Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Dumb Meters

Re: MR Times Jan 29/2013 Installers considered trespassers

Cheryl I wish you all the luck in your fight to refuse a product that you rightly feel is a hazard to you and your children's health and is being installed on your property against your wishes.

The sad part of this whole despicable exercise is that only months AFTER installing thousands of smart meters did BC Hydro think to test those very meters and the truth is that even if you win your gallant fight it will be a classic case of "winning the battle and losing the war" because according to those studies done at Pitt lake this last summer those meters emit non-ionizing radiation and it’s health effects are not really understood at this time, especially as pertains to children and those waves travel at least 2.5 Km and that is a minimum as that was the last time I talked to the researchers and it was still registering on their equipment. 

For those of you that personal security is an issue they were also testing new hi-teck meters capable of even more lines of code, what they would be used for I can only guess, but if you are an activist or person of interest you might want to check that you have the same smart meter as everyone else.

Unfortunately if you win the right not to have a meter, it is sadly a hollow victory, as you personally will not have a smart meter at your home but your home nonetheless will be at the centre of a minimum 5 Km diameter circle of thousands of Non-ionizing radiation emitting smart meters polluting your home with unwanted, possibly deadly radiation.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Re: The NEWS January 23/2013 Smart meter denier’s last stand

I think most people reading this would agree that spinach is good for you in spite of the fact that you might not like the taste, well it is good for you but the fact is if you eat enough of it it could kill you as it is loaded with arsenic and can build up in your system and poison you, how much you can take depends on a lot of things your age, weight, individual health problems, you know all the different factors that make every one of us different. 
We are already bombarded with radio-frequency radiation and smart meters emit non-ionizing radiation and it’s health effects are less well understood and every meter transmits for at least 2.5 Km so you are getting the combined radiation from every smart meter in a 5 Km diameter around your house. Why take the risk when they can be wired?
I know this because months after smart meters were being installed BC Hydro finally decided to test them and did so all summer at Pitt lake and I talked to the people doing the testing and at 2.5 Km they were still getting a signal so that 2.5 Km is a conservative estimate and another time I was there and they were testing meters with more lines of code, when I asked what that was for they said use your imagination. I would suggest if you are an advocate or other such s--t disturber you check to see whether you have the same model smart meter as everyone else.

According to the ultra-rights expert on everything corporate Tom Fletcher, anyone who would dare be safe than sorry are all as usual deniers, ignorant, superstitious and angry, tinfoil hat bozos. As usual there is no evidence in his rant just the usual corporate propaganda that we are supposed to swallow without a whimper. 
I guess Health Canada and many of the other countries that have chosen to go with wired smart meters such as Switzerland are part of the tinfoil hat bozos as they also have questions especially about children, but to the likes of Fletcher and his corporate masters they are comfortable with a manageable amount of collateral damage from any of their new better ideas, whats a few children or sensitive people when there is $billions to be made, and in spite of Fletchers denial about claims of increased power usage, I sent away for my power usage for the last three years and my consumption has gone up in spite of the fact that I have replaced several appliances with power smart appliances, but that is just a fact and is of no interest to Tom Fletcher about any issue, facts and science don’t seem to be relevant to the Conservative mindset. 

It is funny that the Ultra-right equate freedom and democracy with being able to own a gun but they think it is fine that corporations have the god-given right to ram any old product down our throats no matter how dangerous or deadly they are, see tobacco, the new lights we were forced to buy, GMO foods, climate change, etc etc, apparently our freedom does not include the right to question or refuse anything the government or a corporation says is best for us.

