This is a record of my experiences with fibromyalgia and the treatments that worked for me and some of the hundreds of things that didn't work or the effect was immeasurable.
It is not meant to be a replacement for a proper diagnosis or being under a doctors care.
But as you will find out with Fibromyalgia you have to be your own advocate as there is not a lot out there for Fibromyalgia sufferers.
It is my experience and understanding that Fibromyalgia is a metabolic disorder, a gradual buildup of phosphoric acid in ones body due to an dysfunctional gene or inherited defect in phosphate metabolism. This phosphoric acid seems to prefer to be in the muscles, especially
ones that have been traumatized or injured at one time or another (whiplash etc.).
By the time I realized what the problem was, I had literally turned to stone. The sooner you treat this condition the more methods of treatment are effective in breaking this
material up and flushing it out of your body ( Massage, Physio, etc. ). As well as making it much cheaper to treat. In my case my flesh was too hard for any of these treatments to work on me.
I tried all kinds of treatments. But I was, at best, treating the symptoms. It affected nearly every part and function of my body.
I finally got in to see Dr. Chan Gunn who uses I.M.S or Inter Muscular Stimulation, which is a form of dry needling. I got dramatically better from the first treatment. It is tough medicine and hurts a lot, but I was in severe pain most of the time anyway.
Before Dr. Gunn, I spent 5 days a week in Massage, Chiropractic, Physio, etc. I tried things you have never heard of, but all they ever did was barely get me through the day. I was working on the symptoms, not the root of the problem. I have heard Fibromyalgia described as a full body migraine and think it to be a good description.
I had been seeing Dr. Gunn for 5 years by the time I started taking Guaifenesin (2400 mg. a day) and he had gotten most of the acid out of my muscles and consequently gotten rid of most of my pain, as well as my other symptoms, such as extreme fatigue, depression, asthma, allergies, Irritable bowel syndrome, reflux, Diarrhea, Myofasial pain syndrome, numbness and tingling in hands and feet, Neuralgia in my face, sleep disorder, etc.
My feet went up one full shoe size. My neck and lower back had a proper curve for the first time I could remember. But the acid was only relocating in places I would leave it alone, in surface deposits. It looks like fat, but it is extremely painful to pinch, unlike fat. And you can exercise 10 hours a day and it will just not go away.
You cannot absorb or excrete anything not in a soluble state, so you first have to find something to dissolve the phosphoric acid, which is in a crystal like state. I realized this because I had an X-ray for kidney stones, and it was just a blur or whiteout because I had all this acid suspended in my body tissue. Because it was in a solid state, I could not flush it from my body.
It was at this point that I found a book on fibromyalgia. It is called Fibromyalgia & Myofasial Pain Syndrome by Devin Starlanyl, M.D., and Mary Ellen Copeland, M.S., M.A.
It is me. I have 95% of the symptoms in the book. I have read lots of books and material on Fibromyalgia, but they were not quite me. It seems this condition manifests itself in a multitude of different ways in different people. In reality there are dozens of names for this disorder Fibromyalgia, Myalgia, Neuropathy, soft tissue Rheumatism, Chronic Myofacial pain syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome just to name a few, take your pick.
I have found Guaifenesin has worked for me, it also has no known side affects. It dissolves phosphoric and uric acid, thus you are able to absorb and thus flush these acids from your body. I lost 23 pounds of this material in the first 6 weeks that I took this medicine. When I was passing this acid it burned every time I went to the bathroom. This material was mostly in the form of surface deposits. It takes much longer to get at the acid right in the muscle tissue.
