Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Friday, 27 April 2012

False Flag

Cherryl I have to agree that Quote the electorate wants a government that 
is honest and fair “, but as usual fail to see the logic in your conclusions. You ramble on about class-warfare and back-room boys, lockstep discipline and meaningful debate as usual using ancient history to make your point. 
The reality is the BC Lieberals have ruled this province with no public debate or choice, such as running a whole election campaign, swearing HST was not on the agenda and within days of the election introducing the HST. 
Who do you think has been ruling BC other than back-room unelected fat cats, 253 consecutive days with no opposition or even BC Lieberals MLAs involved in the decision making process. 
At least there are individuals in the NDP party with enough integrity to stand up to their party which is more than I can say for the BC Lieberals who only now are deserting a sinking ship.

The truth is Cherryl that you and others like you don’t care about fair or honest at all or you would have been outraged by many issues from BC rail, HST to name a few, the only party you demand fair and honest from is the NDP and ancient history, as long as it is the right being dishonest it is alright, because according to you with your twisted cynical outlook on the world the center-left or NDP would be worse, so whatever the Lieberals do is fine.

Wayne Clark

Friday, 20 April 2012

Surprise Surprise

Is anyone surprised the NDP took the two bi-elections, the individuals who voted for Gordon Campbell and his band of jolly yes men continue to make excuses and support them no matter what they did to this province BC and it’s people. Instead of holding their so called Liberals feet to the fire to keep them honest, people like Tom Fletcher and Cherryl Katnich and many others constantly support and reward bad behaviour, malfeasance, and outright criminal behaviour such as BC Rail and yes outright stupidity with the cynical rational that all politicians are the same, the NDP would just be worse. 
Is it any wonder that our political system has deteriorated to this sorry level. 

If everybody just looked at right and wrong, good and bad, legal illegal, ethical unethical, rational un-rational and saw to it that their representatives were held accountable for their actions no matter what brand they ran under we wouldn’t be in this situation. 

I am a disenfranchised centerist who has been pushed to centre left and if I get my wish and we vote in an NDP government I can assure you I will not just stand back and let them run roughshod over me or my rights any more than I do the so called Liberals. 

No matter who is in power the voters have a civic duty to keep their government on the straight and narrow or you get things like we have seen in the last decade such as the totally unethical way the HST was brought in BC Rail Con and the subsequent coverup, selling off of Provincial assets for pennies on the dollar to fat cat friends, no more 253 days with the legislature not in session, can you believe it 253 days with no input from the opposition or for that matter most of BCLiberal MLAs and consequently of coarse the voters of BC,   no more sweetheart deals with unelected CEOs in dark secret rooms, deals that involve every person in this province for decades to come, some might even be irreversible or extremely costly to rectify.  

That is the difference between a left centrist, centrist, right centrist, what I like to call rational people we at least can give credit were credit is due, I have actually written letters congratulating Gordon Campbell for doing something right, BC Lieberals (Conservatives) on the other hand have fixed right-wing tunnel vision. Ya like medicare, pensions, and many other NDP ideas were bad things.

I would bet no matter how disgusted most Conservatives are, they will undoubtedly hold their noses and vote the same useless yes man they have always done and probably just like their dad did before them, not that they are bright enough to realize the Conservatives of today are not the Conservatives their dad voted for.

P.S. Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
John Stuart Mill

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Picture is worth a thousand words

Re: Great Canadian Political Discourse Cartoon MRTimes April 17/2012

Talk about a picture saying a thousand words, well that political cartoon literally says it all. 
Steven Harper has proved he has no problem using our lame duck justice system to thwart our democracy, at every turn, 5 years in court for the in and out scandal, and out of that it would seem according to Her Harper that the Conservatives didn’t lose they just agreed to disagree. This is a whole new concept for the legal system, if I don’t agree with the courts ruling we just agree to disagree and that’s the end of it.  

Are they really above the law?

Now it seems Canadians are quite content to helplessly watch yet another pathetic stalling tactic unfold on the ROBO calls election scandal, which in many Canadians minds puts at the very least the results of the last Federal election in serious question, let’s face it the last Federal election was in hindsight a sleazy sham at best and more probably a coup de’.tat at worst.  
Do the Conservatives once again get to put on the same dog and pony show for the next 5 years just putting off not only justice, but our whole supposed Democratic process and Democracy itself. 
Under a just legal system not only does justice have to be served in a swift and timely manner totally immune from government influence, but has to be seen as justice in the end, I see none of those qualities in this latest sleazy corruption of our once democratic Canada.

In the mean time how long can they be allowed to postpone justice and continue to profit from their ill gotten majority, and how can Canadians stand back and watch this travesty as Harper and his confederates continue to dismantle Canada as we know it, with total impunity.

Quote "Justice Delayed is Democracy denied" Robert F. Kennedy