Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Friday, 26 October 2012

Reality Check

Re: MR Times Oct 23/2012 Free enterprise alive in Iceland

Mr. Banov I reread my letter and sure enough nowhere in it did I criticize Free Enterprise, although you are quite right about the Prime Minister Geir Haarde after being charged with 6 separate charges was convicted on one count of negligence and will more than likely not do the two years in Club Fed the charge comes with, but what do you expect, the first thing these sleaze bags do upon being elected is produce legislation giving themselves a free get out of jail card just in case they get caught in their malfeasance. At the very least Icelanders tried and that was the whole point, public officials should not be able to put themselves above the law and just because Geir Haarde will not be going to jail does not mean he should not be doing time for his gross negligence that literally destroyed his countries economy, and financially ruined many Icelandic families and lives. 

Mr. Banov you are obviously one of the few people quite content that Certain individuals or Corporations can play fast and loose with the life savings, pensions, and families homes, and literally steal billions of dollars and are quite simply above and beyond the reach of the law, because it is just business nothing personal. Even Adam Smith would say, after all a free market is not representative of a system where the working class pays for the mistakes of the ruling class, but instead one where the mistakes you make while participating in commerce are the ones you have to live with..

I on the other hand think the crooks and con men that masquerade as politicians and corporate CEOs should pay dearly for their crimes and breaches of trust, but what do I know being a perpetual anti-Capitalist and all ( I  guess that moniker would have to make me a communist LOL). I would bet that if Adam Smith were to see what passes for free enterprise capitalism over the last decade or two he would roll over in his grave. 

Jail or not I would bet that the next political leader or bank CEO who thinks to pull something like this will certainly think about it long and hard, especially if their free get out of jail cards are revoked. 

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