Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Canadian TeaBagger

Re: Problems in the world bigger than pot and breasts The NEWS Oct 23/2013

True to form Mrs Katnich castigates a women for standing up for women's right’s and equality and yet another for trying to keep Canada from overtaking America as the country with the most of it’s  citizens in prison per capita in the whole world, it seems the prison industry is the CONservatives only real growth industry, right up there with the tar sands, another better idea from the CONS, never mind that 68 percent of the citizens of BC want pot legalized and 52 percent of Canadians want the same, well since when have CONservatives or Harper or Cherryl for that matter ever cared what the majority of Canadians want. 

I find it ironic that Cherryl a slavish champion of the very corporate and government whores that are the cause of every major problem she mentioned world poverty, genocide, wars and starvation and every other problem the world is faced with at this dangerous time in history. Cherryl is a quasi religious ultra-right wingnut, living proof that cognitive dissonance is alive and well in Canada and at least someone thinks there is an audience for ultra-rightwing tea-bagger retoric in Canada. 

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Red Herring

Red Herring

I wonder how one goes about losing $3.1 billion dollars, that can’t be easy, as that is a stack of $1000 dollar bills 1110 ft high. In fact you just can’t lose that much money, the truth is obviously that what the Harper government of Canada really spent that $3.1 billion dollars on would get every Canadian out in the streets, obviously this money was spent on something so heinous that Harper would rather Canadian's just believe they were just careless or are bad money managers ( theres certainly enough evidence of that already) than have you know the true destination of this massive missing amount of your tax dollars. We can at this time only guess where this money ended up perhaps in someones offshore tax free numbered account, or how about the CONservative re-election war chest, or a new highly advanced domestic spy system that monitors every Canadian every minute of every day, or maybe Harper bought some new state of the art stealth aircraft carrier and he doesn’t want anyone to know we have it, or maybe it was spent spying on our allies for some corporation, or to finance some foreign war that the Canadian people don’t support, knowing this crowd it could be something so bizarre that normal Canadians could not even comprehend it. 

Possibly this is the one illusive issue that would finally infuriate Canadians enough to get them off their couches and finally rid Canada of this fraudulently elected, illegitimate dictatorship, a government  with so many ongoing and past corruptions that with a true democracy we would have seen these quislings turfed long ago, and more than a few actually put behind bars.

One thing is for sure that money is not lost, it has just been misappropriated by a less than honest government and the Canadian people have a right to know who took it and why, and if it is illegal as I am sure it is most of the government should be put in jail because I believe that it is more than just a few of the CONS who know the whereabouts of these stolen Canadian tax dollars, or are the rest of the CONS content to just shrug their shoulders and write off the $3.1 billion as an accounting error.