RE: Changes focus on protection June 14/2012
It is clear why Mr. Kamp is fine with C-38 and any other legislation Mr. Harper tells him to like, he quite literally sees what he wants to see. No where in my letter did I say more government is better, what I did say is the governments position of less is more is nothing but spin for the politically challenged.
The dictionary definition of budget is “An estimate of income and expenditures for a set period of time” it seems a lot of smarter people than I claim that there are 70 changes to everything from environmental laws, fish habitat, public safety issues, and Canadian employment standards to name a few.
Maybe Mr. Kamp could explain to me how shutting down environment Canada’s oil spill response staff in BC while at the same time Enbridge plans to move 225 super tankers through 240 Km of the 4th most dangerous waterway in the world, Kinder Morgan also plans to use much larger super tankers at 5 times the present volume almost 1 a day right into beautiful Vancouver harbour and Burrard inlet.
You don’t have to be a member of Mensa to see that this is irrational, stupid, and extremely dangerous for not only the environment of BC and Canada but the whole economy and well being of BC, and the obvious consequences of this one issue alone is obviously going to cost more not less no matter how you spin it.
It seems to me that a budget should ultimately be about income and expenditures and according to smarter people than me there is very little of that in this sham legislation, I guess we are just expected to have faith that Steven Harper will all of a sudden become a benevolent Dictator once they pass their ominous legislation.
Sadly seeing the obvious direction the Harper government of Canada has been moving lately with the demonizing and threatening of charities and good Canadian scientists like David Suzuki and anyone else that challenges that direction, even going so far as calling them terrorists.
Mr. Harper's vision of Canada so far looks to be nothing less than the modern version of the Dark Ages for Canadians and their Democracy, the environment and of course the economy as Canada is on the cutting edge of becoming resource poor, where having natural resources becomes a curse instead of a blessing .
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