You take the medicine, and at the same time, you do something to break up the deposits ( IMS, Massage, Physio, etc. I found 2400 mg worked best for me. You also have to drink lots of water to help the medicine work. One week a month I took vitamin B3 to bring the medicine to the skin surface. You should not take Aspirin or Salicylates as it neutralizes the medicines effect or drink cola's, as they are loaded with phosphoric acid. I have found that this process can overload the lymph system and I find that periodically, I have to have Manual Lymph Drainage done to stop flu like symptoms, that have led to sinus and lung infections and even pneumonia. PS I couldn't afford MLD last fall and never had a problem but this spring I couldn't afford MLD again and I have ended up with plugged sinuses sore throat and chest infection. For those people that live in Canada you will find that the only form you can get Guaifenesin, is in a syrup form (Robitussin plain) which is a cough syrup. This is not satisfactory for the purpose, as it has syrup, alcohol, etc. and you would have to drink bottles of the stuff every day to get the dosage you will likely need. The dosage will vary by the individual, depending on the severity of your condition and to the individuals tolerance to the detoxifying process. You can get your doctor to give you a prescription for Guaifenesin 600 mg tablets. You can order Guaifenesin on the internet in bulk or pills www.fludan.com or you can buy it in the USA, you can only get up to 3 months medicine at a time because of customs regulations. I read a supposed study on Guaifenesin and it claims it doesn't work, but this study was done the same way it seems all studies on similar products and vitamins are done, (none-patentable compounds) they use minimal amounts, in this particular study they used 600 mg. In the book it tells you to start small, say 300 mg twice a day and gradually raise the dose until it starts to work, in my case I increased the dosage 3 times till it worked. When I got to the proper dosage for me it burned every time I went to the bathroom and I lost 23 lbs of the substance in 6 weeks. The material I was passing was obviously some kind of acid. Most likely Phosphoric acid. I have been reading different studies done on vitamins and other none-patentable compounds and they all have one thing in common, they according to them don't work. I have to wonder just who pays for these studies and what is the real purpose. Could it be to discredit any compound that is not patented by some drug company. It is fairly obvious to me that drugs are generally compounds concentrated sometimes thousands of times to give you a given drug. Yet when they test vitamins or other unpatentable compounds they use minimal amounts that are unlikely to affect anything at all. All I know for sure is that Guaifenesin worked well for me.
P.S. I can't remember when it started but over the years I developed dark floating spots in my eyes, they got bigger and more numerous as I got older. I think I had about 10 spots of varying sizes when I started on the Guaifenesin, at this point in my life they have completely disappeared which makes me suspect they were Phosphoric acid deposits.
P.S. One aspect of my experience with Fibromyalgia that I have never read about in any of the literature about Fibromyalgia I have read was actually pretty cool, I could drink loads of alcohol and not get drunk, I could walk a straight line, I didn't slur my speech, my eyes didn't even get glassy, I never got sloppy, I never got hangovers, the only way you could tell I had been drinking was I tend to talk twice as fast as normal. Mind you if I drank overwhelming amounts of alcohol I could still get alcohol poisoning, as happened once after my divorce. My doctor told me it was because of a certain enzyme my body had an excess of, sadly this is one of the negatives in my transformation, I seem to get drunk just like other people since the B6-B12 therapy. Consequentially I don't drink all that much any more as I don't particularly like the experience of being drunk and like hangovers even less. There it is again that metabolic, enzyme, absorption connection.
I went to Dr.Gunn exclusively for about 6 years, and then I started back to massage because I was soft enough to get benefit from 2 hours of deep muscle massage a week. It hurts like Hell, but it certainly speeds my recovery. And just happens to be the only thing between me and a wheelchair at this time. I find Deep Muscle Massage is not only able to sustain me but even improve my condition slowly but surly, under normal circumstances at this point, that is unless someone rear ends my car or some other traumatizing experience.
One other treatment I use that has gotten great results, is hot and cold therapy. Before I started it, I took Luke warm showers. I couldn't tolerate hot or cold of any kind. My circulation was very bad. I started the therapy about 5 years ago, at the suggestion of my Massage therapist. All it involves is, turning the shower from hot to cold, every 30 seconds for 3 or 4 cycles. At this point, I can stand the water as hot or cold as it comes out of the shower. As a result, my circulation is dramatically better.
I used to go to ISTOP (Institute for Study and Treatment Of Pain, every 2 weeks, to once a month. This is a clinic Dr. Chan Gunn set up to teach I.M.S. to other doctors and physiotherapists. Doctors come from all over the world to learn this effective treatment for almost every muscle disorder. Muscle problems can cause countless other syndromes and symptoms that sometimes seem totally unrelated. When muscles are shortened, or sensitized, the nerves and veins, and capillaries become entrapped or constricted, as well as putting pressure on joints. All manner of weird pains, and unpleasant symptoms, become part of your daily existence. I do IMS on my own arms and legs, but can not do my back and neck. Unfortunately, I can't afford to go to IMS anymore, as I had to take a medical severance from my job, and the medical won't pay for my treatments. I have found swimming to be one exercise that I can do without hurting myself. Stretching is very good for me too, as well as biofeedback. Now I can even go for a walk. My feet used to hurt so much, I could barely walk a block.
