Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Monday 21 November 2011

Democracy was never easy

I have been looking at the disturbing pictures and reading the reports about the suppression of the democratic occupy movement and I can assure you that we have seen nothing yet. 

The full power, control  and money has yet to be seen that the super rich 1 percent is undoubtedly prepared to unleash to maintain the status quo, which means keeping the worlds people powerless and enslaved in their miserly quest for the riches of avarice. 

Contrary to popular belief most of the really big money is inherited and that top one percent owns more than the other 99 percent combined, to the point that you are seeing increasing numbers of people moving down the economic ladder. A consumer society needs a large healthy middle class to keep the wheels of commerce moving.  How many cars can a super rich drive or buy, how many cokes  can he drink, it is that large middle class with disposable income that drives the economy, most super rich probably don't even own an American car.

The one percent masters of the universe have had a great con going for the last 30 years consolidating their power and wealth, and if anyone thinks that they will just give up all the power and money they have accumulated just because the 99 percent want a piece of the pie you are wrong, there will be plenty of blood spilled before this is over. 
We have witnessed the fact that  the chosen few certainly don’t mind spilling the 99 percents blood from Vietnam to all the way to Libya, as a matter of fact it is one of their main sources of income, as long as it isn’t them or their children.

General Eisenhower was right the military industrial complex will be the downfall of America, it will fall from within at the hands of the 1 percent. 

The government is controlled by and for these chosen few which means they control the media, military, the police, the courts, just about everybody, it will escalate and without a doubt get bloody before the end. 

The 99 percent will win in the end for the simple fact that the present system is not sustainable, never mind all the other injustices such as, simply not conducive to a just, democratic, egalitarian society. 

Wayne Clark 

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