Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Friday 12 August 2011

Sorry to see you go Michael

I first met Mr. Michael Sather MLA down at the dyke enjoying one of his passions, bird watching and the great outdoors. Since that time I have watched him fight the good fight many times no matter who it was with, with passion, integrity and a lot of common sense, he always seems to be on the right side of an issue. He elegantly fights for the underdog, social injustice, heath care issues, environmental recklessness, lies, hypocrisy, corruption,  financial irresponsibility, he was always there when asked to voice my concerns in Victoria, and contrary to popular belief I am not NDP but am definitely moving in that direction lately. 

Unfortunately the one thing this particular BC Liberal government can’t tolerate is the truth and because of that fact Mr. Sather has paid the price for not doing as many as his fellow MLAs do, just polish a seat with their high paid butts and yelling out YES whenever prompted, basically just putting in time until such time they can collect that gilded pension. 
This was not easy for Mr. Sather as our present government has ways to punish anyone that speaks out against it’s policies, it might surprise you that our MLA Mr. Sather was for example not invited to the official openings of the Pitt river bridge or the Golden Ears bridge, but he showed up anyway, that is how they keep the sheeple in line, ostracize, shun, exclude, they tried everything but it never once cowed Mr. Sather, he just kept doing what he knew was right.  

Maple Ridge and it’s human as well as wildlife inhabitants and yes BC as a whole will sorely miss Michaels unshakable ethics and unfaltering passion for the underdog and the environment. 

I know if BC had even a dozen warriors like Michael no matter what their political strips I would find a lot less issues to pick up a pen and register my disapproval or disgust whatever the case may be. 

Thank you Michael for your exceptional service you will leave some big shoes to fill, I am sure we have not heard the last of you even if you are no longer in politics. 

Wayne Clark

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