The bad news is, Fibromyalgia is incurable at this time. Even if you get control of it, you can get flares, or reoccurrence of any, or all symptoms. I just went through one, as a result of being rear-ended in my car. And ICBC refuses to pay for IMS.
The good news is, that it can be controlled, and all the symptoms can literally disappear for months even years at a time. If you take care of yourself, even the flares get less and less intense. But remember, it is always there, even if you feel great. When I am feeling great and full of energy, is a time of the greatest risk, you feel like you can do anything, and you want to, but if you forget, and do something stupid, or stop doing the things that allow you to control it, Fibromyalgia will surly raise its ugly head and bite you in the ass.
One other product that has definitely helped at least three of my Fibromyalgia symptoms. One of the worst constant symptoms of Fibromyalgia is the inability to get any benefit out of your sleep time, whether that is 6 or 20 hours. At the best of times fibromites don't get to the fourth level of sleep, which is the level that you dream in. Up to that point in my life I can only remember dreaming about 6 times and they were nightmares. Most of the time I would wake up more tired than when I went to bed, if that is possible. 4 years ago I became aware of a product that was said to be very effective for Fibromyalgia, it is called Magnetico sleep pad. It produces 4 to 6 gauss of pure negative magnetic energy, which is what the earth was 4000 years ago. You don't want to use one of the products which gives both positive and negative energy as they only work over the short term. The earths magnetic fields are collapsing and are now less than 1/2 a gauss, the northern hemisphere is negative, the south positive. If the earth's magnetic fields continue to deteriorate at the present rates they will be completely gone in 70 years. I now dream at least every second night and sometimes more. I get a better quality of sleep. My wife has always dreamed, she now dreams 2 or 3 times a night. I tease her that she has a regular soap opera going on. I have also had allergies and asthma most of my life, up to the last 5 years I have always had 6 to 12 bad allergies, some have been constant others have changed over the years. They have been steadily over the last 10 years become less severe. I had allergy tests done about 1 year after I bought the magnetic mattress and was amazed, for the first time in my life I had only one slight allergy to dust mites. My asthma rarely bothers me, even when I spent all that time in physiotherapy. I was so impressed with the results of the mattress that I bought one for my granddaughter who suffered from allergies and sure enough her allergies disappeared. She visited me about a year later and was all stuffed up again, I expressed my disappointment that the mattress wasn't working anymore. She explained that she had not been sleeping on the mattress for the last 2 weeks because relatives had been visiting and they were sleeping in her bed. Except for these 3 symptoms it is hard to say specifically what else the mattress has effected, it is claimed that they give you more energy, heal you up to 4 times faster etc. I find it hard to gage what other affects the mattress had on me specifically as I do lot off different things for my condition and they all mostly overlap each other.
I don't believe there is one magic bullet for Fibromyalgia, but a lot of doing a few things right and trying not to do many things wrong.
Just one event, which will demonstrate the ignorance, torment and frustration, Fibromites deal with every day. After 2 1/2 years back to work, I suffered another flair. I went to Massage, which was paid for, I was also going to IMS, which I was paying for. I was also swimming, stretching, walking as well as doing IMS on my arms and legs. This alone was very draining on my limited energy reserves, but I was slowly but surly getting better. After 6 mths the insurance company didn't feel I was getting better fast enough, so they insisted I go to physiotherapy for work hardening. This for someone who at the best of times looks and feels like I have been pumping up for a bodybuilding contest. I need to relax my muscles not harden them. First they sent me to a Kinesioligist who put me through a series of tests. This experiment put me on crutches for 6 weeks and I limped for another 6 weeks. I had told them this was likely to happen, and my doctor told them that this was wrong for me. The insurance company told me that if I didn't do this program, I would be cut off from my benefits. So I went to physio and had kinesiology tests once a month, which always led to straining or tearing one muscle or another. It was one step forward, two steps back, the whole time. They tried to adapt the program for me, but because I always had to have the kinesiology test, or more simply, strength tests. I was wasting the money I was spending on IMS and massage, because all they were doing was repairing the damage I was doing the other 5 days a week, and up to 4 hours a day in physio.
