Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Friday, 22 June 2012


I remember vividly back when I was a young man my family visited friends that lived just off the Barnet Rd, we went down to Burrard inlet just around the corner from Port Moody and it looked normal enough on the surface but I was told to pick up a stone off the beach and was amazed to find the whole underside of the rock was covered with oil, I was told that was a result of an oil spill in the area 20 years before in the late 1930s, I don’t know how big or little the oil spill was as I have tried to find records of the spill and could not, I guess in those days things like that were not even reported. 

The Saskatchewan Minister of the Environment Nancy Heapner has stated that just one litre of oil can pollute up to one million litres of water, 
can you imagine what catastrophic environmental damage 230,000 litres of oil spilled by Enbridge on June 20th can do to the fresh water supply of any area. 

Enbridge alone is responsible for over 800 oil spills, hardly a day goes by that there is not a spill of one kind or other, is this really the legacy that the people of Canada want to leave their children and grand children. 

The much touted jobs the pipeline will bring will for the most part be done by offshore work gangs brought in for substandard wages thanks to bill C-38 and that money will be spent in some other country and the real job potential of this project, the actual refining jobs or adding the value if you will, will be done once again by foreign workers to this precious Canadian un-renewable resource.

The sad legacy the Canadian people will undoubtedly be stuck with will be untold devastation to our land, waterways and all the rest of our economy that provides the vast majority of Canadians with their daily bread and butter, fishing, lumber, mining, tourism etc. etc.. 

All this just to make a few foreign Billionaires into Trillionaires.

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