Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Dumb Meters

Re: MR Times Jan 29/2013 Installers considered trespassers

Cheryl I wish you all the luck in your fight to refuse a product that you rightly feel is a hazard to you and your children's health and is being installed on your property against your wishes.

The sad part of this whole despicable exercise is that only months AFTER installing thousands of smart meters did BC Hydro think to test those very meters and the truth is that even if you win your gallant fight it will be a classic case of "winning the battle and losing the war" because according to those studies done at Pitt lake this last summer those meters emit non-ionizing radiation and it’s health effects are not really understood at this time, especially as pertains to children and those waves travel at least 2.5 Km and that is a minimum as that was the last time I talked to the researchers and it was still registering on their equipment. 

For those of you that personal security is an issue they were also testing new hi-teck meters capable of even more lines of code, what they would be used for I can only guess, but if you are an activist or person of interest you might want to check that you have the same smart meter as everyone else.

Unfortunately if you win the right not to have a meter, it is sadly a hollow victory, as you personally will not have a smart meter at your home but your home nonetheless will be at the centre of a minimum 5 Km diameter circle of thousands of Non-ionizing radiation emitting smart meters polluting your home with unwanted, possibly deadly radiation.

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