Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Sunday 6 November 2011

Failed Ideology

What the Occupy movement is about is an awakening to the fact that we are now living in a pure unrestrained Capitalist system where the 99 percent of the people or labour has no power, lobby or input into the system. 

Big money the one percent has the money therefore the lobbyists and ultimately control over the politicians. The crucial missing ingredient that has made capitalism work as well as making the system sustainable, unions has been crushed so labour has literally no voice 
( 7 percent in America all the way from 36 percent), no lobby, no value. 

If you put a graph of the decline of unions and the decline of the middle class together you would see they match perfectly.

Worker productivity has increased 400 percent since 1950 and prior to the 1980s productivity gains and workers wages moved in tandem. 
Since the 80s the only wage increases workers have received came from working longer hours until Americans now work 137 hours more than Japanese workers 260 hours more than British workers and 499 more than the French.

One of the main reasons why the recession drags on is that the vast bulk of workers do not have the disposable income or purchasing power to drive our economy, I believe 70 percent of Americas economy is generated internally and I believe BCs is closer to 80 percent. Every person who wants to work should be able to have meaningful employment and to do that everyone should work less, and every job should pay at a minimum the poverty level.

If Capitalism can no longer put fair value on honest labour it has obviously outlived it’s usefulness. 

For you Canadians that believe that this issue has nothing to do with Canada, the reality is the income inequity gap is growing faster in Canada than in the U.S.A., and Canada had the forth biggest increase in the equity gap among it's peers. 

We have to put labour back in the equation, love them or hate them unions are a crucial component in making Capitalism palatable to the 99 percent, we need union worker representatives on all company and corporations boards of directors to address workers concerns and issues such as wages, hours of work, holidays, benefits, health benefits, sending jobs offshore, anything that affects workers and their families livelihood.

After all isn’t that is what a society is all about families, raising children providing a good nurturing environment, food a roof over their head, proper schooling right up to university, good health care and a pension and social safety net to take care of the old or sick, 
or is it just about how super rich we can possibly make a chosen few. 

The apologists talk about the rich being rich because they are smarter, take more risks, work harder are more inventive, but the reality is not near so noble, it is mostly because daddy was rich because he was a bootlegger or some other such lucrative enterprise, and their descendants either squander that inheritance or build on it, it has very little to do with being smarter or better than other people, it is about money and connections. 

I think the chances that someone would be rich are pretty good if he just happened to inherit $400,000,000 from his father.

American companies now pay more for lobbyist's than they do in taxes.

Money makes money.

Wayne Clark

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