Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Monday, 21 May 2012

Same agenda new face

Not only are the public and the environment under attack by the BC Liberals but small business has been added to the combatants list, it would seem BC will not only be taking it’s lead from Alberta on environmental policy but liquor distribution as well. 

Gordon Campbell's privatize at any cost is alive and well. 

It appears BC is trapped in our own version of “Back to the Future” and as in the movie there will be many obvious as well as unforeseen consequences, dangers and outright catastrophes for the people and economy of BC. 
The masters prime directive will be implemented because although the great leader has been deposed and exiled it appears he still has control over the BC lieberals as he knows were all the skeletons are buried, so it is highly unlikely that anyone in the BC Lieberal caucus could stand up to him, because he knows all their secrets.

It is clear that not only do the BC Lieberals not care what the public thinks or wants or needs you can also add small business to that sorry disfranchised group. 
The BC Lieberals are going full steam ahead with the privatization of the BC liquor distribution system in spit of the fact that it makes no sense on any level, and they have no mandate for such a measure, it will without a doubt cost more for the BC public to purchase liquor and even the businesses that depend on lIquor sales such as restaurants and pubs are fighting this senseless privatizing move that is bad news for everyone involved, the workers, the public and the businesses that depend on liquor products, never mind the $700 million dollars that will be going into a few well connected fat cat corporate pockets instead of the social programs and other government expenses that it usually goes to.

Is this another example of the new and improved Lieberals, what happened to doing what is best for BC and it’s families and now it’s also screw small businesses.

This is hardly rocket science, one just has to see what happened in Alberta when they did the very same thing, I was there a couple years ago and liquor was certainly no cheaper than BC.

The master is gone Mrs Clark, if you are serious about continuing to govern in BC maybe it’s time to show the people and small business that it’s not the same stupid game with just another pretty face.

This is an election issue, call an election, get a mandate.

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