and it was still registering on their equipment. 

For those of you that personal security is an issue they were also testing new hi-teck meters capable of even more lines of code, what they would be used for I can only guess, but if you are an activist or person of interest you might want to check that you have the same smart meter as everyone else.

Unfortunately if you win the right not to have a meter, it is sadly a hollow victory, as you personally will not have a smart meter at your home but your home nonetheless will be at the centre of a minimum 5 Km diameter circle of thousands of Non-ionizing radiation emitting smart meters polluting your home with unwanted, possibly deadly radiation.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Re: The NEWS January 23/2013 Smart meter denier’s last stand

I think most people reading this would agree that spinach is good for you in spite of the fact that you might not like the taste, well it is good for you but the fact is if you eat enough of it it could kill you as it is loaded with arsenic and can build up in your system and poison you, how much you can take depends on a lot of things your age, weight, individual health problems, you know all the different factors that make every one of us different. 
We are already bombarded with radio-frequency radiation and smart meters emit non-ionizing radiation and it’s health effects are less well understood and every meter transmits for at least 2.5 Km so you are getting the combined radiation from every smart meter in a 5 Km diameter around your house. Why take the risk when they can be wired?
I know this because months after smart meters were being installed BC Hydro finally decided to test them and did so all summer at Pitt lake and I talked to the people doing the testing and at 2.5 Km they were still getting a signal so that 2.5 Km is a conservative estimate and another time I was there and they were testing meters with more lines of code, when I asked what that was for they said use your imagination. I would suggest if you are an advocate or other such s--t disturber you check to see whether you have the same model smart meter as everyone else.

According to the ultra-rights expert on everything corporate Tom Fletcher, anyone who would dare be safe than sorry are all as usual deniers, ignorant, superstitious and angry, tinfoil hat bozos. As usual there is no evidence in his rant just the usual corporate propaganda that we are supposed to swallow without a whimper. 
I guess Health Canada and many of the other countries that have chosen to go with wired smart meters such as Switzerland are part of the tinfoil hat bozos as they also have questions especially about children, but to the likes of Fletcher and his corporate masters they are comfortable with a manageable amount of collateral damage from any of their new better ideas, whats a few children or sensitive people when there is $billions to be made, and in spite of Fletchers denial about claims of increased power usage, I sent away for my power usage for the last three years and my consumption has gone up in spite of the fact that I have replaced several appliances with power smart appliances, but that is just a fact and is of no interest to Tom Fletcher about any issue, facts and science don’t seem to be relevant to the Conservative mindset. 

It is funny that the Ultra-right equate freedom and democracy with being able to own a gun but they think it is fine that corporations have the god-given right to ram any old product down our throats no matter how dangerous or deadly they are, see tobacco, the new lights we were forced to buy, GMO foods, climate change, etc etc, apparently our freedom does not include the right to question or refuse anything the government or a corporation says is best for us.

I think if you asked most of the people that bother to read Tom Fletchers articles they would be of the opinion that it is Tom that wears the tinfoil hat about pretty well everything he writes about, his tired old debunked adherence to trickle down economics, the environment being subordinate to corporate profits, whatever is good for the oil industry is good for Canadians.