Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Tuesday, 30 October 2012


It has become absolutely clear why The Harper government of Canada needs the F-35 fighters which is more suited for ground attacks than defending Canada from foreign invaders, and with that a bunch of new prisons to put the dissidents in.  

The Harper government is at war, unfortunately for the citizens of Canada a once proud, free, sovereign, democratic progressive, first world country that was without a doubt one of the best and most peaceful, beautiful, desirable places in the world to live is at war with it’s rulers.

All that was Canada is now changing as Harper declares war on the very sovereignty of Canada itself, the trashing of democracy and the mockery and marginalizing of the legal system, electoral system and abuse of the political traditions of Canada. Canadians see the rapid dismantling every day of guaranteed rights and freedoms such as rights of privacy, native rights, provincial rights, woman's rights, etc etc the Harper government has declared total war on the environment and the natural world putting Canada at war with science, and scientific knowledge, in effect literally trying to reverse the rest of the worlds effort to reduce man’s toxic footprint on our home earth. Harper has even declared war on peace turning his back on Canada’s traditional role as peacekeepers into one of aggression and gunboat diplomacy, he wants to be a war Prime Minister but is nothing more than a regressive tin pot dictator. 

Canada used to be one of the most well respected countries in the world, now it doesn’t even rate a seat at the UN anymore, we aren’t even wanted at the table for anything to do with the environment, global warming, or any other issue that has to do with environmental progress or human rights for that matter.

Nov 2 Harper declares war on Canada’s future our very sovereignty, democracy,
with future governments not even being able to implement laws to improve, change or more to the point to return to more sane environmental protection laws without the constant danger of Canada being sued for multi-billions of dollars, and amazingly enough this is all being done behind closed doors with a Communist dictatorship and a Canadian dictator with no debate with our elected MPs. Harper is turning control of Canada over to a Communist dictatorship that he ranted and railed against just a couple years ago as human rights abusers and worse, now he wants to get right into bed with them. 

In Australia smarter more rational leaders have said no to these nation busting all inclusive trade agreements.

Any legitimacy this government ever had is gone and the Governor General should have disolved this government with the outrage that was C-38 but it is obvious if Canadians expect any help from that outdated joke we will be waiting a long time. 

Harpers ominous prediction comes ever closer and November 2/2012 will likely see those words realized YOU WILL NOT RECOGNIZE CANADA WHEN I AM FINISHED WITH IT.

Canadians need to shut this country down until the government is disolved or an election is called and the Canada China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act (FIPA) is a part of the Conservative election platform.

P.S. But that's the whole point of corporatism: to try and remove the public from making decisions over their own fate, to limit the public arena, to control opinion, to make sure that the fundamental decisions that determine how the world is going to be run —which include production, commerce, distribution, thought, social policy, foreign policy, everything—are not in the hands of the public, but rather in the hands of highly concentrated private power. In effect, tyranny unaccountable to the public.— Professor Noam Chomsky

Friday, 26 October 2012

Reality Check

Re: MR Times Oct 23/2012 Free enterprise alive in Iceland

Mr. Banov I reread my letter and sure enough nowhere in it did I criticize Free Enterprise, although you are quite right about the Prime Minister Geir Haarde after being charged with 6 separate charges was convicted on one count of negligence and will more than likely not do the two years in Club Fed the charge comes with, but what do you expect, the first thing these sleaze bags do upon being elected is produce legislation giving themselves a free get out of jail card just in case they get caught in their malfeasance. At the very least Icelanders tried and that was the whole point, public officials should not be able to put themselves above the law and just because Geir Haarde will not be going to jail does not mean he should not be doing time for his gross negligence that literally destroyed his countries economy, and financially ruined many Icelandic families and lives. 

Mr. Banov you are obviously one of the few people quite content that Certain individuals or Corporations can play fast and loose with the life savings, pensions, and families homes, and literally steal billions of dollars and are quite simply above and beyond the reach of the law, because it is just business nothing personal. Even Adam Smith would say, after all a free market is not representative of a system where the working class pays for the mistakes of the ruling class, but instead one where the mistakes you make while participating in commerce are the ones you have to live with..

I on the other hand think the crooks and con men that masquerade as politicians and corporate CEOs should pay dearly for their crimes and breaches of trust, but what do I know being a perpetual anti-Capitalist and all ( I  guess that moniker would have to make me a communist LOL). I would bet that if Adam Smith were to see what passes for free enterprise capitalism over the last decade or two he would roll over in his grave. 

