Wayne & Belle

Sassamat Lake
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Canadian morals
I was hoping Canadians were over that
There I go again that unpleasant feeling of being ashamed of being a Canadian, the last time was just months ago when a Canadian candidate for PM in the last Federal election did a credible impression of a frontrunning Republican Presidential candidate spouting hate, intolerance and Religiophobia.
I don’t know how many protests I have been in over the years, probably the first about Bill Bennet and his restraint abomination then more recently C-51, contempt, Omnibus C-38 and the severe trashing of Canada’s environmental laws, C-23 an attack on democracy to name a few, and there would be 30-50 people out there with me braving the wet and cold and I would always wonder where everyone else was, was I wrong weren’t these important issues in a democracy, a supposedly free country, I guess not. Then I read the paper the other day and there they were 1000 people out in the street protesting what it would seem really matters to them, the homeless getting a roof over their heads. There they were 1000 people that are angry that something is finally being done about this national homeless travesty, not for an instant realizing these people are victims not villains, although I am sure if you really looked hard there would be a few in their ranks as there are in all segments of society, first a lot of them are physically or mentally handicapped, the last figures I saw it was 40 percent then you have the people that are victims of a government that has allowed companies to export Canadian jobs overseas and still others that are displaced by foreign workers that are brought right in to Canada to do Canadian jobs for less money, and then you even have people that do have jobs, but don't make enough money to eat and have a roof over their heads too.
For the most part all this hate anger and intolerance and total lack of compassion breaks down into two things, not in my back yard and I won’t pay for it.
There are no easy answers to this growing festering, marginalizing, disenfranchising of a whole new underclass of people we have purposely created, ironically starting with that very first protest I went to, Bill Bennet’s RESTRAINT. There are many aspects to this problem and there obviously is no magic bullet, just trying different things until there is no more problem, it will not be easy, but the first and most important thing is to start somewhere and adjust it till the problem no longer exists or at the very least not a colossal national disgrace that it is now.
Make no mistake if we do not fix this travesty it shall become even worse as even more Canadians jobs are sent overseas and foreign workers do our jobs even here at home thanks to TTP and 49 other bad trade scams, and never mind the coming automation wave that is about to hit us, stores and factories with no employees. Believe it or not most people are about 3 paydays away from being homeless if you are unfortunate enough to have no family or friends you can live with till you can find some way to support yourself.
I shall look back at my life and try to figure out where my morals and core beliefs skewed drasticaly away from the rest of my fellow Canadians values, I suspect that it would be about a decade ago.
There but for the grace of god go you and I.
Government corruption
Besides appointing 49 patronage positions in the last dying days of his rule the Steven Harper government of Canada also took one last kick at myself and thousands of other Canadians.
On or about September 17th he made the medication I have successfully controlled my Fibromyalgia with for 17 years illegal to buy in Canada, maybe it is dangerous you say, well it has been around for over 400 years and it was not even a prescription drug in Canada or the USA not to mention 17 years of personal use with no harmful side affects in fact it is one of the very few drugs that has NO KNOWN SIDE AFFECTS, I think it is reasonable to say in 400 years it’s side affects would be very well known. The drug Guaifenesin is used in dozens of medications such as cough medicines as it dissolves phlegm, mucus, phosphoric acid and uric acid and is also a muscle relaxer so thousands of Canadians use it successfully to treat their Fibromyalgia which is a build up of phosphoric acid. I tried years ago to stop using it when they raised the price 500 percent and that turned out badly with all my symptoms coming back rapidly, and I had no choice but to go back on it.
But this is not the real story here the problem has nothing to do with how good or bad Guaifenesin is, it has to do with being an old un-patentable drug so the big Pharmaceutical companies can’t charge outrageous fees for this proven drug, the problem is it takes millions of dollars to okay a drug and no one will pay to do this for un-patentable drugs, so big Pharma wants to get rid of these drugs so they can sell you one of their patented cash cows which comes with a dozen serious side affect that they will gladly sell you another drug to control the side affect.
Nobody does anything for nothing so I would like to know what politician or public servant got what, to make it impossible to control my condition Fibromyalgia, in 1997 I was told by a Rheumatologist “just keep doing whatever you are doing because anybody that was like you were in 1991 should be in a wheelchair by now”.
