This is not Greenpeace or Al Gore speaking but the head of the International Monetary Fund probably one of the most conservative organizations in the world.
Then you have Jim Yong Kim new President of the World Bank also urging urgent climate action stating Quote "what are we waiting for? We need to get serious fast. The planet our home can’t wait.” you can add to that list past U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu and outgoing U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and the Bretton Woods Institution have all lined up behind the U.S. President to demand climate action.
On the flip side our Conservative Prime Minister Harper sees thing a lot different he ignores a report from the Pembna Institute that says Canada is falling behind the rest of the world in green climate technology and the report estimates that Canada has the potential to build a $60 billion clean tech sector by 2020 and a warning that failure to act could condemn us to an unliveable world.
The Dear Leader Harper has committed Canada’s whole future on the peddling of dirty oil without any thought to the consequences of that path for Canada and Canadians and ultimately the world, the damage to Canada’s environment, the health of it’s people and the majority of Canada’s economy that most of us depend on for our livelihoods, not to mention the dangerous position this action put’s Canada in as far as the rest of the world is concerned, not only that but setting in stone Canada’s direction for at least the next three decades no matter the consequences of this narrow vision.
Can you envision the rest of the world in the next decade never mind 3 decades cracking down and getting serious about global warming, I can see world boycotts on Canadian products and resources, maybe even sanctions, it is not that hard to see, we are already feeling the heat, our politicians not welcome on the world stage or at the table as far as global warming and our politicians not even welcome at global affairs, we don’t even rate a seat on the U.N. anymore.
Harper doesn’t seem capable or willing to rethink Canada’s direction in light of this reality, I suppose you have to expect that when you elect a provincial government (Alberta) to be a Federal government, sort of like electing the PQ party to be the Federal government of Canada, no doubt a recipe for failure for all of Canada.