Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Wednesday, 27 February 2013


There is a wind of change in the world today the voice of the one percent has started to change it’s tune, for instance one of the main villains in climate denial and architect of many ecologically destructive polices in the world, the International Monetary Funds managing director Christine Lagarde just described climate change as quote “the greatest economic challenge of the 21st century” she also said Quote "unless we take action on climate change, future generations will be roasted, toasted, fried and grilled”. 
This is not Greenpeace or Al Gore speaking but the head of the International Monetary Fund probably one of the most conservative organizations in the world. 
Then you have Jim Yong Kim new President of the World Bank also urging urgent climate action stating Quote "what are we waiting for? We need to get serious fast. The planet our home can’t wait.” you can add to that list past U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu and outgoing U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and the Bretton Woods Institution have all lined up behind the U.S. President to demand climate action.

On the flip side our Conservative Prime Minister Harper sees thing a lot different he ignores a report from the Pembna Institute that says Canada is falling behind the rest of the world in green climate technology and the report estimates that Canada has the potential to build a $60 billion clean tech sector by 2020 and a warning that failure to act could condemn us to an unliveable world.

The Dear Leader Harper has committed Canada’s whole future on the peddling of dirty oil without any thought to the consequences of that path for Canada and Canadians and ultimately the world, the damage to Canada’s environment, the health of it’s people and the majority of Canada’s economy that most of us depend on for our livelihoods, not to mention the dangerous position this action put’s Canada in as far as the rest of the world is concerned, not only that but setting in stone Canada’s direction for at least the next three decades no matter the consequences of this narrow vision. 

Can you envision the rest of the world in the next decade never mind 3 decades cracking down and getting serious about global warming, I can see world boycotts on Canadian products and resources, maybe even sanctions, it is not that hard to see, we are already feeling the heat, our politicians not welcome on the world stage or at the table as far as global warming and our politicians not even welcome at global affairs, we don’t even rate a seat on the U.N. anymore.

Harper doesn’t seem capable or willing to rethink Canada’s direction in light of this reality, I suppose you have to expect that when you elect a provincial government (Alberta) to be a Federal government, sort of like electing the PQ party to be the Federal government of Canada, no doubt a recipe for failure for all of Canada.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


Poor Mr. Kamp just can’t seem to catch a break he was unable to speak to a reporter without having set approved questions and approval from the Dear Leader and Mr. Kamp or a representative from the Propaganda Ministry were not able to attend information meeting for the same reason and for some reason Mr. Kamp believes that what came out of that meeting was one sided, I happened to be at that meeting and found it quite informative, mind you lacking in a lot of government spin and disinformation. 
Mr. Kamp assures us that Canada’s lakes and rivers are not being eroded in the interest of economics, he assures us that this is simply not the case they are definitely protecting 3 oceans 97 lakes 62 rivers,  well that is a relief, and now each municipality will get to protect their own lakes and rivers from the likes of Gateway and KinderMorgan I wonder how that will turn out when Maple Ridge is threatened with a multi-billion dollar lawsuit from China alleging municipal regulations will cost China billions of dollars in profits. Talk about David and Goliath. 

Mr. Kamp's basic argument is, I know that you believe you understand what you read, but I’m not sure you realize that what you read is not what we mean. 

The simple fact is with the the removal of legally enforceable language and the deliberate fuzzifying of all Canada’s environmental regulations Canada would not have a hope in HELL of winning any legal challenge as pertains to these laws.

Mr. Kamp says quote “ To be frank transportation experts will continue to make navigation decisions and environmental experts will continue to make environmental decisions” ( how they would do that without regulations to back them up is beyond me). Then he does a complete turnaround and Mr. Kamp says quote “ the focus is now, I believe rightly, on protecting habitat for fisheries sake, not protecting habitat for habitat’s sake”. I guess any habitat other than economically viable habitat, it’s every species and river and lake for themselves. 

Apparently economically worthless habitat is not worth protecting to Mr. Kamp and cohorts.

By the way Mr. Kamp the dictionary definition of “ habitat is the natural home or environment of an animal, plant or other organism ", and you and the Dear Leader have just put at least 95 percent of Canada’s habitat in jeopardy. 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Mythological Money Managers

Can you believe 26 percent of the people of BC would still vote for the BC liberals after all the scams, corruption and squandered  tax dollars, who are these people, well obviously you have the politicians themselves and I would guess their families, you have the corporate fat cats at the trough that could possibly see an end their own personal gravy train and their family's, you have 70,000 chinese guest workers who can not even vote and you have the ultra-rigtwing fanatics who we see in the papers and media every day who would without a doubt not hesitate to vote for Adolph Hitler and the NAZI party if it was the only alternative to the NDP.  

I know the NDP had that Fast Cat thing where they foolishly tried to bring thousands of high paying multiplier jobs to BC, much better to spend even more tax dollars in another country to buy poorly made ferries with no multiplier effect at all. 

Then there is the poor money managers thing, pretty important stuff, to bad it is just not true, it took BC 98 years from 1903 to 2001 this included Conservatives, real Liberals, Social Credit, NDP, to accumulate a $ 33.8 Billion provincial debt it took the BC LIberals 11 years to increase that debt to $51 billion and that is if you do not include the further $80 billion of unfunded P3s which brings the grand total to $131 BILLION which is nearly a whopping 400 percent increase in 11 years. This all happened while at the same time they were liquidating many BC assets for pennies on the dollar such as BC Rail, BC Ferries etc etc . These great money managers watched a convention centre cost ballon almost 200 percent and is still 40 percent vacant, a new roof on BC place that ballooned another 200 percent and to my knowledge has never been opened for an event, you have a broken health care system that I personally have been waiting over a year and a half for an operation you have a Golden Ears bridge that will never be paid for and will not last 25-30 years if that, it already feels like driving on a rutted dirt road, and a new Port Mann bridge that has to be shut down for ice and snow conditions and apparently has a 35 year shelf life. 

Is it any surprise that BC has the second most corrupt construction industry in Canada, second only to Quebec. 

These are just a few examples of the BC Liberals mythological fantastic money managing skills and if it still impresses you I would strongly recommend a brain transplant.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Bottom of the Barrel

We have Conservative MPs like Randy Kamp who slavishly parrot the Dear Leaders talking points and just do as he is told without even knowing or caring what they mean, or that they actually break Canada’s laws or the Charter of rights and freedoms or the serious consequences of his actions and then you have Conservative MPs who do understand the negative consequences of their actions and talk, even rant on about them and then go not only against the Canadian publics wishes but votes against his own conscience. 

I don’t know which is worse the ignorant doppelganger or the enlightened traitor. 

I have to wonder what obscenity it would take for these gutless Conservative quislings to vote non-confidence and not only put himself out of a job but bring down this destructive dictatorship, but at least salvage a bit of righteousness, how can any honourable man recognize the evil he is about to vote for and then still vote against not only his constituents and better judgement but his own conscience, obviously neither have a conscience or any integrity either. 

Neither one deserve the privilege, honour and responsibility that has been bestowed on them by the Canadian people and they are an affront to democracy and will rightfully be recorded in Canadian history as the villains they are.