Jail or not I would bet that the next political leader or bank CEO who thinks to pull something like this will certainly think about it long and hard, especially if their free get out of jail cards are revoked. 

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

NO Mandate

The selling off of Canada’s non-renewable oil resources for the next 3 decades is so typical for this Conservative dictatorship. 
This government has absolutely no mandate to implement  such an important long reaching agreement with China, a Communist dictatorship along with the jobs that go with it is to just rub salt into the wounds. 

The way this travesty is set up it will take all Canadian control away from the tar sands and every aspect of the actual recovery all the way to getting it to China, for instance if the people of BC say absolutely no to the pipeline or supertankers or any other aspect of the whole process China can sue Canada to force Canada to accept any amount of bad environmental policy it sees fit, and the fact that the Conservatives have seen fit to get rid of and fuzzifying any and all environmental regulation makes winning any court battles with the Chinese over environmental issues that arise out of this sham deal a faint hope at best. 

This situation is entirely unacceptable, the Conservative government that represents 16 percent of Canadians at best considering the robocalls court challenge will literally take jurisdiction of oil resources out of the hands of Canadian politicians for at least the next 8 Canadian governments.

This treason is literally the end of Canada as we know it and the fruition of Steven Harpers twisted dream, 
Quote “ You will not recognize Canada when I am through with it ” 
if the Canadian people do not stand together right now Canada will take it’s place as a resource poor third world banana republic only instead of Bananas, oil will be the country’s downfall instead of the blessing it could have been, if it had of been rationally or properly managed using not just the short sighted and flawed monetary considerations.

This untenable resource and Canadian sovereignty deal is without a doubt an election issue and democracy demands that a mandate be obtained from the Canadian people for such a pivotal move.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Homelessness National Disgrace

The human chaos that we see, read and anguish about every day or in other words the homelessness crisis that plagues our streets and minds in one way or another, one week its about closing washrooms to the homeless for whatever reason the next week it’s outrage about homeless people peeing or defecating in the street or performing other such functions that would normally be done in a bathroom in public. Under the present circumstances there is no happy ending for any of us because homeless or not people require certain facilities to satisfy basic body functions, to keep clean, to be out of the elements, to have food in our stomachs, the basics of life at the very least.

The people of BC and maybe Canada have to decide whether the status quo is acceptable or not acceptable for Canadians to be living in the street for whatever reason, sure there probably are some of the homeless who would be there no matter what and there are undoubtedly some who should be in jail but they are a small minority, no one should be living in the wet freezing cold because they were born with a physical or mental handicap, no Canadian should be forced to survive the elements because they are unemployed or even underemployed, no woman or juvenile should be forced to live without shelter because she will be abused at home. 

Canadians should feel shame and feel uncomfortable to see how the homeless live amongst us, I would bet if you saw the same thing in another country you would be disgusted and feel empathy for the poor and destitute of another country.

BC started on this slippery slope to rampant homelessness in 1983 in what a rabid Conservative would call the “Golden Era” under the rabid anti-socialist Bill Bennett otherwise known as Mini-Wac, in 1983 under the banner RESTRAINT, Bennett slashed social services and closed down most of the facilities that took care of the mentally and physically handicapped while simultaneously holding a party for the world, EXPO 86. 

His Golden Era excesses finally generated a general strike in BC. 

The stage was set and we see the result of his anti-people polices every time we leave our homes and see the lost souls living amongst us, and yes it is disturbing, but the trick is to blame the right people not blame the victims. 
The solution to this major social problem is certainly not to ship the homeless back to Vancouver which was a bad policy decision made in an attempt to hide previous bad policy decisions, or just moving them to someone elses back yard is certainly not the answer to anyones problem, and certainly inciting hatred against an identifiable group is most certainly not legal nor the answer, like it or not this is BCs and even Canada’s problem not Vancouver's problem, it has to be seriously dealt with by every level of government and not just swept under the rug or glossed over for some undeserved cynical political photo op.

These people are after all Canadians and deserve at least a basic part of the Canadian dream, is a roof over your head out of the cold, rain, wind and food in your stomach to much to ask and how about some caring supervision, access to medical treatment and counselling is that to much to ask for, or expect in Canada one of the richest countries in the world, I don’t think so?