I think if you asked most of the people that bother to read Tom Fletchers articles they would be of the opinion that it is Tom that wears the tinfoil hat about pretty well everything he writes about, his tired old debunked adherence to trickle down economics, the environment being subordinate to corporate profits, whatever is good for the oil industry is good for Canadians.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Money Trap

Canadians had better wake up to the fact that you will always be outspent by the Kock brothers, Monsanto and any other rich corporate entities that definitely do not have your best interests at heart. For instance in California they just had a referendum on food labelling laws proposition 37 and just one month before the referendum 61 percent were in favour of the legislation but after a $44 million advertising blitz which Monsanto alone pumped $7 million into, support fell to 47 percent and was defeated. 
Tell me how can it be a bad thing to know what you are or aren’t putting into you and your children's body’s, or how about the HST referendum where 91 percent were against the HST and after the government and corporations relentlessly saturated the advertising venues the percentage went down to 54.73 percent, in fact if the vote had of taken place a month later it probably would have been defeated.  Good old fashioned brainwashing, it works, it worked for Hitler and it works for anyone that can afford to play that game, if people see the same thing over and over at some point their mind says if it is said that much it must be true. 

“Propaganda is as powerful as heroin; it surreptitiously dissolves all capacity to think.” ― Gil Courtemanche 

“If you make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it". Adolf Hitler 

Even the American election where Karl Rove and his one percenters pumped billions into the Republican campaign, just one donor anted up $400 million, how can ordinary people compete with that kind of obsession, we have to learn to ignore the BS and stop voting against our best interests, in spite of the propaganda, you might say that it didn’t work for the Republicans but it did guarantee another 4 years of Republican gridlock, so in a way they did get something for their billions, in fact the big money boys got everyone of the seats they pumped billions into except the Presidency.

Steven Harper and Christy Clark also know it works and are spending millions of your tax dollars and the big money off the oil lobby in Alberta on convincing you to vote against your best interests once again, let’s show them Canadians can not be bought.

Time for a Reality Check

Why do people invest time and money and a lot of effort into going to school, university, trade school or any other institution of higher learning? 

In a capitalist economy it is to qualify for a better, higher paying job at the end of that costly effort to educate oneself of course, but it seems free trade has undermined that reality, it is all about getting the maximum profit for the banks and wall street and the one percent that own most of these mega projects. The world is their oyster and the consequence of that is that they do not want to pay Canadian wages or American wages to get our resources because there is much cheaper labour to be found in the world, labour market, so you go to university, trade school to get a decent living wage job that will allow you to live a comfortable life in Canada have good food, a home for you and your children, hopefully the money to send them to school to do the same when they get older doing what people have always done when trying to make a decent living in this world. Unfortunately thanks to free trade there is no job for you and therefore no incentive to put the time and money and effort to get a higher education, a trade or special skill. 

If free trade is not longer beneficial, that is if it ever was, then Canadians should opt out of this regressive system that puts Canadians at a huge disadvantage on the world labour market, our cost of living is much higher than much of the rest of the world and it takes much more to live than it does in China or Vietnam and as long as we have governments that allow corporations to bring in low wage foreign work gangs or offload jobs to third world countries to take advantage of slave wages and abysmal working conditions there will be no jobs or incentive for Canadians to spend the time, work, money to educate themselves and in the end find no decent paying jobs or reward for their trouble. 

Free Trade is a failed concept for any advanced first world country and should be unceremoniously be put out of its misery, time to put duties and other equalization costs on countries, products and services that use cheap slave, or child labor, non-existent labour laws or countries that destroy the environment, which is a very real cost too. 

Canada has ceased to be for the betterment of the Canadian people and our society and has become nothing more than a ravaged and exploitable resource territory for the corporations and their one percent masters.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Can't decide which one is worse

We have Conservative MPs like Randy Kamp who slavishly parrot the Dear Leaders talking points and just do as he is told without even knowing or caring what they mean, or that they actually break Canada’s laws or the Charter of rights and freedoms or the serious consequences of his actions and then you have Conservative MPs who do understand the negative consequences of their actions and talk, even rant on about them and then go not only against the Canadian publics wishes but votes against his own conscience. 

I don’t know which is worse the ignorant doppelganger or the enlightened traitor. 

