Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Sunday 2 October 2011

The definition of Insanity

Never mind the millions spent fighting Insight the Vancouver harm reduction site, forget the 6000 mile white elephant fence to be built between Canada and the U.S., forget all the money to be spent building and maintaining 16 billion in new prisons to house our many drug users, recreational and otherwise. 

I have just seen pictures that prove beyond a doubt the absolute futility of our present drug policy. 

A raided Mexican drug lords mansion contained over $22 billion, yes thats BILLION dollars in boxes of cash scattered about the home, and enough gold plated assault weapons to wage a large war, there are reported to be at least 27 other fortresses just like it in Mexico alone, these people can afford to buy armies bigger than the government, buy politicians, judges, police departments whatever they need
One Mexican cartel reportedly has an incredible 250,000 soldiers.

To put this into prospective Canada could buy it's 65 F35 stealth fighter jets and a brand new Nimitz class aircraft carrier and still have change left over, how can you fight this kind of money. 

You have the same situation all over the world from Afghanistan, Columbia to name a couple, there is just to much money in drugs to control it, prohibition never worked with alcohol and it has obviously not worked with other drugs. 

I know the hardheads, knuckle draggers and religious fanatics as well as the gangs and other criminals that reap the rewards of this destructive business will never change but the rational citizens of north America have to wake up and stop this failed insane social engineering experiment. 

People have always used drugs and most do so with little or no harm, there will always be those that have addiction problems, and you can become addicted to almost anything it does not have to be a drug, and there should be education and human harm reduction treatment for those who suffer from any addiction, it is after all a health problem not a legal problem

We have to move to a rational, workable system to not only take the obscene profits out of drugs and put control and profit of the drug markets back in government hands where it belongs and can be regulated. 

Albert Einsteins definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Wayne Clark

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