Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Port Mann Fiasco

Who  would have thought in 1964 when I helped build the most expensive piece of highway in Canada at the time, the Port Mann bridge that it would be torn down in my lifetime 45 years later, especially considering the fact that it was only 2006 that the bridge was totally refurbished and another lane added. The reality is that this is what this government stands for ideological dogma, short term thinking and quite literally no planning ahead, all the way from the NEW ERA in the hospitals and health care to the tearing down of a newly refurbished, upgraded bridge 45 years into it’s life, it’s a sad fact that the taxpayers of BC will be paying for the old Port Mann bridge upgrades decades after it has been torn down. Is this financial expertise, is this good Conservative money management or is this just another example of reckless short term incompetence with no planning to speak of at all, is this how responsible governments should conduct themselves. 

No wonder there is no money for social programs with the multi-millions this government has squandered on pretty much everything they have touched, the Golden Ears Bridge will be lucky if it lasts 30 years as it was pulling apart within months of being built and the new 3.3 billion dollar Port Mann bridge appears to be doing not much better and apparently has an expected life span of 35 years. 
When you consider BCs other bridges this is inexcusable folly, the Lions gate bridge is 76 years old and counting the Patella bridge is 75 years old and the Iron workers bridge is 52 years old and counting, Golden gate bridge 75 years and counting, this government is all about show, flash and propaganda, pretty well everything this government touched will be gone long before it is paid for. 

I am sure when the citizens of BC finally see the uncooked books in other words the real financial disaster that is the BC Liberals legacy, they will be shocked and forced to put to rest once and for all the myth of Conservative (BC Liberal) financial competence, the fact is outside the bubble these clowns would be hard pressed to run a popcorn stand.

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