It appears like the Conservatives are going to try the same tactic in Canada, we are to be bombarded relentlessly with lies and Conservative propaganda for the next three years. I just heard an advertisement that the Conservatives tell Canadians that the NDP platform is to impose carbon taxes and lot’s more tax’s on Canadians, which is a barefaced lie, the NDP have proposed a cap and trade system which was actually campaigned on by Harper in 2008, but no carbon tax.
I find this most disingenuous coming from a Conservative seeing that I am not a corporation I have seen my taxes and user fees double go up thousands with the Conservatives in power (HST, MSP, passport fees, a vast array of new taxes etc etc) they even tried to make me pay tax on a transit pass that I received from BC Transit when I took my medical severance, they even tried to backdate the tax grab 3 years but the courts did not let them get away with it.
I find it cynical that the Conservatives claim to know what the NDP platform will be but they don’t seem to have or at least won’t tell the Canadian public what their platform is for the next election, I don’t know about you but I don’t remember the Conservatives telling anyone about C-30 or CISPA the Cyber intelligence sharing and protection act which means the end of Canadian privacy which is a grotesque intrusion into Canadians lives and will turn your cell phone into “electronic prisoners bracelet" or how about C-38 and the radical trashing of environmental regulations or about putting democracy on hold or all-inclusive Omnibus bills or turning Canada’s sovereignty over to a brutal Communist dictatorship exposing Canada to multi billion dollar fines if we do not let China do as they please for 3 plus decades, or making decades long agreements with one of the most corrupt governments in the world India, and all this with no debate no scrutiny, all done in secret dark rooms with other dictators. The one thing I do remember is Steven Harper promising abortion would not be an issue that would be revisited under his administration, so much for Conservative promises.
I intend to complain to the CRTC about this obvious false advertising wherever I see or hear it, and if this is the tone for the next three years Canadians will be either totally brainwashed or totally disgusted by this American stye sleaze electioneering, unfortunately this negative tactic works on a certain segment of the population.
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