Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Let them Fail

Once again the 99 percent are being forced to pay for the illegal predatory banking practices of yet another one of the British banking cartel countries, Cypress which is one part of a group of completely unregulated banks that have been at the epicentre of all of the big bank trading disasters that come out of London and it’s satellite partners in corruption   ( Cypress, Gibraltar, etc ) that flourishes by the rule “we won’t steal your money, but we won’t make a fuss if you steal other people’s"
These banks are used by the so called hot money people, third world dictators, corrupt stock market executives, oil sheiks, drug lords pumping billions of clean, questionable, dirty money, blood money into what as we have just witnessed illegal drug money being laundered by these outlaw bankers. (drug money $800 million, no charges, no jail, small fine, just the cost of doing business) in the ultimate tax and legal haven, the square mile in London which is in principal just like the Vatican in Italy, they pay up to $214 million for a residence there, where they have their own laws and regulations or more to the point no laws or regulations, which puts them above the law and makes them pretty well untouchable and as in America, Cypress, Greece, Iceland, etc etc when their scams go bad as they often do they come to the 99 percent to bail them out. 

The whole premise of too big to fail is a flawed, failed economic policy which I am sure has Adam Smith rolling over in his grave, back when America was at it's strongest the opposite was true when companies got to big they were considered a threat to free enterprise, a monopoly if you will, companies like Standard oil or ATT were broken up into half a dozen smaller companies which created competition as well as a strong dynamic economy and as it turned out each of those companies and their employees grew and prospered.

The sooner these criminal “To Big To Fail Banks" are put out of business the sooner the worlds economy will stabilize, they are not to big to fail, they are to corrupt and disruptive for us to tolerate their existence.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Hypocrite of the highest order

WOW talk about cognitive dissonance, does Steven Harper even know what democracy means, he insults Hugo Chavez for being a dictator  when the reality is the man won four elections fairly with as much as 80 percent of the vote which is certainly a lot more than Harper can claim, then he trashes Venezuela for being a socialist country, WOW can you say hypocrisy, this is a man that is joining Canada at the hip for at least the next 30 years with a brutal communist dictatorship. 
Just when you think Harper couldn’t possibly embarrass Canada any more than he has already has Harper manages to pull something even more bizarre out of the dark recesses of his mind to trump his last public relations nightmare, not to mention the fact that it is just plain embarrassing for me personally, but most Canadians. 

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Maximum Incompetance

BC auditor general John Doyle say’s that the outsourcing administration of the MSP and PharmaCare to a U.S. based company Maximus has failed to bring expected benefits. 

From my experience with MSP I would say that is an major understatement, back in April I transferred my wifes and my MSP account from my pension account to my wife's account, at the end of the month I received a two page letter telling me that my account was overdue and if I didn’t pay the outstanding debt it would be turned over to a collection agency for collection, I phoned my wife's company to see if they were paying our MSP payments and they assured me they were, I then attempted to contact MSP and when I finally was able to talk to someone and explained that the money was now coming from my wife's account I was yelled at and told I had to pay and what credit card would I put the outstanding amount on, I told her that there was no way I would pay double. Every month I got new threats and demands of the alleged accumulating debt, I tried two more times to communicate with MSP employees with nothing more than shit and abuse for my efforts, here it was October and the threatening letters just kept coming so finally I phoned my wife's pension administers just to make sure our bill was being paid and was assured that they were making payments, the lady also explained that MSP was normally 5-6 months behind and there was two companies involved neither one of which had a clue what the other was doing, I told her I was going to get my MLA involved as my account had been turned over to a collection agency and I had had it with this wasteful stupidity. The lady asked me to give her a chance to clear this mess up and sure enough she phoned and said it was all fixed up, not to worry at least till the end of the month when guess what showed up in my mail box again another threatening letter, I went over to my MLA Michael Sather and showed him what was happening, this is what it took to solve this seemingly simple problem that one simple phone call back in April should have done the trick, but instead it took 7 months and a phone call from my MLA Mr. Sather to the Minister of Finance, and the letters finally stopped. 

What a waste I don’t know what this boondoggle cost in office costs and peoples time, not to mention bad feelings and outright anger but it is hard to imagine a more incompetent system in this day and age, no wonder MSP costs continually keep escalating and service keeps deteriorating.

The Security problem alone is enough to get out of this absolute inappropriate bad deal on every level, as far as I can tell the American Patriate act insures that all American law enforcement and intelligence agencies have access to all BC citizens health records which is to  me totally unacceptable.

You might say Maximus is the poster child for incompetence and inappropriate failed privatization.