In hindsight, I should have just stopped going to massage and IMS, and I would have been totally bedridden in a couple of weeks, and that would be the end of that torture. But that is not my nature. I complained to the insurance company that strength was not the issue here. That I could lift a big heavy table that was in the room, but I would pay for that deed the next day, or even up to 3 days later. I seldom know the moment when I have injured myself. I have always been heavily muscled, for the simple reason my muscles were always working, even when I was asleep. I never relaxed. I have always had to exercise to keep mobile. Everything from weightlifting, Tai Chi, stretching, etc. But the most effective was yoga and swimming. Work hardening was the last thing in this world Wayne needed. I told the insurance person, that if I were to throw my hands in the air, and say "okay fix me" they wouldn't have a clue what to do with me. I told her that the whole problem was that they didn't have a profile for treating Fibromyalgia, and they didn't know how to deal with it. She not only admitted that they didn't, but said they would soon have a profile. I said "you mean you are going to do what you are doing to me, to other people with Fibromyalgia". That was 1 1/2 years after I started the program, and I was worse than when I started. I quit the program; they cut off my benefits. I should have done that 1 1/2 years earlier, and I probably would have been good enough to go back to work by then. I put in a grievance, and won the battle, but I lost the war. Both the massage therapist and the physiotherapist, who did the IMS on me, wrote letters saying that I should not be doing physiotherapy or the kinesiology. They both stated that it was totally the worst thing I could be doing for my condition, but the insurance company knew better. Only when it was put to grievance, was it acknowledged to be the wrong treatment. I had wasted a year and a half of my time, and thousands of dollars of my own money, which came out of my RRSP's. I only had 2 months before I had to go back to work. When the time came, I was still in no way able to resume my job. I was forced to take a medical severance.
Because you cannot scientifically prove you have Fibromyalgia, much less prove that there is even such a condition, I cannot qualify for a disability pension, and struggle to survive on a much reduced company pension. The BC Government has made it even harder for people like me to survive, by cutting health care and Pharmacare.
If you have Fibromyalgia, or a similar disease that tends to confound everyone you have to deal with, about the nature and treatment of this condition, you are in for a rude awakening. I am lucky, in that I have a doctor who has supported me through this nightmare. Even so, you have to take control of your life, and not depend on others to do what's best for you, or simply supply what you need to get your life back. It's as simple as their interests are not necessarily your interests. As in my case, my doctor has, on several occasions, been ignored or simply overruled by the powers that be. The powers that be, either are ignorant of your problem, or they just don't give a damn.
UPDATE It occurred to me that there is only one treatment, Registered Therapeutic Massage Therapy and pain killers that has been paid for by the Medical plan that has actually been effective in treating my condition. I have paid for all the other treatments and drugs and vitamins that have worked to improve my condition out of my own pocket. Such as Inter Muscular Stimulation, Guaifenesin, and lately B6 Therapy. I doubt there is another disease or condition that the victims are so totally left on their own financially. Luckily for me I had the money to bring me to the state that massage could work for me, because if I was in the condition now that I was 12 years ago I would be in a wheelchair because I don't have the money to pay for those expensive not covered treatments at this time.
UPDATE I have been diagnosed with borderline carpal tunnel syndrome and diabetes and frequently have numbness, tingling, burning or pins and needles, pain, and spasms in my hand, thumb and fingers pain and spasms in wrist and forearm. My hands and arms frequently fall asleep, especially at night. My shoulders ache and suffer sharp pains. I have been reading a book about vitamin B6 therapy (Vitamin B6 Therapy by John M. Ellis MD and Jean Pamplin) that talks about soft tissue rheumatism and it seems almost indistinguishable from a lot of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. I have no problem with the fact that everyone seems to have different names for the same conditions. I am in the process of trying this therapy on my condition and will keep you updated on the results. I started taking 100 mg B6 shots every second day and take 300 mg orally the other days on Sept 25- 2002. I also inject 100 mg B12 once a month. After one week I noticed my energy levels increasing and are now on average, awake 2 to 2 1/2 hours a day more than usual. It is now more than 3 mths and I am up 3 or more hours a day than before the B6 injections, my depression is significantly improved in spite of the silly season, my muscles are more relaxed and when injured, recovery is faster and easier to achieve. According to my wife and massage therapist I don't shake as much as usual. I defiantly have noticed I have less muscle pain as well as less frequency. My use of pain killers has been reduced considerably, less than 1/2. I have decided to continue with this therapy for the time being.