Make no mistake this shall be the fate of many effective medications that are also un-patentable, and it is already happening to many of the medications Naturopaths use regularly.
Well thanks to some ignorant or greedy politician myself and thousands of Fibromyalgia sufferers are faced with a painful, bleak future and even a wheelchair.
This stupid, cruel decision has to be reversed I have been without my medication for 6 weeks now and already I am getting aches and pains in my hands, forearms, elbows, shoulders, back, hips, legs and feet.
A couple months back I was walking the dyke with my dog and taking pictures and I encountered the first burka? and niqab I have ever seen in BC, it was as I found out quite a personal journey the husband started talking to me about my dog and we walked and had a conversation about Saudi Arabia and his impressions of Canada, his wife and child walked 10 paces behind us and never tried join the conversation once, I found myself feeling very sorry for this lady and more than a little guilty myself for feeling I was somehow enabling this strange reality of subjugation and disrespect if not outright misogymy, but the strangest outcome of this experience was I came to pity this father and husband, because I realized that even if he had 100 wives he would never be friends with any of his wives, he couldn’t go to the gym and work out with his wife or the beach or cycling or jogging, running etc etc, probably not even have a stimulating conversation as most are not allowed to get a education, in other words he could never be friends with this woman who was his chattel and mother of his children, they were not equal partner in this relationship, she could never be his friend. I came away from this experience throughly disgusted by this personal walking prison the burka and niqab.
Having said that I have to say I don’t think it is Canadians right to tell women what they can or can’t wear, by our laws it is legal for them to wear these oppressive statements, and by those same laws their children will get an education, whether they like it or not. There is another way to look at this situation I grew up in East Vancouver and there were a lot of Italians and the first generation women wore traditional shawls and head scarfs, but none of the second or third generation women wore these garments, they adapted to the style of their new home, I think it has always been the same it is hard for first generation immigrants to adapt to a new culture especially when they were chased out of their homeland and forced to immigrate to a new strange way of life, of course it is hard to give up everything that they know.
This whole issue is a non-issue bought about by a desperate Herr Harper to distract Canadians from his abysmal record of lies, corruption and economic failure and gunboat diplomacy most of these women will not ever have a drivers licence but if they do it will have thier picture on it just like you and me but it will be done discreetly with respect for their beliefs, they are not getting away with anything and this is just Muslim religion baiting by a course and corrupt dictator in a feeble attempt to cling to power at any cost.
This is really the ultimate hypocrisy when on the one hand Herr Harper further oppresses and spreads hate and misogymy against already brutally oppressed and marginalized Muslim women for the way they dress and on the other hand befriending and supporting one of the most brutal undemocratic theocracies in the world, a country that not only oppresses all women and pro-democracy champions but is easily one of the biggest supporters of terrorism in the world, supporting and financing the likes of Al Qaeda and ISIS, fighting Yemen who is fighting Al Qaeda and wanting the destruction of Iran who is also fighting ISIS, and of coarse the destruction of Israel, not to mention reportedly financing 9/11 and the home of 15 of the 19 9/11 terrorists, a country that regulatory beheads men, women, cuts of limbs, stones people to death, kills people with a thousand lashes and crucifies people then hangs different parts around the town, an apt description of cruel and unusual punishment if I ever heard, a truly brutal theocratic Monarchy guilty of horrific crimes, and Herr Harper sells them military equipment to further brutalize it’s population and neighbours.
Once again Harper demonstrats his ignorance about what Canada and Canadians are all about, you don’t take away someones lawful rights and freedoms to prove how much you cherish freedom. The hypocrisy defies logic.