Wayne Clark
Maple Ridge

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

WHO do you TRUST

It is a dangerous world out there for you and your credit card, with people having the ability to scan your credit cards and passwords by not even touching you, and illegal card scanners placed on ATM machines gleaning all your personal credit information, never mind the hazards of giving your credit information over the phone or internet to some crook. 
You can protect yourself to one degree or another but still I have been seriously compromised once and caught a couple of mistaken charges on my card over the years but up until now if someone had of told me I couldn’t trust the government enough to give them my credit card information I would have said they were undeservedly paranoid, 

The other day I registered online at TReO for my decal for the new Port Mann bridge, gave a credit card number to pay any tolls I might rack up and thought that would be the end of that. Monday I got a phone call from a friend who had signed up on line also and his credit card company phoned him saying his credit card had been compromised by TReO and was told that 271 people that had registered by phone using their credit cards had their cards compromised and both the RCMP and the Transportation Privacy Commissioner are presently investigating.  Just to be safe I cancelled the credit card I had used to register, I then called TReO and was told that 271 people that had registered by phone had their credit cards compromised, the employee also claimed the security breach only involved one employee and that the RCMP were investigating, since then there have been 275 complaints from other people that signed up on line, I am not sure just what that means. 

I find this particularly disturbing that you can no longer even trust the government with your credit card information, possibly this is the end result of having a government that does not believe in government and is doing everything in it’s power to get rid of government employees, the BC Liberal privatize at any cost agenda.  

TRio is a private company doing government business whose employees no doubt make little better than minimum wages which without a doubt makes for a lot of disgruntled workers and obviously makes for poor performance similar to other privatized government functions such as hospital cleaning and other such dismal failures, 84 dead and counting.  

Time to get a government who actually believes in government and actually endeavors to make government agents and agencies both efficient and cost effective, and does not just screw up government functions so it can justify privatizing them.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Time to pay the piper

Re: All the letters The News Oct/10/2012

This is good, this is very good, this is exactly the conversation we should have had two decades ago when we started down the slippery slop to where we see ourselves today. 
The people of BC and maybe Canada have to decide whether the status quo is acceptable or not acceptable for Canadians to be living in the street for whatever reason, sure there probably are some of the homeless who would be there no matter what and there are undoubtedly some who should be in jail but they are a small minority, no one should be living in the wet freezing cold because they were born with a physical or mental handicap, no Canadian should be forced to survive the elements because they are unemployed or even underemployed, no woman or juvenile should be forced to live without shelter because she will be abused at home. 

Canadians should feel shame and feel uncomfortable to see how the homeless live amongst us, I would bet if you saw the same thing in another country you would be disgusted and feel empathy for the poor and destitute of another country.

BC started on this slippery slope to rampant homelessness in 1983 in what a rabid Conservative would call the “Golden Era” under the rabid anti-socialist Bill Bennett otherwise known as Mini-Wac, in 1983 under the banner RESTRAINT, Bennett slashed social services and closed down most of the facilities that took care of the mentally and physically handicapped while simultaneously holding a party for the world, 
EXPO 86. 
His Golden Era excesses finally generated a general strike in BC. 

The solution to this major social problem is certainly not to ship the homeless back to Vancouver which was a bad policy decision made in an attempt to hide previous bad policy decisions, or for that matter moving them to someone else's back yard, 
inciting hatred against an identifiable group is most certainly not legal nor the answer, like it or not this is BCs and even Canada’s problem not Vancouver's problem, it has to be seriously dealt with by every level of government and not just swept under the rug or glossed over for some undeserved cynical political photo op.

These people are after all Canadians and deserve at least a part of the Canadian dream, is a roof over your head out of the cold, rain and wind and food in your stomach to much to ask and how about some caring supervision, access to medical treatment and counselling is that to much to ask for, or expect in Canada one of the richest countries in the world,


Re: The News Oct.12/2012 Collecting tolls is a matter of trust

Mr. Turner it would seem your instincts are firing on all eight cylinders about trusting TReO. 
The other day I registered online at TReO for my decal for the new Port Mann bridge, gave a credit card number to pay any tolls I might rack up and thought that would be the end of that. Monday I got a phone call from a friend who had signed up on line also and his credit card company phoned him saying his credit card had been compromised by TReO and was told that 271 people that had registered by phone using their credit cards had their cards compromised and both the RCMP and the Transportation Privacy Commissioner are presently investigating.  Just to be safe I cancelled the credit card I had used to register, I then called TReO and was told that 271 people that had registered by phone had their credit cards compromised, the employee also claimed the security breach only involved one employee and that the RCMP were investigating, since then there have been 275 complaints from other people that signed up on line, I am not sure just what that means. 

