Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Friday, 22 June 2012


I remember vividly back when I was a young man my family visited friends that lived just off the Barnet Rd, we went down to Burrard inlet just around the corner from Port Moody and it looked normal enough on the surface but I was told to pick up a stone off the beach and was amazed to find the whole underside of the rock was covered with oil, I was told that was a result of an oil spill in the area 20 years before in the late 1930s, I don’t know how big or little the oil spill was as I have tried to find records of the spill and could not, I guess in those days things like that were not even reported. 

The Saskatchewan Minister of the Environment Nancy Heapner has stated that just one litre of oil can pollute up to one million litres of water, 
can you imagine what catastrophic environmental damage 230,000 litres of oil spilled by Enbridge on June 20th can do to the fresh water supply of any area. 

Enbridge alone is responsible for over 800 oil spills, hardly a day goes by that there is not a spill of one kind or other, is this really the legacy that the people of Canada want to leave their children and grand children. 

The much touted jobs the pipeline will bring will for the most part be done by offshore work gangs brought in for substandard wages thanks to bill C-38 and that money will be spent in some other country and the real job potential of this project, the actual refining jobs or adding the value if you will, will be done once again by foreign workers to this precious Canadian un-renewable resource.

The sad legacy the Canadian people will undoubtedly be stuck with will be untold devastation to our land, waterways and all the rest of our economy that provides the vast majority of Canadians with their daily bread and butter, fishing, lumber, mining, tourism etc. etc.. 

All this just to make a few foreign Billionaires into Trillionaires.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Dark Ages

The Conservative quest to remake Canada in their own image, bill C-38 legislation reminds me of the bible story of Abrahams futile search for one righteous person among the Sodomites, in the contemporary version the Canadian people valiantly failed at trying to find 13 righteous Conservative MPs to help defeat this latest regressive, draconian legislation, but sadly duplicating Abraham's experience we couldn’t even find one good or righteous RepubliCon
I for one am not surprised as they are without a doubt the worst group of Federal MPs Canadians have ever had the misfortune to not represent them. 
Mr. Kamp claims the sky is not falling the Cons have everything under control. The sad reality is the evidence shows that this government and groups like Enbridge are not only not on the same page as far as the environment is concerned, but are hardly in the same universe, I guess Mr. Kamp never got the memo. 

I feel safer already knowing MPs like Mr. Kamp are all that’s between the environment and big oil. 

Steven Harper Rules with an iron fist and there is not a one of them with the courage to stand up to him.   

Canada is now a dictatorship in every sense of the word with Da Fuhrer Harper firmly in charge of the destiny of Canada, it’s people and the environment. 
Unless something exceptional happens such as the courts declaring the government illegitimate or the Governor General finally doing his job and dissolving parliment, or we can manage to get a general strike across Canada to turf these Neanderthals, Canadians have 3 more years of Harpers drive to turn Canada into a sad ravaged clone of George W. Bushes America, copying every one of Bushes failed, disastrous policys.

I predict that most of Canadian provinces will be NDP by the next Federal election as Canadians try to balance an ultra-rightwing Federal dictatorship with centre left Provincial governments ( with the obvious exception of Alberta of course). 

I also predict that in the next Federal election the Reform-Alliance RepublicCons will suffer the same fate as the people of Sodom and be totally wiped out by an angry, vengeful, rejuvenated, empowered electorate, and Reform-Alliance  will slither back into the wilderness whence they came, with their big fat pensions, never to be heard from again. 

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Just have Faith

RE: Changes focus on protection June 14/2012   

It is clear why Mr. Kamp is fine with C-38 and any other legislation Mr. Harper tells him to like, he quite literally sees what he wants to see. No where in my letter did I say more government is better, what I did say is the governments position of less is more is nothing but spin for the politically challenged.

The dictionary definition of budget is “An estimate of income and expenditures for a set period of time” it seems a lot of smarter people than I claim that there are 70 changes to everything from environmental laws, fish habitat, public safety issues, and Canadian employment standards to name a few. 

Maybe Mr. Kamp could explain to me how shutting down environment Canada’s oil spill response staff in BC while at the same time Enbridge plans to move 225 super tankers through 240 Km of the 4th most dangerous waterway in the world, Kinder Morgan also plans to use much larger super tankers at 5 times the present volume almost 1 a day right into beautiful Vancouver harbour and Burrard inlet. 
You don’t have to be a member of Mensa to see that this is irrational, stupid, and extremely dangerous for not only the environment of BC and Canada but the whole economy and well being of BC, and the obvious consequences of this one issue alone is obviously going to cost more not less no matter how you spin it. 

It seems to me that a budget should ultimately be about income and expenditures and according to smarter people than me there is very little of that in this sham legislation, I guess we are just expected to have faith that Steven Harper will all of a sudden become a benevolent Dictator once they pass their ominous legislation.

Sadly seeing the obvious direction the Harper government of Canada has been moving lately with the demonizing and threatening of charities and good Canadian scientists like David Suzuki and anyone else that challenges that direction, even going so far as calling them terrorists.

Mr. Harper's vision of Canada so far looks to be nothing less than the modern version of the Dark Ages for Canadians and their Democracy, the environment and of course the economy as Canada is on the cutting edge of becoming resource poor, where having natural resources becomes a curse instead of a blessing .