Dumb and Dumber
Watching this government is like a bad B movie about Moe, Larry and Curly’s evil twin brothers meets Dumb and Dumber, first you have extremly highly paid top civil service employees ( Canadians can not know how highly paid, it is apparently top secret) that (A) can’t be bothered or are to incompetant to read a critically important E-mail about a $90,000 dollar illegal bribe involving a PM his secretary and a Senator or (B) they are liars and perjurers, or both. Canada has a Prime Minister that is (A) totally incompetent and has no control over his caucus, Senate appointees or his most trusted confidants or underlings or (B) he is a liar and can’t even reprimand these incompetent, corrupt employees, and in fact instead of reprimands, demotions, or firings, gives them raises and promotions for their lying, perjury and incompetence and or both. It would appear they have something on Harper such as the ability to place Harper at the top of this criminal conspiracy. Then we have a defence Minister that want’s to be kept in the dark about the people that his planes are killing, for the obvious reason I suppose to give himself plausible deniability when Canadians find out what he is doing in our names, and last but not least apparently neither Canada’s Prime Minister or our Finance Minister know the definition of a recession in 2008 it took Harper weeks to acknowledge the 2008 recession and exposed many middle class Canadians to financial ruin with their investments by that failure of leadership, but somehow the rich chosen few who were somehow warned before the shit hit the fan came out with profits of over $70 billion dollars, and now these economic geniuses have even gone to the unbelievable extent to come up with a new definition for recession to cover their economic asses, how are Canadians and businesses supposed to make rational informed financial decisions when our own government insists on lying to us? Probably the saddest part of this political nightmare is that 30 percent of Canadians have so little respect for Canada and Canadians that this extreme level of corruption and incompetence is perfectly acceptable to them.
Train Wreck
There is and old saying "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt". I guess the same thing could be said about "being a criminal” and it is likely that this is the reason Herr Harper has told all his delegates to avoid political election debates, he realizes that not many of them will be as accomplished a liar as he is, and some of them might actually have a few morals or heaven forbid a conscience and spill the beans or the dirt as it were. Nothing says it like Jim Flaherty’s face when Herr Harper had his infamous "I did not have sex with that woman” moment and Jim Flaherty’s head literally exploded, some pictures literally do say a thousand words and Herr Harpers denial of his knowledge and involvement of the Duffy bribe furnished a picture that will haunt Herr Harper till the end of time.
Realistically what can any Conservative say in a debate that isn’t a lie or something that will get him thrown under a bus, and it doesn’t matter really what the question is about the economy, transparency, corruption, bad decisions on everything from Senate appointments to environmental stewardship, to murdered women, to secret deals with foreign governments and corporations, how about Canada’s very sovereignty or C-51 and privacy rights or the lost $3.1 billion dollars etc etc, it doesn’t matter where the debate takes you they have to either play the fool or lie, using the Crime Ministers own words, not a good premise to bring to a debate, if there is a silver lining to this train wreck of a government I can not see it and I can only wonder what in Herr Harper’s desperation will he do to cling to power.
Ultimate Incompetence
I wonder how one goes about losing $3.1 billion dollars, that can’t be easy, as that is a stack of $1000 dollar bills 1110 ft high. In fact you just can’t lose that much money, the truth is obviously that what the Harper government of Canada really spent that $3.1 billion dollars on would get every Canadian out in the streets, obviously this money was spent on something so heinous that Harper would rather Canadian's just believe they were just careless or are bad money managers ( theres certainly enough evidence of that already) than have you know the true destination of this massive missing amount of your tax dollars. We can at this time only guess where this money ended up perhaps in someones offshore tax free numbered account, or how about the CONservative re-election war chest, or a new highly advanced domestic spy system that monitors every Canadian every minute of every day, or maybe Harper bought some new state of the art stealth aircraft carrier and he doesn’t want anyone to know we have it, or maybe it was spent spying on our allies for some corporation, or to finance some foreign war that the Canadian people don’t support, knowing this crowd it could be something so bizarre that normal Canadians could not even comprehend it.
Possibly this is the one illusive issue that would finally infuriate Canadians enough to get them off their couches and finally rid Canada of this fraudulently elected, illegitimate dictatorship, a government with so many ongoing and past corruptions that with a true democracy we would have seen these quislings turfed long ago, and more than a few actually put behind bars.
One thing is for sure that money is not lost, it has just been misappropriated by a less than honest government and the Canadian people have a right to know who took it and why, and if it is illegal as I am sure it is most of the government should be put in jail because I believe that it is more than just a few of the CONS who know the whereabouts of these stolen Canadian tax dollars, or are the rest of the CONS content to just shrug their shoulders and write off the $3.1 billion as an accounting error.