Jan 23/2003 have stopped the B6 injections while I do 6 weeks of 2400 mg. of Guaifenesin a day, to flush any Phosphoric acid that has built up in my system over the last 4 mths, my weight is 210 lbs. I will stay on the Guaifenesin for as long as it burns when I go to the bathroom and then I will start the B6 injections again. By Jan 31 I have noticed my energy level decreasing somewhat, Feb 8 my energy levels have dropped one half of the previous gains so I started the B6 injections again. I must have some problem with absorbing or storing B6, because it should take only 60 to 90 days to bring my long term B6 levels up and it should take a lot longer for me to feel the effects of stopping the injections. May 20/03 I am up 4 to 6 hours a day more than usual and my energy levels are higher than they have been in 14 years.
UPDATE Sept. 24/2004 I have at this point gone to 100mg injections every 3 days with no noticeable loss of benefits, I am now up 8 to 10 hours a day more than when I started the vitamin B6 injections September 23/2002 and my energy levels have gone through the roof. I have just had the best summer I have had for at least 15 years. I have been swimming from 1 hour to 5 hours a day 5 and sometimes 6 days a week. Without a doubt I have done more in the last 2 months than I have done in the last ten years, swimming, sailing, canoeing, walking, I even tried something last week that I would never even dared attempt for at least the last 14 years, I spent 7 hours under my car putting a new exhaust system in, I was plenty sore but I never had one spasm and only a mild reaction. In fact all my symptoms have either vanished or diminished to the point that they are hardly noticeable, the last surviving symptom Irritable bowel syndrome disappeared when I went on the South Beach diet. I believe I really have my life back again, it has been a long expensive, painful struggle, but well worth it, now all I have to do is win a lottery so I can really enjoy my new found health and freedom.
It is not really surprising that B6 therapy would have such a profound affect on Fibromyalgia as it is a Metabolic disorder and is caused by a dysfunctional enzyme system, not being able to absorb, assimilate or store vitamin B6 orally. Enzymes trigger virtually every activity within our bodies. Without sufficient B6 (pyridoxal phosphate) present to activate them, important enzymes cannot function properly. Altogether ,118 enzymes in the human body depend on vitamin B6. Amino acids also need B6 to function. There are 20 amino acids in the human body, and 19 of them require B6.
COMMENT It has come to my attention that a woman who grew up 3 blocks from my childhood home has just been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. It makes me wonder if there is an environmental aspect to Fibromyalgia. I have been told that the area I was brought up in had higher than normal levels of lead in the water pipes right up to 17 years ago. Just a thought.
UPDATE FEB 23/2004 I am 209 lbs. and am going to go on the first diet I have ever been on in my life, it is called the South Beach diet, it was designed by a cardiologist Arthur Agatston M.D. for his heart patients. He noticed that the people he put on the diet lost weight. The thing that attracted me to the diet was it is a balanced diet it cuts out bad fats and bad carbs and relies on the glycemic rates of foods also, without cutting out any food group totally. It is very easy to live with and has no calorie counting or portion sizes, it is just a new way to eat, if I had to describe it I would say it is basically the way people ate 60 or 100 years ago, most importantly you cut out most processed food or high glycemic foods and saturated and trans fats. We have found it to be very user friendly as well as delicious. I lost 21 lbs. the first month and found my energy levels soaring, by 2 1/2 months I was down 44 lbs.. I walk faster, swim faster, go up the stairs faster, I can't remember when my energy levels have been better. I told my doctor a month ago I was ready to write off my irritable bowel syndrome as I haven't taken one of my stomach pills since I have been on this diet, I also haven't had reflux, heartburn, gas, or even had my esophagus seize up, which was all a regular event in my life up till now. It seems I have been hungry my whole life and would be up and in the fridge 20 minutes after a big supper all the way to bed time, that was a hard mental habit to break, but I have seldom felt hungry on this diet only on occasions when missing a couple meals which doesn't happen often. I am now on the 3 rd stage of the diet and have been 166 lbs for 7 weeks now, I feel so good about myself, I have a good start on a 6 pack stomach, I haven't been this weight since my 20s. I have a bit of lose skin to get rid of yet but I look and feel wonderful. I took 5000 mg of vitamin C a day to tighten my skin and used Witch Hazel on my neck to tighten my neck skin, the loose skin is mostly gone now. I am quite simply amazed how simple it was to do, as I have struggled a losing battle with my weight for the last 16 years in spite of exercising as much as I could manage. I don't believe the diet would have worked if I had tried it before I did the B6 therapy because my doctor actually did try a whole series of different diets nine years ago, such as, low fat, high fat, low carb, high carb, no dairy, and it literally didn't make any difference at all in my state of health, and that led to my eating even worse because it didn't seem to matter what I ate. The B6-B12 therapy radically diminished all my symptoms over 2 years and got my metabolic, enzyme, absorption dysfunctional problems in order first. The irritable bowel although reduced considerably was the last symptom to go after starting the South Beach diet.