Saturday, 9 June 2012


If you think you can trust Corporations for your salvation, monetary or otherwise you better think again. Corporations when it comes down to it have no national identity except maybe as a nostalgic footnote of where they started, they are big money and money as we all know has no conscience, greed has no limit and compassion is not part of the equation and loyalty to any country is subject to the latter qualifications, no other mandate other than to make more money, just business, nothing personal. 

Take GM a company American as apple pie, the taxpayers of America feared losing this symbol of American greatness so much that they bailed it out to the tune of $80 billion dollars.

It might be interesting to see what the taxpayers of America got for their money, for one thing 7 out of 10 GM cars and trucks are built somewhere else now, or put another way 70 percent has been outsourced to mostly China, they now have 11 vehicle assembly plants 4 power train plants in China alone and the kicker is they are transferring a lot of research and development to China also. 
The reality is GM has transferred basically all of it’s state of the art technology to a communist dictatorship where there is no Democracy, no human rights, no civil rights, no workers rights, no unions, a country that workers have absolutely no control over wages, working conditions, hours of work, health and fringe benefits, holidays, we see the consequences of that in the news all the time (mass suicides)

This is the ultimate wet dream for Corporations and big money  a 1.3 billion person slave pool, it is nothing more than a licence to print money for the Corporations and a disaster for the working people of North America not to mention the few companies that do stay in North America and try to compete on an impossibly unbalanced playing field as long as we embrace so called free trade. 
Corporations will always gravitate  towards the countries with the lowest wages, least environmental laws and regulations, least taxes, in other words the lowest common denominator, the flavour of the decade happens to be China, the losers are you and me and Democracy. 

PS You might think this is just paranoia but it is hardly the first time America and the west have seen Big Corporations betray their countries best interests, there was for one the unholy alliance between Hitler and DuPont Chemical and interestingly GM who collaborated and built military vehicles for Hitler right up to and after America entered the war. 
DuPont gave Hitler 7 of the most important inventions of the 20th century including, nylon and leaded fuel which Hitler could not have fought a modern war without. The American government even tried to convict DuPont with treason, but they were too powerful and got away with their crimes in the end. 
Needless to say a lot of allied soldiers died because of these and other powerful quisling. 
DuPont once told his board of directors that ' Nationalism is fine as long as it doesn't get in the way of profits". They not only ran the german war production plants right up to 1944 but even tried to sue the American government for bombing those very plants.

 "A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime. . . .
"Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there."
-- William E. Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany, 1937. (1)
There is lots of information on the net about all these quislings just google DuPont Hitler 1942 and you will be amazed how little has changed except now it is China instead of Hitler.

P.S. Of special concern to Canadians is the fact that at the time of all this corporate treason Canada's soldiers were already fighting and dying in the war, so these corporations obviously had a hand in the death of many allied troops as well as civilians, sobering thought.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Trash Politics

Re: Leave private lives private MR Times June 7 2012

Mrs Baron it  is not about news at all it is just the latest chapter of big media and Conservative sleaze Republican style politics, just ask Stephane Dion, Michael Ignatieff or even David Suzuki and anyone else that is a danger to the Conservative Corporation lovefest. 

The name of the game is character assassination, demonization, libel, smear of any opposition to Da Fuhrer Harper, with Mr. Ignatieff they even went to the extreme of airing commercials with Photoshoped pictures of Mr. Ignatieff wearing a flak jacket in Iraq, anything goes for these degenerates so Canadians better get ready to read, see and hear all kinds of total BS and outright lies about Tom Mulcair, Bob Rae and anyone else that becomes a threat to Harper and company. 

The sad part is that this despicable tactic works with many people. 
The Liberals have actually had to set up a whole new fund to try to combat this leader demonizing tactic that the Conservatives have adopted from the American Republican party.

He who marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. 
He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

After the last election I cancelled my Province newspaper and Shaw cable because they printed and aired this undemocratic, malicious  trash. 
If the media is going to go along with this un-Canadian un-democratic garbage they should be made to pay the price for their collusion. 

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Thanks for caring

I would like to thank the people that came out to the C-38 Blackmark Budget protest in front of Conservative MP Randy Kamps office on Saturday and thanks for all the high signs and honking and support from passing cars. 
One thing I puzzle about was the car drivers that didn’t honk or even totally ignored the protesters, I have to wonder are they just ignorant about what this government is doing to them and their children  don’t they know or care that our environment is being put in jeopardy so carpetbagger corporations can make a fast buck by endangering and destroying our environment, don’t they realize they are putting your lives in danger by shutting down the busiest coast guard station in Canada, don’t they know or care that the Conservatives have figured out how to even ship the jobs off shore that are right here in this country, corporations building such projects as pipelines and bridges will now be able to bring offshore work crews for wages Canadian workers will not work for to do these jobs. 
Do these people that some at least must be parents think that it is okay that their children's only job choice will be minimum wages flipping hamburgers because now even these once good paying construction jobs will be done by yet more offshore workers. 

These are just a few of the hundreds of dangerous, destructive major changes to Canada’s working conditions, careers opportunities and environmental protection and public safety this destructive ominous excuse for a budget represents. 

Canadians better wake up and smell the coffee before it is to late for you and your children and Canada, if you can’t get out there and help bring this disaster of legislation to an end,
I won’t legitimize this legislation by calling it a budget because it is anything but a budget, at least support the people that care enough about this country and it’s people by showing a bit of appreciation, all it takes is a wave, a honk, hell this is important enough to get out there yourself before it is to late.