Just keeps getting stranger and stranger, Mr. Kamp claims that if Mr. Lawrence MacAulay wants to change environmental policy he stop writting letters and instead should partner with Harper and the rest of the clones and just do what Da Fuhrer dictates. This could even be amusing if the Canadian people had not just witnessed the undemocratic farce they call the debate over C-38 where even the Conservatives that questioned the bill voted 100 percent for the bill and likewise against a single one of the hundreds of amendments proposed by the opposition.
Harper and cohorts do not listen to scientists, parties with special knowledge such as ex-fisherys ministers, thousands of Canadians protesting all over this country including the scientists unprecedented march in the "Death of Evidence" protest yesterday, threatening and slandering environmental experts and other environmental groups and activists even going to the extent of labelling them radicals and terrorists.
Mr. Kamp claims that the so called budget received a significant amount of scrutiny and debate, excuse me don’t both those words mean critical observation, compromise and revision based on that observation. I have to wonder if in that month Mr. Kamp also had time to scrutinize and debate the 70 other laws that this all in one corporate wish list affects. Isn’t it a little like putting the cart before the horse to launch consultations to receive
feedback on your new, old approach to fisheries protection, I can only imagine who you are consulting with Mr. Kamp, Enbridge, Cermag group and of course how can you have a good consolation without KinderMorgan.
“The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity” Quote Tennessee Williams
It is no surprise to me that Cons do not respect scientific facts as many of them believe the world is 6000 years old and Jesus rode around on dinosaurs, so much for science.
Just as John Diefenbaker destroyed Canada’s Avro Arrow the most advanced fighter aircraft in the world at the time and by doing so set the Canadian aerospace industry back decades, Harper is doing the same thing to all of Canadian science at a time when we should be putting even more money into scientific research and development, to be the first to find the scientific break throughs of the future that hold the promise to bring Canada and the rest of the world out of this financial downward spiral.
Harper has shown the Canadian people what happens when you put the Fox in charge of the henhouse.
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