It has become absolutely clear why The Harper government of Canada needs the F-35 fighters which is more suited for ground attacks than defending Canada from foreign invaders, and with that a bunch of new prisons to put the dissidents in.
The Harper government is at war, unfortunately for the citizens of Canada a once proud, free, sovereign, democratic progressive, first world country that was without a doubt one of the best and most peaceful, beautiful, desirable places in the world to live is at war with it’s rulers.
All that was Canada is now changing as Harper declares war on the very sovereignty of Canada itself, the trashing of democracy and the mockery and marginalizing of the legal system, electoral system and abuse of the political traditions of Canada. Canadians see the rapid dismantling every day of guaranteed rights and freedoms such as rights of privacy, native rights, provincial rights, woman's rights, etc etc the Harper government has declared total war on the environment and the natural world putting Canada at war with science, and scientific knowledge, in effect literally trying to reverse the rest of the worlds effort to reduce man’s toxic footprint on our home earth. Harper has even declared war on peace turning his back on Canada’s traditional role as peacekeepers into one of aggression and gunboat diplomacy, he wants to be a war Prime Minister but is nothing more than a regressive tin pot dictator.
Canada used to be one of the most well respected countries in the world, now it doesn’t even rate a seat at the UN anymore, we aren’t even wanted at the table for anything to do with the environment, global warming, or any other issue that has to do with environmental progress or human rights for that matter.
Nov 2 Harper declares war on Canada’s future our very sovereignty, democracy,
with future governments not even being able to implement laws to improve, change or more to the point to return to more sane environmental protection laws without the constant danger of Canada being sued for multi-billions of dollars, and amazingly enough this is all being done behind closed doors with a Communist dictatorship and a Canadian dictator with no debate with our elected MPs. Harper is turning control of Canada over to a Communist dictatorship that he ranted and railed against just a couple years ago as human rights abusers and worse, now he wants to get right into bed with them.
In Australia smarter more rational leaders have said no to these nation busting all inclusive trade agreements.
Any legitimacy this government ever had is gone and the Governor General should have disolved this government with the outrage that was C-38 but it is obvious if Canadians expect any help from that outdated joke we will be waiting a long time.
Harpers ominous prediction comes ever closer and November 2/2012 will likely see those words realized YOU WILL NOT RECOGNIZE CANADA WHEN I AM FINISHED WITH IT.
Canadians need to shut this country down until the government is disolved or an election is called and the Canada China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act (FIPA) is a part of the Conservative election platform.
P.S. But that's the whole point of corporatism: to try and remove the public from making decisions over their own fate, to limit the public arena, to control opinion, to make sure that the fundamental decisions that determine how the world is going to be run —which include production, commerce, distribution, thought, social policy, foreign policy, everything—are not in the hands of the public, but rather in the hands of highly concentrated private power. In effect, tyranny unaccountable to the public.— Professor Noam Chomsky