Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Friday, 27 April 2012

False Flag

Cherryl I have to agree that Quote the electorate wants a government that 
is honest and fair “, but as usual fail to see the logic in your conclusions. You ramble on about class-warfare and back-room boys, lockstep discipline and meaningful debate as usual using ancient history to make your point. 
The reality is the BC Lieberals have ruled this province with no public debate or choice, such as running a whole election campaign, swearing HST was not on the agenda and within days of the election introducing the HST. 
Who do you think has been ruling BC other than back-room unelected fat cats, 253 consecutive days with no opposition or even BC Lieberals MLAs involved in the decision making process. 
At least there are individuals in the NDP party with enough integrity to stand up to their party which is more than I can say for the BC Lieberals who only now are deserting a sinking ship.

The truth is Cherryl that you and others like you don’t care about fair or honest at all or you would have been outraged by many issues from BC rail, HST to name a few, the only party you demand fair and honest from is the NDP and ancient history, as long as it is the right being dishonest it is alright, because according to you with your twisted cynical outlook on the world the center-left or NDP would be worse, so whatever the Lieberals do is fine.

Wayne Clark

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