Campbell broke many of his own laws such as running a deficit budget, not having a spring and fall session of the legislature racking up a record 253 days without our supposed democracy in session.
So now Christy Clark is going to even outdo her mentor Gordon Campbell in the subjugation of BCs democratic system and it’s citizens, so much for open and accountable government.
Canada traditionally has a parliamentary democracy and one of the supposed safeguards of that system is a Lieutenant Governor, I sincerely believe it would be in this provinces best interests for you the Honourable Steven L. Point to use your powers as Lieutenant Governor of BC to dissolve this sham of a government and call an election as soon as possible.
The reasons for this are many and all to obvious, we live in perilous times governments and countries rise and fall in less time than the next scheduled election in BC.
1 Christy Clark does not have a mandate to lead this government from the people of BC or it would seem from the members of the Liberal caucus.
2 Christy Clark and the Liberals do not have a mandate to complete Gordon Campbell's privatize at any cost agenda.
3 Christy Clark and the Liberals definitely do not have a mandate to carry on a dictatorship in BC as they have for the last decade, no more of the peoples business conducted in secret with unelected individuals with vested interests, our democracy from here on has to be conducted in the legislature in the full light of day with all duly elected parties present, with all the questions, ideas, compromise, and finally consensus or what Clark apparently sees as sick but the rest of us recognize as democracy.
Winston Churchill
BC can not afford to function one more day without it’s traditional democratic system intact and the practice of ostracizing members of their caucus or the opposition has to stop, not only is this practice disrespectful and undemocratic but it totally disenfranchises all the people that particular MLA represents, It is clear you like to have nothing but yes men around you, but debate=friction is a crucial component of any democracy.
The citizens of BC demand a proper election now and have a proper accounting to see how much trouble this province is really in without all the sleazy Enron style accounting practices they have been using to hide their mismanagement and incompetence.
We know Christy Clark does not like Victoria but until the capital is moved to Vancouver or Spuzzum that is where the government does it’s business and anyone unable to deal with that fact has no business running for provincial politics let alone Premier.
If the Lieutenant Governor can not do the job we all believe he has the power to do, then it is imperative that the people of BC find that fact out, we most desperately need an election and consequently a new effective government that works for the people of BC instead of the chosen few, and as importantly BC needs a workable recall system so that the voters of BC have a mechanism to make sure this travesty will never happen again.