Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Re: The NEWS January 23/2013 Smart meter denier’s last stand

I think most people reading this would agree that spinach is good for you in spite of the fact that you might not like the taste, well it is good for you but the fact is if you eat enough of it it could kill you as it is loaded with arsenic and can build up in your system and poison you, how much you can take depends on a lot of things your age, weight, individual health problems, you know all the different factors that make every one of us different. 
We are already bombarded with radio-frequency radiation and smart meters emit non-ionizing radiation and it’s health effects are less well understood and every meter transmits for at least 2.5 Km so you are getting the combined radiation from every smart meter in a 5 Km diameter around your house. Why take the risk when they can be wired?
I know this because months after smart meters were being installed BC Hydro finally decided to test them and did so all summer at Pitt lake and I talked to the people doing the testing and at 2.5 Km they were still getting a signal so that 2.5 Km is a conservative estimate and another time I was there and they were testing meters with more lines of code, when I asked what that was for they said use your imagination. I would suggest if you are an advocate or other such s--t disturber you check to see whether you have the same model smart meter as everyone else.

According to the ultra-rights expert on everything corporate Tom Fletcher, anyone who would dare be safe than sorry are all as usual deniers, ignorant, superstitious and angry, tinfoil hat bozos. As usual there is no evidence in his rant just the usual corporate propaganda that we are supposed to swallow without a whimper. 
I guess Health Canada and many of the other countries that have chosen to go with wired smart meters such as Switzerland are part of the tinfoil hat bozos as they also have questions especially about children, but to the likes of Fletcher and his corporate masters they are comfortable with a manageable amount of collateral damage from any of their new better ideas, whats a few children or sensitive people when there is $billions to be made, and in spite of Fletchers denial about claims of increased power usage, I sent away for my power usage for the last three years and my consumption has gone up in spite of the fact that I have replaced several appliances with power smart appliances, but that is just a fact and is of no interest to Tom Fletcher about any issue, facts and science don’t seem to be relevant to the Conservative mindset. 

It is funny that the Ultra-right equate freedom and democracy with being able to own a gun but they think it is fine that corporations have the god-given right to ram any old product down our throats no matter how dangerous or deadly they are, see tobacco, the new lights we were forced to buy, GMO foods, climate change, etc etc, apparently our freedom does not include the right to question or refuse anything the government or a corporation says is best for us.

I think if you asked most of the people that bother to read Tom Fletchers articles they would be of the opinion that it is Tom that wears the tinfoil hat about pretty well everything he writes about, his tired old debunked adherence to trickle down economics, the environment being subordinate to corporate profits, whatever is good for the oil industry is good for Canadians.

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