Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Saturday, 15 February 2014

CONservative Red Herring

RE: No more federal voter cards The News Feb 14 /2014

What a surprise our local town cryer Randy Kamp totally agrees with C- 23, the Conservatives claim to want to fix our democracy and get more people to vote but most of all stop all the voter fraud, I hardly see how that is possible when the whole exercise will make it harder to vote for 10s if not 100s of thousands of legitimate voters, never mind the fact that much of what they propose is totally against Canada’s charter of rights and freedoms, "the right of every citizen to vote, guaranteed by s.3 of the Charter, lies at the heart of Canadian democracy” even prisoners get to vote in Canada, the charter also says “A voter can establish Canadian citizenship verbally by oath” I have to wonder what will happen to absentee voting ballots under this new law or will they also be disenfranchised as well. 

The extent of the so-called voter fraud C-23 is supposed to fix involved less than a dozen people in the last election, hardly what I would call a voter fraud crisis.

Mr. kamp is right about one thing there were “significant irregularities” in the last election but as has been proven in a significant number of instances these were committed by the Conservative party, the so-called Robocalls and other crimes and irregularities and these will only get worse because many of the people that are the watch dogs of the elections act and watched for these crimes and irregularity’s such as the Chief Electoral Officer have been removedly with this affront to Democracy.

There are many things wrong with our Canadian Democracy and electoral system as Mr. Harper and his accomplices have proved repeatedly but they involve first past the post elections, wilfully breaking existing laws, improper proroques and 2nd and 3rd party advertising and less than truthful constant attack ads and corruption in the House and Senate and last but not least the unreasonable power and advantage money plays in our political system. 
It is clear this is a despicable clumsy attempt to get even less voters out on election day which plays well for the Conservatives. Another thing they fixed was now you and me can contribute $1500.00 dollars to elections, I don’t think they had you and me in mind for that one but the CEOs and the Conservatives will be happy.

If the CONS are truly serious about eliminating election fraud they would simply not run any candidates in the next Federal election which would eliminate not one but two problems, first it would not only eliminate 99.9 percent of election fraud but bring Canada back to it’s former status as a Democracy. Hopefully our new government would then prioritize fixing some of the more obvious real flaws in Canada’s electoral and Democratic system such as first past the post, elected Senate with more powers and a fairer distibution of Senators determined by a regions population and the resulting sorely needed checks and balances, deal seriously with corruption in the House and Senate and taking the money out of the electoral system, and last but not least coming up with a version of Democracy that doesn’t totally depend on the good character or lack off character of our elected representatives as to whether Canada has a functioning healthy Democracy or not.  

Quote The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is Fascism—ownership of Government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.
The second truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if its business system does not provide employment and produce and distribute goods in such a way as to sustain an acceptable standard of living.
Both lessons hit home.
Among us today a concentration of private power without equal in history is growing.
This concentration is seriously impairing the economic effectiveness of private enterprise as a way of providing employment for labor and capital and as a way of assuring a more equitable distribution of income and earnings among the people of the nation as a whole.” 
― Franklin D. Roosevelt