RE: We need a punch in the nose Bob Groeneveld July 23/2013 MR TIMES
I sure hope the 16 percent of Canadians who made it possible for Harper and the Conservatives to get a majority are happy, they have done what I would have believed not long ago impossible, made the majority of Canadian's ashamed to be Canadians. Yes we have not always done the right thing for one excuse or another but overall I think this government and ultimately this country is trying to outdo those past injustices tenfold.
For example Canada’s minister of citizenship, immigration and multi-culturizm Chris Alexander just announced that "poverty has been eliminated in Canada”, just how removed from reality is this government?
I guess they just ignored the 1 in 8 children that live in poverty and just totally discounted the hundreds of thousands of Canadians that we all see living in the streets of Canada and the 16.2 percent of Canadian that live below the poverty level and how about the places in Canada that local governments use biological weapons to get rid of their homeless population or other city's that are actually criminalizing poverty, and how can we ignore the first nations people when talking about poverty who have had a 2 % percent cap on core services since 1996 and due to population growth and inflation now have the equivalent of 23 cents on the 1996 dollar, and least we forget the many seniors that have seen their pensions and saving and benefit’s disappear at an unsustainable rate.
PS Just in, another statement from the twilight zone from non other than Vic Toews "I leave public office at a time when I believe our country is more sensitive to the needs of victims, more fiscally sound and safer for citizens and future generations of Canadians,” - Former Minister of Public Safety - Vic Toews
This is way past lies and Canadians are subjected to an ever increasing flood of Vile untrue propaganda that has absolutely nothing to do with reality in Canadian life. It is present in every facet of Canadian life from the environment , global warming, poverty, scientific fact, employment, wages medical system and just about everything that impacts Canadians on a daily basis.
I know there are the same 16 percent of the population that gave you your majority that support you in all these issues but you do not speak for the majority of Canadians.
The only way a government can claim that the Conservative government has ended poverty in Canada is to compare Canada to Zimbabwe and in Harpers retort to the U.N. chastisement about poverty in Canada that was exactly their stance.
In my humble opinion along with that well deserved punch in the nose I think a good swift kick in the ass would be just reward for the poor and apathetic mismanagement of our fragile democracy and what the Canadian people have allowed our government to do to our fellow Canadians and the environment in our name.
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