According to Mr. Kamp the middle class is doing better under the Conservatives, This stands right up there with other outrageous statements by Conservative MPs Canada’s Minister of citizenship, immigration and multi-culturizm Chris Alexander that announced "poverty has been eliminated in Canada”, just how removed from reality is this government?
Amazing how you can make numbers say anything you want especially if you don’t mind misspeaking a little along the way. First revelation from the Conservative ideological bubble $120,000.00 is not the middle class and I am sure this is the lower end of the upper class are paying less taxes, the rich are the only people that are paying less, the middle class average family income is from $60,000 to $85,000 dollars and this group is shrinking while the poor and lower middle are growing. Of course Mr. Kamp doesn’t mention the 1 out of 5 children living in poverty or the First nations people that have had a 2 percent cap on costs since 1996 so are now getting the equivalent of .23 cent on the 1996 dollar Kamp didn’t mention the 30,000 Canadians sleeping on the street on any given night, or the 16.2% of Canadian people living below the poverty level or all the seniors that are falling into poverty and debt trying to keep their heads above water.
This sham of a government has been playing a giant shell game cutting transfer payments, social programs, medical and anything else for the people and diverting our tax dollars to subsidizing corporations, any government can download the taxes on to the Provinces and then the Provinces download them to the municipalities and say what a great man am I. Thanks to the Conservative government cutting transfer payments to the Provinces for such things as medical, the citizens of BC pay more for MSP than all the corporations pay in corporate taxes in BC. I pay from $35-$65 dollars a month in bridge tolls (TAXES) now, and the corporations get to use the infrastructure I pay for, for literally nothing, not only that but exploit our resources for a pittance, never mind about all the new fees and doubling and tripling of existing fees. Then you have the nerve to say you have cut our taxes, if you put all the Federal, Provincial, Municipal taxes, fees, tolls the money governments take out of Hydro BCAA, liquor and sales taxes you would find you give by far the lions share of your earnings to the government.
If the real rapidly shrinking middle class is surviving it is only till they run out of credit as Canadians owe more now than they have ever owed, just like their government who has Canada owing $647 billion dollars the largest deficit in Canadian history.
Thanks to the Conservative inept and dangerous economic polices we have a 7 percent unemployment rate in spite of about 500,000 million foreign workers doing Canadian jobs probably because in destroying the unions they also destroyed the very organizations that trained our apprentices and journeymen and other skilled workers and companies are quite happy to hire foreign workers for less money than Canadians contrary to Mr. Kamp’s misspoke. Then we have a .90 cent dollar which I am sure Mr.Kamp will tell you is a good thing and they are trying to get it down to .60 cents and then everything will be wonderful.
Talk about painting an incomplete picture these people do not have even a slight grip on reality.