This government has absolutely no mandate to implement such an important long reaching agreement with China, a Communist dictatorship along with the jobs that go with it is to just rub salt into the wounds.
The way this travesty is set up it will take all Canadian control away from the tar sands and every aspect of the actual recovery all the way to getting it to China, for instance if the people of BC say absolutely no to the pipeline or supertankers or any other aspect of the whole process China can sue Canada to force Canada to accept any amount of bad environmental policy it sees fit, and the fact that the Conservatives have seen fit to get rid of and fuzzifying any and all environmental regulation makes winning any court battles with the Chinese over environmental issues that arise out of this sham deal a faint hope at best.
This situation is entirely unacceptable, the Conservative government that represents 16 percent of Canadians at best considering the robocalls court challenge will literally take jurisdiction of oil resources out of the hands of Canadian politicians for at least the next 8 Canadian governments.
This treason is literally the end of Canada as we know it and the fruition of Steven Harpers twisted dream,
Quote “ You will not recognize Canada when I am through with it ”
if the Canadian people do not stand together right now Canada will take it’s place as a resource poor third world banana republic only instead of Bananas, oil will be the country’s downfall instead of the blessing it could have been, if it had of been rationally or properly managed using not just the short sighted and flawed monetary considerations.
This untenable resource and Canadian sovereignty deal is without a doubt an election issue and democracy demands that a mandate be obtained from the Canadian people for such a pivotal move.
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