I find this particularly disturbing that you can no longer even trust the government with your credit card information, possibly this is the end result of having a government that does not believe in government and is doing everything in it’s power to get rid of government employees, the BC Liberal privatize at any cost agenda.  TRio is a private company doing government business whose employees no doubt make little better than minimum wages which without a doubt makes for a lot of disgruntled workers and obviously makes for poor performance similar to other privatized government functions such as hospital cleaning etc. etc. 

Time to get a government who actually believes in government and actually endeavors to make government agents and agencies both efficient and cost effective, and does not just screw up government functions so it can justify privatizing them.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Human Compassion

Letters The NEWS Sept 26-28th

Here’s a thought D. Ferguson and Sandy MacDougall and anyone else wanting to get rid of this so called human detritus, why don’t we build large compounds hundreds of miles from civilization and enclose them with barbed wire and we could tattoo numbers on them so we can better keep track of them if they happen to escape. Granted this is nothing new and has been tried before by Hitler and Stalin but we could give the CARE CENTRES less ominous names than Gulags and Death camps because those names have such a negative context.

Seriously if you want to blame someone for this horrible situation do not blame Bob Goos or the Salvation Army Caring place or any other organization that is only trying to help an ever worsening human tragedy that we see or close our eyes too every day. 
There are many reasons for people being homeless forty percent of the homeless are either mentally or physically handicapped the unemployment rate is 7 percent so the real number is closer to 14 percent, about 20 percent are working but don’t make enough to eat and have a roof over their heads also, the average family is 3 weeks away from bankruptcy and if the worst happens the simple fact is that if you aren’t lucky enough to have a family or friends that you can live with until you can turn things around you end up on the street and but for the grace of god there go I. 

In the 1980s there was probably 600 homeless in greater Vancouver and most of them were in Vancouver, by the beginning of the 90s they were everywhere Kerrisdale, Burnaby, Coquitlam and yes Maple Ridge.

In the mid 1980s the BC government was shutting down mental and care homes all over BC, places such as Essondale and smaller facilities all over the province with the promise to open smaller less institution like facilities, a promise they never kept, so all over BC they would take people out of these care homes, take them to the bus depot give them $20 dollars and send them to Vancouver, where they ended up living in the streets or on my bus. I can tell many sad stories about these poor unfortunates who should have been under someones care other than a bus driver, needless to say I have seen many things I would rather not over the years.
A healthy soul can extend itself, put itself in the place of another persons experiences, from that comes wisdom and compassion.
If you want to blame someone for this untenable tragedy blame the governments who failed to live up to their promises of positive change and yes blame yourself for letting them get away with their lies, deceptions, and yes outright malfeasance. 

As always It is always about money, but a civilization is judged by how they take care of the sick the old in other words the helpless, less unfortunate of any population and so far we have certainly have not lived up to a very high standard.

Reasonable response

Re: The News August 28/2012 Don’t get offended, just think about helping 

N. Schroder great insightful reasonable human response to an age old profession as well as moral dilemma. I read your letter and other letters and opinions in the paper and can only feel sad at the mostly uncaring selfish hateful and venomous denigrations directed at the unfortunate of this world, only this week I have read letters with hateful derogatory terms such as “ filthy prostitute” “human rubbish, human derritus” Cretins” levelled at the poor unfortunates that make up BCs poor and homeless. 
This denigrated disadvantaged group is undoubtedly almost totally blameless as to their desperate circumstances, I seriously doubt that any one wakes up one morning and says I think being a homeless person or a prostitute will be my chosen career choice. These people are homeless or turn to prostitution mostly because off circumstances beyond their control, and once in that position it is very difficult to escape from without a lot of help, try dressing for a job interview when you are living in the street, unable to wash or shave for maybe weeks and with no mailing address.

I find this unbridled hatred disturbing, with the culprits not trying to understand the underlying problem and not seeming to care why this is happening to these human beings, I don’t hear these people blaming the powers that be and particularly the politicians that have allowed, yes almost purposely caused this situation to grow and fester, in other words the anger is being vented on the wrong people the homeless are the victims here not the villains. 
Just in the last few months a young couple I am aware of had a baby and the husband lost his job the couple fortunately were able to move into her fathers home or they would be on the street, these are not the bad guys. 

In a country as wealthy as Canada this is not only totally immoral but criminal. 

Lastly to the individuals throwing around these hateful slurs, you might want to check out some old Adolph Hitler speeches and you will find he used the same hateful inflammatory rhetoric to justify his monstrous treatment of the Jews.