Obviously politicians definition of lying is totally different than Joe and Mary Public, as the speaker of the house Andrew Scheer claims the Conservatives did not lie to the Canadian people or the opposition about F35 cost projections, but in my mind it makes no difference whether the Harper Government of Canada lied or not. In the end it makes no difference what you call their behaviour it is one or all of three things that makes them unfit to be in charge of Canada’s economy. First they outright barefaced lied to fool the Canadian people and the official opposition, two they are guilty of gross negligence, or three they are totally incompetent which belies the credentials of our so called economist Prime Minister as we are talking about a 70 percent discrepancy.
This kind of behaviour is all to common in Canadian politics, for instance take the last election in BC where Gordon Campbell ran a provincial election bragging about what great economic shape BC was in with an alleged $495 million deficit, four months later after claiming in writing that HST was not on the table and having won the election he brings in the HST, the reason being that BC actually had a deficit of $2.8 billion a whopping 465 percent increase.
It matters not other than from an ethics point whether Mr. Harper or Mr. Campbell Lied because if they did not lie then they are guilty of either gross negligence or total fiscal incompetence and neither are fit to hold such a position of such great responsibility and public trust.
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