Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Medical Conundrum

I just received an E-mail from Mr. Doug Bing the BC Liberal candidate for Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows that claims, Quote “ you don’t know what you are talking about, we have one of the best health care systems in the entire world” unquote, well Mr. Bing either you are a victim of actually believing the multi-millions of dollars of lies and propaganda we are bombarded with everyday paid for by our hard earned tax money by your BC Liberal comrades or your idea of what we should be receiving from our MSP and health care dollars is a lot different than mine.

Did you ever wonder how the BC Medical system arrived at this present sorry state, for example I have waited for 76 weeks for a hernia operation, many people wait up to 3 years, how is this possible don’t we pay enough for adequate heath care in BC the figures say otherwise Canadians pay $3895 for MSP coverage and according to the World Health Organization Canada is ranked #30th in the world as far as quality of health care, France pays $3601and has literally no wait times for surgery and is ranked # one in the world, how is that possible the average age of the French is 39.4 years old to Canada’s 39.9 which is comparable but even though Canadian's pay more for heath care France has 3.5 doctors per 1000 people compared to Canada’s 2.1 per 1000, which put’s France at #25 in the world as per doctors per 1000 people compared to Canada at #58. 

As far as I don’t know what I am talking about  the fact is most hospitals in BC have at least one aspect of care in the critical category. 
The Liberals have overseen the squandering of multi-millions of precious health care dollars, everything from the poorly conceived, ill fated NEW ERA, to the disastrous and illegal union and contract busting of public sector health care workers which inevitably led to nothing more than costly spinning of wheels to deadly ideological mistakes such as privatizing hospital cleaning that has been the direct cause of at least 84 deaths and counting, doctors refusing to operate because of unsanitary O.R. conditions and much anger and frustration with the nurses and other health care professionals.
The senseless shutting down of hospitals such as St Mary’s that has put extreme pressure on other facilities, the fact is BC has 4 out of the 8 worst hospitals in Canada with the lowest or D rating and our Maple Ridge Hospital is one of them, and not one BC hospital rated A+ the highest grade, and it is something to brag about by Mr. Bing and his BC Liberal colleges. 
MSP and the Maximus fiasco is a whole other medical and security nightmare but overall I think it goes to say that everyone is entitled to an opinion but not his own facts. 

Canada is using one of the most expensive un-inclusive health care system systems in the world as it’s model, Americas privatized system which is a dismal #38th in the world and still doesn’t cover everyone. 
Why would Canada copy an inferior system, other than to please some very big US corporations?

Well if we look back to where it all seems to have all gone wrong BC surgery wait times doubled from the late 1990s to 2006 and the BC Liberal's doubled MSP premiums from 2001 to 2006. BC and Alberta are the only provinces in Canada that have this regressive tax that you and I pay the same as a multi-millionaire. You might also wonder where this money goes, you would expect it would go to pay for health care right, wrong it goes into general revenue to pay for the government advertising propaganda you see every minute of every day telling us what a great job they are doing and of course their raises and let’s not forget India film festivals and other BC Liberal high priority expenses.  

Some of the obvious reasons for these obscene wait times defy explanation doctors are only allowed one day a week in the O.R. and they can not operate after 3:30 and if the last operation at say 2:30 will take more than an hour it is canceled which happened to me just last month, is it any wonder there are extensive waiting lists. 

You might ask yourself why the medical system has deteriorated so rapidly under the BC Liberal's, it really doesn’t make any sense unless you bring the whole underlying BC Liberal ideology into this sad picture their whole purpose so far has been to privatize everything they touch whether it make sense or is cost effective or not, and if they can stress the health care system to the breaking point they think we will let them privatize it out of desperation.

The answer to this problem is to throw this disaster of a  government that not only doesn’t believe in government at all, but it’s only vision for BC is privatizing all profits and socializing all costs, they are only interested in breaking every government function and bankrupting Crown corporations so they can justify selling it off to their friends for pennies on the dollar, do the people of BC really want BC Hydro privatized, or the BC Liquor, or how about the Public medical system, etc etc.

The obvious solution to this disastrous race to the bottom is to throw these radical incompetents out of power while we still have public health care and what is left of the legacy of our mothers and fathers built and let a government like the NDP that actually believes in government fix a severely crippled public health care system as well as other stressed government functions into something we can once again count on and be proud of.  

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