Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Dark Ages

The Conservative quest to remake Canada in their own image, bill C-38 legislation reminds me of the bible story of Abrahams futile search for one righteous person among the Sodomites, in the contemporary version the Canadian people valiantly failed at trying to find 13 righteous Conservative MPs to help defeat this latest regressive, draconian legislation, but sadly duplicating Abraham's experience we couldn’t even find one good or righteous RepubliCon
I for one am not surprised as they are without a doubt the worst group of Federal MPs Canadians have ever had the misfortune to not represent them. 
Mr. Kamp claims the sky is not falling the Cons have everything under control. The sad reality is the evidence shows that this government and groups like Enbridge are not only not on the same page as far as the environment is concerned, but are hardly in the same universe, I guess Mr. Kamp never got the memo. 

I feel safer already knowing MPs like Mr. Kamp are all that’s between the environment and big oil. 

Steven Harper Rules with an iron fist and there is not a one of them with the courage to stand up to him.   

Canada is now a dictatorship in every sense of the word with Da Fuhrer Harper firmly in charge of the destiny of Canada, it’s people and the environment. 
Unless something exceptional happens such as the courts declaring the government illegitimate or the Governor General finally doing his job and dissolving parliment, or we can manage to get a general strike across Canada to turf these Neanderthals, Canadians have 3 more years of Harpers drive to turn Canada into a sad ravaged clone of George W. Bushes America, copying every one of Bushes failed, disastrous policys.

I predict that most of Canadian provinces will be NDP by the next Federal election as Canadians try to balance an ultra-rightwing Federal dictatorship with centre left Provincial governments ( with the obvious exception of Alberta of course). 

I also predict that in the next Federal election the Reform-Alliance RepublicCons will suffer the same fate as the people of Sodom and be totally wiped out by an angry, vengeful, rejuvenated, empowered electorate, and Reform-Alliance  will slither back into the wilderness whence they came, with their big fat pensions, never to be heard from again. 

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