Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Time for a Reality Check

Why do people invest time and money and a lot of effort into going to school, university, trade school or any other institution of higher learning? 

In a capitalist economy it is to qualify for a better, higher paying job at the end of that costly effort to educate oneself of course, but it seems free trade has undermined that reality, it is all about getting the maximum profit for the banks and wall street and the one percent that own most of these mega projects. The world is their oyster and the consequence of that is that they do not want to pay Canadian wages or American wages to get our resources because there is much cheaper labour to be found in the world, labour market, so you go to university, trade school to get a decent living wage job that will allow you to live a comfortable life in Canada have good food, a home for you and your children, hopefully the money to send them to school to do the same when they get older doing what people have always done when trying to make a decent living in this world. Unfortunately thanks to free trade there is no job for you and therefore no incentive to put the time and money and effort to get a higher education, a trade or special skill. 

If free trade is not longer beneficial, that is if it ever was, then Canadians should opt out of this regressive system that puts Canadians at a huge disadvantage on the world labour market, our cost of living is much higher than much of the rest of the world and it takes much more to live than it does in China or Vietnam and as long as we have governments that allow corporations to bring in low wage foreign work gangs or offload jobs to third world countries to take advantage of slave wages and abysmal working conditions there will be no jobs or incentive for Canadians to spend the time, work, money to educate themselves and in the end find no decent paying jobs or reward for their trouble. 

Free Trade is a failed concept for any advanced first world country and should be unceremoniously be put out of its misery, time to put duties and other equalization costs on countries, products and services that use cheap slave, or child labor, non-existent labour laws or countries that destroy the environment, which is a very real cost too. 

Canada has ceased to be for the betterment of the Canadian people and our society and has become nothing more than a ravaged and exploitable resource territory for the corporations and their one percent masters.

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