Drug fiasco
November 16, 2015
Honourable Minister of Health
Jane Philpot
Dear Jane Philpot
First of all congratulations on your new position, the health of the nation is a great responsibility and as much as I love the idea of having Ministers that actually know about their particular portfolio I also recognize that yours will be particularly trying as a doctor. You shall have to wear many other hat’s such as all the other disciplines that make up the Canadian heath care system, not only that .other cross you shall have to bear is the one that generates my grievance. You shall have to find a balance between the interests of big Pharma and the generic and un-patentable drug industries. I know as a doctor that the pressure to cow-to to big Pharmaceuticals will be great but to serve the Canadian people you shall have to stand up for the Guaifenesen’s and other old, un-patentable, affective, cheaper drugs, less dangerous drugs that people like me have found by trial and error to control their various conditions over the years, that being said here is my problem,
Guaifenesin a non-patentable medication from the 17th century, it is an expectorant and is in dozens of medical products such as cough medicines it dissolves mucus and phlegm and also Phosphoric acid and Uric acid and is also a muscle relaxer.
It is now for some inexplicable reason unavailable in Canada, probably because I suspect it is un-patentable medication.
The Conservatives did this in the last month or so during the election. I tried to buy some Sept 17 2015 and the order actually went through to a Canadian company Fludan Fine Chemicals and I was waiting for the shipment and then I phoned and was told that they are not allowed to ship to Canada, I tried Amazon and was told the same thing.
It has been suggested it might be about safety of the product, bad call, this product has not only been around for 4 centuries but in the book that tells you about all the drugs and their side affects, it says “absolutely no known side affects” I think in 4 hundred years they would have noticed any bad side affects that is sure something you can’t say about most other drugs.
I guess the next criticism would be it doesn’t work. Well it is in dozens of other medicines and I have documented what it has done for me over the last 17 years. I have Fibromyalgia and have successfully used this drug and also tried to come off Guaifenesin at one point because it went up in cost 500 percent and I had to go back on it because all my symptoms started to come back in a big way. Once I got rid of the symptoms again I went on a maintenance dose and have been on it for years, My Doctor has documented all my success I have had with this medication and I have written a book about it.
I want to find out what legislation or sweetheart deal was made to make this happen, and who the individuals who profited from this. Obviously a deal has been made with the big pharmaceutical companies to get rid of these low cost un-patentable drugs to force people to buy their expensive ineffective drugs with a dozen serious side affects.
This is a perfect example of what free trade looks like to the Conservatives. I can’t even get a crucial drug that I quite simply can not go without, I have been without it now for 7 weeks and already I have aching in my fingers, forearms, shoulders, feet, calves, knees and lower back and the head aches are starting, it will also affect my eyes and hearing. In other words the Phosphoric acid is starting to build up in my tissue again, if left long enough I will literally turn into what I once was again, stone, or to be more correct Phosphoric acid. When I started on Guaifenesin once I got to the proper loading which for me was 2400 Mg a day I lost 23 lb. of Phosphoric acid in 6 weeks. It burned every time I went to the bathroom, this 23 lb was mostly surface deposits, it took a lot longer to get the acid right in the muscle tissue which I broke up with IMS and flushed with Guaifenesin and lot’s of water.
This is not just my problem, as I believe many un-patentable drugs have suffered the same fate. I talked to a Naturopath and apparently a lot of the drugs they use are no longer available because no one will pay the millions of dollars to do the testing on these un-patentable mostly older medications.
At 55 years old, I went to a Rheumatologist and he told me to just keep doing what you are doing because considering how you were in 1991 you should be in a wheelchair by now, and now one of the most important reasons for my success is no longer available to me.
This is so wrong, and must be rectified as soon as possible, as I quite simply shall not go back to the time I should have been in a wheelchair before I found all the medications to let me control my condition. I have literally fought my whole life to find the proper medications and other things that allow me to live an almost normal life. I don’t believe at this time there is a cure for Fibromyalgia. but it definitely can be controlled as I am 73 years old and in the last 3 years I have jumped out of an aeroplane, done paintball, kayaked, swim, well you get the idea, not bad for someone who was supposed to be in a wheelchair in 1996.
If this sounds like a cry for help it probably is because it is and I can honestly say a matter of life and death, I quite simply can not go back to the way I was before I found Guaifenesin.
Sincerely yours,
Wayne R. Clark
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