I confess at the time I had little clue about what he was talking about but it was clear there was something going on at BC Hydro that was not good nor common knowledge.
It is finally becoming clear what was behind Mr. Vanderzalms rant, it appears NO does not mean NO to Gordon Campbell, when he tried to privatize BC Hydro and the voters of BC resoundingly said NO WAY he was forced to go in another direction, or plan B which could turn out an even better outcome for him and his rich friends, why not just bankrupt BC Hydro and they could get the whole thing for pennies on the dollar, apparently BC Hydro now owes more than $40 billion dollars and has no way to pay it back.
Campbell and the Liberals have not only given away BC sovereignty over power, meaning the whole of BC Hydro is now under the control of (NERC) North American Electricity Reliability Corporation a shadowy private American Corporation and it’s Canadian leg (EPIC) Energy Policy Institute of Canada, this is another better idea from the brain trust of George W. Bush and his Sith lord Dick Cheney, you know the morons who gave us Iraq, and almost singlehandedly brought the world to financial ruin.
Even if our next elections see the end of these corrupt quislings the Lieberals. this undemocratic, un-capitalistic, private energy monopoly has been done in such a way as possibly nobody can even reverse the fraud even if they wanted to.
NERC is quite simply the total take-over of the North American energy package, electricity, gas, oil by a few private shadowy individuals and literally annihilates free and fair trade in these commodities and creates a virtual private monopoly of energy all the way from Canada, America and including Mexico.
Sad to say but when history is written Campbell will not be remembered for BC Rail, the HST and all the other scams and corruptions he orchestrated, but undoubtedly the treachery of what he did to BC Hydro and the yet unknown consequences of that deception that will be the most reviled and lasting of his treacheries.
W. C. Bennet must be rolling in his grave when he sees what has been done to his greatest gift to the citizens of BC, a legacy that should have given BC a huge economic advantage for hundreds of years at least, and is now just a huge drain on the people of BC.
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