Nov 16/2004 I have gained a couple pounds of muscle and have been 168 lbs for about 2 1/2 months now and I am swimming 80 minutes 3 days a week at the local pool and walk two to three Kilometers three or four days a week, my energy levels haven't been this good for at least 15 years.
11/07/05 I have been almost 2 years since I lost the weight and I have been fluctuating between 170 and 175lbs. my energy levels have been better than they have been for at least 17 years.
08/12/08 Last summer I had the best summer I have experienced in at least 15 years swimming 4 and five days a week hiking 8 km a couple times a week with my dog and then in Sept I had another rear ender and it started up a flare-up of my Fibromyalgia irritable bowel chronic fatigue as well as numbness and pain in my left foot and leg various other pain and discomfort in my left shoulder and other various areas in neck mid-back lower back due to a pinched nerve in my lower back I went to Therapeutic Massage, acupuncture and after 3 weeks started back swimming about 25 minutes a day I worked my way up to 55 minutes a day and got stuck there for a couple months I would struggle to get to 55 minutes and just burn out go home and collapse in exhaustion. It was January 08 and my massage therapist could see I was struggling and she said Wayne you have to try this new product Monavie I think it will help you a lot, Anita has never ever recommended a product to me before so I agreed to try it. I started Monavie on Jan 11/08 and 4 days later I went swimming and did 70 minutes, within a month I was back up to my 80 minutes three days a week, for the first 3 weeks I noticed a slight burning sensation just under my ribs and I wondered what was going on but when I got back to my 80 minutes I found that something had definitely changed about my health, 10 minutes of that 80 minutes is a flat out sprint and my lungs would burn by the time I had finished but I can do my sprint now and my lungs do not burn, it seems my lungs were healing and they have always been a weak part of my body for most of my life with bouts of pneumonia, allergies, frequent chest infections, I have used several inhalers 3 to be exact for years. In March I noticed another thing that was happening to my body besides the fact that the aches and pains from my whiplash were mostly gone but amazingly my thumb which I had caught in a grinder in machine shop in grade 11 and had ground away the nail bed in a large V and had been deformed ever since had grown out past the quick, I also noticed my index fingers were also growing out, they had also been deformed for as long as I can remember they were like washboards and were now growing out I immediately started taking pictures of all 3 fingers and they are all grown out and now look totally normal and healthy. I am obviously getting something from Monavie that I have been missing my whole life. Monavie has brought me to a whole new better level of health, it takes a lot more to injure myself and if I do I heal much faster, my energy levels have increased dramatically and I never seem to get sick I feel something coming on once in a while but it never seems to develop into anything, my body fights it off before I actually get sick. I had an incident back in August that tells you what other people have noticed about me, there is about 5 therapists where I go for Massage and I see and talk to them off and on, I talked to one of the therapists for a few minute and went for my massage and then went home, the therapist that I had talked to went up to my massage therapist and said to her I see Wayne has had some cosmetic surgery, my therapist laughed and said what makes you say that and he said well it's obvious he has had some work done, my therapist told him that I hadn't had any surgery at all but I had been on Monavie since January and he immediately ordered Monavie for himself. Monavie is the highest anti-oxidant highest anti-inflammatory and the most powerful anti-aging food known to man it promotes an alkaline Ph. Monavie is having third party double blind studies done on it and has already proved it can help many disorders. It is the nutritional equivalent of 13 servings of fruit and vegetables a day.
