Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Reasonable response

Re: The News August 28/2012 Don’t get offended, just think about helping 

N. Schroder great insightful reasonable human response to an age old profession as well as moral dilemma. I read your letter and other letters and opinions in the paper and can only feel sad at the mostly uncaring selfish hateful and venomous denigrations directed at the unfortunate of this world, only this week I have read letters with hateful derogatory terms such as “ filthy prostitute” “human rubbish, human derritus” Cretins” levelled at the poor unfortunates that make up BCs poor and homeless. 
This denigrated disadvantaged group is undoubtedly almost totally blameless as to their desperate circumstances, I seriously doubt that any one wakes up one morning and says I think being a homeless person or a prostitute will be my chosen career choice. These people are homeless or turn to prostitution mostly because off circumstances beyond their control, and once in that position it is very difficult to escape from without a lot of help, try dressing for a job interview when you are living in the street, unable to wash or shave for maybe weeks and with no mailing address.

I find this unbridled hatred disturbing, with the culprits not trying to understand the underlying problem and not seeming to care why this is happening to these human beings, I don’t hear these people blaming the powers that be and particularly the politicians that have allowed, yes almost purposely caused this situation to grow and fester, in other words the anger is being vented on the wrong people the homeless are the victims here not the villains. 
Just in the last few months a young couple I am aware of had a baby and the husband lost his job the couple fortunately were able to move into her fathers home or they would be on the street, these are not the bad guys. 

In a country as wealthy as Canada this is not only totally immoral but criminal. 

Lastly to the individuals throwing around these hateful slurs, you might want to check out some old Adolph Hitler speeches and you will find he used the same hateful inflammatory rhetoric to justify his monstrous treatment of the Jews.

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