Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Biased media, Big Money

Re: Our View, Democracy a good thing MR Times May 21/ 2013

I would wholeheartedly agree that democracy is a good thing, but would just as strongly disagree that what we just witnessed was an exercise in democracy, in fact it was anything but.

It was all the worse components of an American style election complete with gerrymandering, big money from all vested interests,  big oil, Alberta oil money, pipeline money, federal Conservative money, more than likely Chinese money all desperate to control the fate of BC as regards to pipelines, oil supertankers access to BC waters, and resource extraction, and I dare say the workers to do these jobs. 
It involved multi-millions of dollars of BC tax dollars to bribe for instance Chinese and East Indian voters, constant unrelenting attack ads, dirty tricks, slander, character assassination outrageous lies, disinformation and propaganda, we are talking about tens of millions of dollars in propaganda, government employees working on this BC Liberal campaign on the taxpayers dime. 
They didn’t even let up when they got caught bending, twisting and breaking the laws of BC and Canada reminiscent of last Federal election. 

I notice Mr. Groeneveld never mentions the medias part in this sordid tale there is no doubt that the election coverage was totally biased toward the BC Liberals letting obvious lies run as truths, the same BC Liberal rightwing hacks in the paper literally every edition, letting Liberal lies and pie in the sky fantasy pass as credible reality, one of the local papers having a complete conflict of interest in the outcome of this election David Black wants to build the biggest gas refinery in the world and already has the go ahead from the BC Liberal's before an environmental assessment has been done, no conflict of interest there.  

Mr. Groeneveld claims democracy was done and the best man won but takes no blame for the 50 percent of the people that didn’t cast a vote, but I think it has everything to do with the way the negative farce that was the 2013 BC election was carried out and the media who’s job it is to inform the public on the real issues and the credibility of candidates and their respective platforms once again failed the voters of BC in their job.

I wonder how Mr. Groeneveld will explain how Christy Clark who obviously was not the best person for the job will be running the whole province wide sellout for the next 4 years. 

You can say our stupid antiquated electoral system was partially to blame for this unlikely election result and you are probably right but once again it was this same media that did not back the STV and failed the people of BC once again, the simple truth is the best interests of the people of BC are not the same interests of the big money that own these giant media corporations.

You can stand back now and claim this electoral disaster was not your fault, but the truth is you the media own this outcome and everything it produces, all the privatizations, the squandered tax dollar, the diminishing social safety net, the further destruction of the health care system, the corruption and sellouts, the destruction of BCs environment is on your hands and your hands alone.

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