09/11/09 My hearing has been deteriorating for years until I could hardly hear on the phone especially women's voices I finally had to get hearing aids which I wore for four years then about 8 months ago I noticed my ears literally resembled cauliflower ears and I don't wrestle. My right ear had a hard round lump the size of a marble and the outside edges of both ears were deformed with white edges they looked pretty disgusting. One day it occurred to me that this buildup was probably the same material that I have had problems with before Phosphoric acid so I ordered some more Guaifenesin and started taking 2400 mg a day again, within 6 weeks most of the deforming buildup has disappeared and my hearing was getting better after 2 months I didn't even need my hearing aids anymore it has been almost 3 1/2 months now and I have only slight deposits left and I never wear my hearing aids anymore. I went to see my Dr. and he told me that the acid deposits deformed the ear canal and therefore deformed the sound, my ear canal is almost twice as big as before, the Phosphoric acid built up on both sides of the ear cartilage. The Guaifenesin dissolves the acid and it is flushed out of your body. My ears are almost normal now I have another 3 months of Guaifenesin and by that time I should have flushed any other deposits I might not be aware of. I suppose I will have to take this medicine off and on for the rest of my life.
04/07/10 It has been about 8 months since I started taking the Guaifenesin again to dissolve and flush the Phosphoric acid out of my system and my ears in particular, my hearing is better if not perfect for as long as I can remember. The buildup on my ears is barely noticeable now, will keep taking the medication for now but at some time in the future I might cut down the dosage just to a maintenance dose.
12/09/12 I have just started a therapy that I believe could be the last step in my long road back to good health, it called Neural Prolo Therapy. I just had my 5th treatment and am amazed at how affective it is, I have not had a massage treatment in going on 7 weeks, normally I do two one hour treatments a week and if I miss even one deep muscle massage treatment I usually have serious muscle pain problems, even when I go on holidays I have to get some massage to keep functioning properly.
I have been treating my deep muscles with IMS RMT and many other therapy systems but have not managed to get rid of my neuralgia and dermagraphia completely over the years. I will be adding to this segment over the next few weeks and months as I am able to verify the results of this so far amazing new therapy.
03/25/2013 This Neural Prolo Therapy is working wonders on my health I have gone 2 times going 2 weeks without a treatment and 1 time three weeks without a treatment with minimal consequences I have never been able to do this, this treatment is treating my skin and the heavy concentration of surface nerves, and has resulted in a whole new level of good health I can actually see the day coming that I will not need these treatments at all, or maybe every few months or couple times a year. This treatment is working on the last area of my body that my many other treatment didn't quite address, you can not give up your search in your quest to find that pain free you, the ability to live a life free of pain, able to do all the things you ever wanted to do. I have been ticking off things on my bucket list with this new freedom, I bought a Kayak and have been exploring all the rivers and lakes around our beautiful BC and also jumped out of a perfectly good airplane from 14,500 ft with a parachute, it was awesome. I do as much as I can without hurting myself and try to live my life to the fullest because I still remember how close to that wheelchair I was and there could come a day when that will be my fate, but until that day comes I will live my life to the fullest.
June 07/2013
I have been going to neural prolo therapy and continue to improve my pain continues to go further out into my extremities feet and hands now and is also becoming less and less painful.
I can actually see the day I will not need even weekly treatment or even monthly treatments I have just bought a medical appliance a Panasonic full body massage chair GP EPMA70CX and it is wonderful. I do a couple 15 minute massages a day it gives you a full body massage, stretching and at whatever intensity you desire from gentle to intense deep muscle massage.
I can see the day very soon were I will be able to go for prolo therapy maybe |
2 or three times a year and with daily massages that will be all I need. I can see the day in the very near future that the government will privatize health care, they have been working towards that goal for years now and I want to be ready for that inevitability as soon as possible.
Hard to believe but 7 months ago I was spending $9000.00 dollars a year on massage $1000.00 on HST alone and my massage chair will be paid for in 6 months and then it is free and clear.