These banks are used by the so called hot money people, third world dictators, corrupt stock market executives, oil sheiks, drug lords pumping billions of clean, questionable, dirty money, blood money into what as we have just witnessed illegal drug money being laundered by these outlaw bankers. (drug money $800 million, no charges, no jail, small fine, just the cost of doing business) in the ultimate tax and legal haven, the square mile in London which is in principal just like the Vatican in Italy, they pay up to $214 million for a residence there, where they have their own laws and regulations or more to the point no laws or regulations, which puts them above the law and makes them pretty well untouchable and as in America, Cypress, Greece, Iceland, etc etc when their scams go bad as they often do they come to the 99 percent to bail them out.
The whole premise of too big to fail is a flawed, failed economic policy which I am sure has Adam Smith rolling over in his grave, back when America was at it's strongest the opposite was true when companies got to big they were considered a threat to free enterprise, a monopoly if you will, companies like Standard oil or ATT were broken up into half a dozen smaller companies which created competition as well as a strong dynamic economy and as it turned out each of those companies and their employees grew and prospered.
The sooner these criminal “To Big To Fail Banks" are put out of business the sooner the worlds economy will stabilize, they are not to big to fail, they are to corrupt and disruptive for us to tolerate their existence.