I have never seen such a sordid spectacle as the 2013 BC election for lack of a better word.
It was the 2012 federal election, American Federal election all rolled into one, gratuitous amounts of money from the federal Conservatives, big oil money from Alberta and how much from the one percent and China one can only imagine as they are all hungary for BCs energy and mineral wealth and most important passage through BC to despoil BCs unparalleled beautiful environment, their greed is insatiable their resolve fierce and the poor NDP were swallowed whole in the process, the BC Lieberals pulled out all the stops incessant attack ads, slander, fear mongering, unbelievable lies and disinformation, even resorting to advertising for the green in case someone was just to disgusted to vote for the BC Lieberals they should vote for the green to split the vote, and it worked.
It was an orgy of raw power unlimited financial resources, total Media control and bias by for one example David Black media mogul and owner of local media who has what any rational person one would consider a major conflict of interest he wants to build the biggest gas refinery in the world in kitimat and ship the gas by supertanker to China and the BC Lieberal's have already rubber-stamped the project before any environmental study. Black's newspaper The News was a perfect example of every kind of biased propaganda, Hitler would have been proud the two big daily's and their local papers were just as slanted and I personally experienced their power as well, unfortunately when the gatekeeper is biased it critically distorts the power of the press or media and this was a seriously one-sided election, the day the writ was dropped they literally stopped printing my letters on provincial election, after a few weeks I complained and they put a few of my letters online but would not put them in print, but printed every rightwing hack every edition I have had the same problem for other elections and the vote for the STV as well, I was shut out of the conversation because I was not saying what they wanted to happen.
A free and unbiased press is crucial in a healthy democracy and we definitely do not have a healthy democracy at this time in history we have no democracy at all Federal or Provincially.
They bought the election pure and simple, sad day for BC sad day for Canada.
The electoral system is broken more than ever, less people voted for the Lieberals than other partys and they get large majority somehow that seems very familiar.
I see four BC voters on the street and I know more than one of them voted for someone other than a Lieberal, less than one of them voted for a Lieberal and the two ignorant lazy assholes that never voted at all actually voted for the Lieberals.
It has not been commented on or maybe never will be how many election laws were broken or bent to come up with this improbable election result.
The outrageous one sided biased media coverage has to be dealt with somehow maybe even banning the media with serious vested interests in the outcome of this important election such as David Black from being involved at all in all elections federal and provincial.
I see Mark Dalton with a stupid shit eating grin on his face with his Xed fingers as though it was his hard work and good record or even luck that got him another four years at the gravy train, the truth is even after all the lies, propaganda and fear mongering that the voters were subjected to 24/7 more people voted against you than voted for you.
It is hardly rocket science that multi-millions of dollars of lies and propaganda, fear mongering, character assassination of the opposition a broken archaic electoral system, fear and the colossal ignorance of a brain dead population got the Lieberals another majority, but still after all that money and lies less people voted for the Lieberals than they did the opposition.
Let's not forget where that money came from to finance this farce, the fat cat criminals who have been the recipients of the rape of BC so-far, and the fat cat oil corporations of Alberta that want to turn BC into a unreasonable facsimile of polluted Alberta without the financial benefits of resulting pollution and I wonder how much the Communist Chinese government pumped into the brainwashing propaganda blitz that BC citizens were subjected to to get their pipeline through BC to pollute our land and coastline and of course let's not forget the Federal Conservative and our ruler Harper who is counting on Chrispy to let Harper put his pipelines through BC unchallenged.
All in all a object lesson on a fraudulent election practice not resembling democracy at all even using minimal qualifications.
Seriously I do not know what to do at this point, my first instinct is to move to Vancouver Island and start a campaign to separate from Canada, at least they had the brains to get rid of the corrupt destructive corporate whores the so called BC Lieberals.
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