I have said it before does the Dear Leader have videos of all the Conservative MPs having carnal knowledge of a sheep or what, how can a man recognize the evil he is about to vote for and then still vote against not only his constituents and better judgement but his own conscience, obviously neither have a conscience or any integrity either. 

Neither one deserve the privilege, honour and responsibility that has been bestowed on them by the Canadian people and they are an affront to democracy.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Brave New World

Another one of those moments that you do not know whether to laugh or cry, the Conservative's claim they have created 800,000 new jobs. 

First I think Canadians have to determine what constitutes a JOB, because in my mind there are jobs and there is meaningful employment, two totally different animals. 

One example would be the 1100 new jobs the Conservatives created at one of Canada’s former premium Canadian employers Air Canada, how about this 20 to 32 hours a week at $10.80 an hour works our to $216 a week for 20 hours and $345 for a 32 hour week or at most $16,560 a year, is this one of the JOBS that the Conservatives are so proud of. You don’t suppose included in those statistics are the tens of thousands of foreign national chinese workers that have been brought into Canada for substandard wages to do Canadian jobs do you, YA right.

Harper is taking Canada on a wild race to the bottom and his glorious vision of Canada appears to look a lot like a poor, dirty, polluted, corrupt third world country.

So the next time you see a homeless person don’t just assume that they are just lazy layabouts, quite possibly they are in fact products of Harpers 800,000 new jobs that the workers have to decide whether they want a roof over their heads or they want to eat, brave new world, but not much in it for the 99 percent.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Atrocities in our own back yard

I read the letters and web and it seems quite clear the native population does not have a lot of fans, it is claimed Idle no more are not being realistic, I admit that after hundreds of years of accumulated injustices any attempt to rectify the situation is bound to look a might convoluted, the popular myth says they are lazy parasites living off the hard work of all the rest of us upstanding citizens and they want to steal my house. 

Many Canadians just can’t fathom why after hundreds of years of genocide, residential schools, racial discrimination, Herculean attempts by the Canadian government to wipe out their languages and culture, customs, stamp acts, potlatch laws, theft and destruction of their lands and children and no serious attempts to live up to or sign treaties with the original Stewart's of this country. Why can’t they just be happy with what we give them? 

Well let’s look at that, we have taken away most of their land and in doing so their customs and way of life and given them nothing but a bag of beads if you will,  the first nations people are by far the poorest demographic in Canada with the average reserve wage of less than $12,000 dollars a year and due to the 2% cap on core services that has been in place since 1996 it only gets worse every year, not to mention all the other horrible statistics that comes out of the reserves, see suicide rates for one. 

If this situation is to change I am afraid the first nations will have to go outside of Canada for any justice as the Canadian government and yes many Canadian people are as far as first nations go extremely racially prejudice, maybe you think that is to strong a statement to make because after all it wasn’t you who did all those horrible things to the natives, that was those guys back hundreds of years ago wasn’t it? 

I have news for you in 2002 in BC which is hardly ancient history, Gordon Campbell held a first Nation referendum that was was little more than an immoral, racist mockery of democracy that was a blatant attempt to take away ceded native rights or more simply to break another treaty and 80% of the people that voted, voted to extinguish those native rights, and don’t think that Robert Pickton got away with killing 33-49 mostly native girls because he was a mastermind serial killer, no he got away with it because they were just First Nation girls, people that have been systematically dehumanized to the point that they do not even count anymore, tell me you really believe Pickton would have got away with this slaughter if the girls had been white. The latest update to this is that in a resent poll most people in BC would vote for the Federal Conservatives so it would appear that the voters of BC are quite comfortable with the Harper dictatorship and the direction it is headed.

No I don’t see justice being served with this sad Canadian reality, First nations will have to go over our heads to the UN, International criminal court and Amnesty International and generate serious international pressure, to change this entrenched racist behaviour and the sad plight of our First Nation people.

They will need the support of all Canadians of good heart to bring this ongoing tragedy to an end.