Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Friday, 24 May 2013

Crucial new do-over list

In my opinion going into the next election Federally or Provincially under the same conditions is a total waste of time and money.

Four things have to change if the people of BC and Canada are to bring democracy back to Canada.

In BC we have to start three referendums and get them in place before the next provincial election, we did it for the HST and all these issues are at least as important as the HST.

  1. A referendum to bring STV to BC by the next election. A referendum to be simple democracy which means 50 percent plus one not 60 percent 70 percent or whatever impossible fiqure the government sets to guarantee defeat of proposed legislation as was done on the 2 occasions for the previous STV referendums.
  2. A referendum to outlaw union and corporate money for elections, government financed elections. Strict rules for outside or third party advertising and money.
  3. Strengthen referendum and recall legislation.
  4. Fines for not voting.  A box on ballot that states ( NONE of the ABOVE) for those voters that want to register a protest vote.

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