Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Michael Sather

Michael Sather has more smarts and more university degrees and integrity than the whole Lieberal caucus put together, if we had a couple dozen more like Mr. Sather we would not be in half the mess this government has imposed on the people of BC, all the way from BC Rail to HST to BC Hydro and NERC, EPIC, etc. etc. and other secret sweetheart back-room deals we don’t even know about yet, never mind the multi-millions of tax dollars squandered on privatizing and trashing our public health care system or the so called failed NEW ERA, and all the other failed ideological disasters this gaggle of incompetents has spawned. 

Christy Clark maybe you could tell us just one issue Randy Hawes or Mark Dalton have been on the right side off or behind, my god the man found out about the HST 2 days before the voters of BC did and he was totally all right with that fact and has generally been nothing more than an empty suit polishing a chair with his mostly useless butt in Victoria for nothing more than a big wage and an even better golden parachute. 
Maple Ridge and the voters of BC need proper effective advocates not some pompous twit imposing his masters ultra right-wing agenda on his constituents. 
An MLAs job is to be the spokesperson or advocate for the people that elected him not just another mouthpiece for the head of the party. These two remind me of the show “Being There” where Chance the Gardener, a moron is given a position of power, neither of these people have been involved or informed about most of the legislation from HST to NERC or EPIC and are quite comfortable with the fact that they are nothing more than talking heads regurgitating the sacred words and polices of the dictator and when things go wrong coming out with comments such as “ Yes that was handled badly or It is just to political to talk about", on the other hand Mr. Sather also an MLA has literally been ostracized and been forced to do all his own research and dig and find out about all these secret sweetheart deals by his own means, Mr. Hawes and Dalton are in fact a personification of the failure of this whole government and all the problems it has produced. 

I think all the Lieberals should have to take a compulsory course in Democracy 101 to learn at least the basics of democracy such as running an election on a particular platform, or getting a mandate for projects you believe in, I don’t know about you but I don’t ever remember voting on privatizing BC Rail, HST, bankrupting BC Hydro, NERC, EPIC, and privatizing the liquor, as a matter of fact I wrote Christy Clark in April of 2011 about privatizing liquor and in Shirley Bonds answering letter there was absolutely no mention of privatizing Liquor, one of the days they might want to pay close attention in Democracy 101 would be when they learn about MANDATES and why you need people like Mr. Sather in a democracy that are not just YES men, but then again how can you run a good dictatorship when you have MLAs  actually doing their jobs. 

The people of BC deserve better and we should only be so lucky to have a government made up of people of Mr. Sathers intelligence, intellect, integrity and courage. 

Once again Mr. Hawes has it all ass backwards a vote for the Lieberals is a vote for Conservatives and more of the same.

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