Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Friday 18 November 2011

Tunnel Vision

Re: The news November the 16/2011

Mr. Banov you might have run for the Marijuana party but from what I see other than the one anomaly about Marijuana, that I actually agree with, you are otherwise without a doubt a big C Conservative. 

Maybe we could go over a couple of your beliefs and see if we can find a few holes in your reasoning. 

Your contention that somehow rightwing capitalism somehow ensures democracy is obviously just plain wrong. Democracy can be an integral part of most political systems other than dictatorships and other such closed systems.

First the government does set a rate for a persons labour it is called the minimum wage and in BC up till May 1/2011 it was $6.00-8.75 an hour for a persons  labour, but lets keep it real and work with the minimum wage as of Nov 1/2011 $9.50 an hour is what our government deems to be a fair wage for an hours labour now, lets see $9.50 x 40 hours $380.00 a week $380.00 x 52 = $19,760 a year for a person working full time. The poverty level for a couple and two children in BC is $35,471.00 so a person working full time will make just over 1/2 the poverty level for his labour and his family, you obviously see no problem with that. 

Well not to worry we will leave it up to the corporations to give workers a fair living wage, lets take a big multibillion dollar company like Nike for instance, they went to Taiwan to manufacture their $100.00 plus shoes and the workers received $2.50 a day for their labour thats fair isn’t it, Oh maybe not, as a few years later they moved their business lock stock and barrel to Vietnam where they could not only pay $1.00 a day for 14-16 hour days, not only that but they didn’t have to worry about those pesky labour unions as they are illegal in Vietnam. As of July 2011 Nike stated that 2/3 of it’s factories producing Converse products still do not meet even the companies standards for worker treatment. 
It has been reported that Michael Jordan was paid more to endorse Nike than all the people that made them.

How low can you go, I don’t think many Canadians could compete with that level of exploitation on any level, living on 99 cents a day could present a few problems such as starvation or exposure.

I find it interesting that the right only sees in absolutes there is only COMMUNISM OR ULTRA-RIGHT CAPITALISM  they don’t even consider the vast territory between those extremes.

It would seem that capitalism isn’t much more sustainable than that other ism, communism was, it is just taking a little longer to collapse under it’s own weight and unjust excesses.

Wayne Clark

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