Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Path to the dark side

When I was a young man I read a book called "The Devils Advocate by Taylor Caldwell",       it was a frightening glimpse into a possible future of America that saw America turned into a draconian left-wing dictatorship, the book has been eerily prophetic, the stories subplot is about how the American people and now respectively Canadians as well slowly trade their freedom, liberty and dignity for the promise of “personal security”,  but instead of a left-wing dictatorship as the book suggested the reality has turned out to be instead a ultra-rightwing Fascist dictatorship. 
As this book was written just years after the allies defeated Hitler a fascist monster I suppose it would at the time be incomprehensible to think that the jubilant victors would go down the same evil path.
In the book Canada has been literally absorbed by America and is a powerless resource territory for American exploitation but no one seemed to know when or how this tragic annexation took place. 
The same story as putting a frog in boiling water it will jump out, but if you put it in cool water and bring it to a boil slowly it will not jump out and will therefore die.

Well looking back now we can finally put a date to the slippery sloop to subjugation and loss of Canadian sovereignty started when Brian Mulroney and the Conservatives signed the the American free trade agreement on Jan 1/1994. 
Canada finally lost it’s sovereignty and  Canadian human and civil rights December 7/ 2011 when another Conservative government under Steven Harper fulfilled his life dream of turning Canada into just another American state by signing a new cross border trading agenda that will mean Canada providing the U.S.A. with personal information on millions of Canadians and become part of a North American security zone. 

The reality of this agenda means that Canadian's will have to live with Americas paranoid view of the world on security matter's which includes not only the Patriot act but the new draconian military authorization act which would see U.S. military operating anywhere in the world including Canada with the power to indefinitely  incarcerate Americans or Canadians without charges or trial. 
P.S. That will include the use of predator drones invading Canada's airspace to obliterate perceived American threats, think about the implications of that, the Americans have viewed more than one Canadian Prime Minister as communists Lester B. Pearson and Pierre Trudeau in fact the CIA murdered one of our ambassador that they believed was a Communist, should any country have such power over Canada, what ever happened to Canadian sovereignty, due process Canadian justice. 

The final nail has been driven into the still twitching corpse of American freedom, it's name is H.R. 347 or the Federal Restricted Buildings and grounds Improvement Act of 2011 which was passed by unanimous consent in the American Senate, it has been called the anti-occupy law but it's implications are far broader. 

America is now a true Fascist country. 

In conclusion Canada has literally sold it’s national security independence in exchange for hoped for minor changes to American border restrictions.
I can only imagine what other additional sellouts will come out of Harpers secret trade agreements.

If anyone is naive enough to believe any of these measures have anything to do with 
Al-Queda  you better give your head a shake, it is about the Occupy Movement and the 1 percents desperate bid to control the 99 percent.

Harper has not learned one thing from BC and Gordon Campbell and the ill fated HST, Harper  has no mandate from the Canadian voters for any of these disastrous Canada destroying actions, but he thinks he is in total control and there is nothing we can do to stop him

I would like to think he is wrong just like Mr. Campbell was.

Is this really the vision the citizens of Canada want for Canadians and their children's children, reminds me of another great deal, Manhattan island for a bag of beads.

Time for the silent majority to speak up and demand an election to get a proper mandate from the people, that is if he really believes this is what Canadians want.

Wayne Clark

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