Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Misplaced Loyaltys

It would seem the legend about the difference between Americans and Europeans is definitely a fact, the legend goes that in European countries the government is afraid of their people but in America the people are afraid of the government. 
In spite of the fact that there are occupy protests in over 70 major American cities and over 600 occupy protests in other communities the American Congress refuses to extent the middle class tax cuts past the new year which will affectively mean tax increases for over 160 million already hurting middle class familys. The sad fact is that 1 out of every two Americans is already living below the poverty level, but Congress is more afraid of the 1 percent that keep them in the style they are accustomed than they are afraid of the American middle class, the very people that really pay the bills. 

In their arrogance the one percent is confident they can keep the system firmly under their control, before the end we could see the American military just back from Iraq occupying American cities and Predator drones cruising Wall street and Main street looking for home grown enemies of the state, the long suffering middle class. 

In the end the American elite are more than likely destined to find out why the European governments fear their populations.

Least we forget the last figures I saw claimed there are 7 guns for every man women and child in America, best not to antagonize the sleeping tiger. 

P.S. America has just officially become a police state with the passing of the national defence authorization act. 

P.S. March 2012 Things have just gotten decidedly worse with the driving in of the last nail in the coffin of freedom, with the passing of the authoritarian 
anti-protest law H.R. 347 which allows fines and jail terms from 1 year up to 10 years for being involved in a public protest. 
If you want to scare the crap out of yourself read the actual legislation or the final destruction of the American Constitution. 
Which is almost redundant considering the other draconian laws just passed which gives the government the right to literally kill people without due process or legal redress. 

Wayne Clark

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