Talk about Hitlers big lie technique the huge picture of Christy Clark standing in front of a giant NDP SPEND-O-METER on the front page of a newspaper and calling it NEWS.
Of all the lies and doublespeak told by these unrepentant liars, talk about rewriting history, these people and the people passing this misleading propaganda on truly have no shame.
The untarnished historical truth is it took BC 98 years from 1903 to 2001 this included Conservatives, real Liberals, Social Credit, NDP, to accumulate a $ 33.8 Billion provincial debt and the outgoing NDP left a 1.2 billion dollar surplus for the BC Liberals in 2001, making a $13.8 Billion increase under the NDP, it then took the BC LIberals 11 years to increase that debt to $53.4 billion and that is if you do not include the further $80.2 billion dollars of unfunded P3s which brings the grand total to $134.6 BILLION which is nearly a whopping 400 percent provincial debt increase in 11 years these are unfunded contractual obligations that we have paid dearly for because the government can always get money for cheaper than the private sector.
I believe these figures are just the tip of the iceberg as the BC Liberals have been using Enron style accounting practices for their entire term of office and have been chastised by the Auditor General repeatedly over the years for this deception, only after a proper accounting by a new government will we find out the true debt these incompetent money managers have saddled BC with.
This all happened while at the same time they were liquidating many BC assets for pennies on the dollar such as BC Rail, BC Ferries, BC Gas etc etc . These great money managers watched a convention centre cost ballon almost 200 percent and is still 40 percent vacant, a new roof on BC place that ballooned another 200 percent, a new Port Mann bridge that it may be years to find out the real cost and how much over budget and what about BC Hydro paying triple the market value for private power merchants.
To me this front page is a perfect example of the total bias the media has demonstrated in this whole BC election process due to vested and conflicts of interests by the main media groups and their respective owners, it is without a doubt a sad day for democracy, and if the BC Liberals manage to steal another 4 years out of these lies and misrepresentations, the media will undoubtedly be the main culprits in this outrageous spectacle of lies and deceit.
PS I sent this letter of protest to all the papers but it of coarse will not be printed so I will have to start getting creative I already have this blog and I think I will publish all my letters on Facebook also, whatever it takes, whatever it takes to fight big media.
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