His Excellency the right Honorable David Johnston
Governor General of Canada
Rideau Hall
1 Sussex Drive
Ottawa Ontario K1A 0A1
Monday, February 27, 2012
Dear Sir
Like you I was born in Canada and have lived 69 years in Canada. I implore you, no I demand that you dissolve parliament and call an election to rid Canadians of this illegitimate disaster of a government. In all my years I have never seen such blatant disrespect and outright distain for the laws and traditions of Canada by any government.
You pledged to the Canadian people when you became Governor General that you would Quote
“ be a stalwart defender of Canada’s heritage, institutions and people, I want to believe your sincerity in that pledge.
“ be a stalwart defender of Canada’s heritage, institutions and people, I want to believe your sincerity in that pledge.
The Canada I was so proud of is disappearing at an alarming rate.
The canada I loved was a respected world peace keeping country not a pathetic doppelganger extension of American gunboat diplomacy, the Canada I loved was a world respected democracy not a country that has fraudulent corrupt American style elections, where the party’s and big money are allowed to slander, lie, cheat, buy their way into power, and get a majority government with the support of 16 percent of the population.
We obviously need a new proportional voting system but as we can all see most people are so disgusted with the present system and the resulting government’s they produce people don’t even bother to vote any more.
The Canada I loved had respect for citizens rights and freedoms they didn’t enter into agreements with paranoid bankrupt country’s and cultures like America that effectively strip and subvert all our Canadian guaranteed freedoms, with obscenities such as the Patriot act and the draconian American national defense authorization act.
The canada I loved had respect for Canadians privacy and did not have the need for unrestrained spying on honest people’s privacy without proper warrants.
The Canada I loved was respected around the world as progressive world leader in all areas even if we bit off a little more than we could chew at times at least we tried to move the world in the right direction and were loved and respected for that quality. Canadian’s were at the forefront on most issues all the way from human rights, democracy, science and the environment, and the natural world, now it is all about pleasing big business period.
Canadians don’t even rate a seat on the UN Security council anymore and I can understand why, they don’t even want us at the table anymore.
The Canada I loved had more lofty goals than wanting to make the penal system Canada’s biggest growth industry to rival America as to the percentage of Canadians we put in jail, once again mimicking a tragically failed American doctrine, suppressing everything from science to the freedom of the Canadian people.
This government in no way represents the vast majority of Canadian’s, in fact they do not even attempt to hide the fact that they are a pure and simple dictatorship only interested in forcing their Americanized right wing ideology on Canadians whether they like it or not.
Canadians deserve better, but Canadian’s have been complacent as is their very nature somehow believing this could never happen to us, after all this is Canada but we have allowed our democratic system to deteriorate to the point that it is literally no longer a democracy and quite likely not even capable of producing a true democracy under the present system, Mr. Johnston you could be Canada’s only hope to survive as anything but a subjugated slave resource territory for America.
You might want to reread “The Devils Advocate by Taylor Caldwell” and just replace a leftwing dictatorship with a rightwing dictatorship, it rings uncannily familiar.
Sincerely Wayne Clark
PS to this day October 13 2013 I have never had a reply to this letter to the Governor General not a say nothing form letter or even a F--k you. Canadians have to get away from this Royal bullshit it is a relic of a bygone age it is redundant and useless as a check to excessive government power and illegal government actions and needs to be replaced with a proper and effective check to an out of control government.
PS to this day October 13 2013 I have never had a reply to this letter to the Governor General not a say nothing form letter or even a F--k you. Canadians have to get away from this Royal bullshit it is a relic of a bygone age it is redundant and useless as a check to excessive government power and illegal government actions and needs to be replaced with a proper and effective check to an out of control government.