Wayne & Belle

Wayne & Belle
Sassamat Lake

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Third World Mentality

Reading the letters to the editor reveals a much too common theme both Federally and Provincially, DFO shuns science, Fisheries minister ignores the advise of his head marine mammal scientist about Harp seals and sets the unsustainable catch at the request of industry lobbyists, instead of government scientists. 

Torys dismantling environmental protection,Federal government slashes by half funds for Environmental Assessment agency and all funding to the Canadian Environmental network, and now the final nail, the gutting of the Federal fisheries act and calling anyone that disagrees with these actions radicals and even terrorists.

The same reckless environmental mismanagement at best and criminal negligence at worse is seen with the polar bear which Canada recognizes as a “ species of special concern” and has protected status under U.S. Endangered Species Act., with a declining population of an estimated 20,000 to 25,000 and we Canadians are still allowing them to be hunted, or how about the grizzly that is regarded as a keystone indicator of ecosystem health, 73 percent of BC citizens want the hunt stopped, but once again vested interests, greed and stupidity are the rule of the day, the same can be said about Caribou which are also thanks to global warming, loss of habitat and trophy hunting in serious decline, a 57 percent decrease in population drop in the last decade and the hunters answer is “ it’s better that I shoot the animal than it dies of hunger” 
! wow !.

All these travesties come down to a government that has no problem with letting resource extractors, corporations, pipelines etc. monitor themselves, like that has ever worked or ever will work, 
money has no conscience, greed has no limits and stupidity is rampant. 

If Canada is to carry on for the sole benefit of these carpetbaggers and environmental terrorists, Canada will rapidly become exactly how it is being run, a ravaged third world country.

Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed. --Albert Einstein
Wayne Clark

PS Historically man has no problem with not only the unintended extermination of species but the conscious extermination of a species such as the slaughter of 60 million buffalo in 10 years for the sole purpose of exterminating the plains indians.           
The more things change the more they stay the same.

P.S. When the inevitable happens and that last polar bear is identified there will be hundreds if not thousands of pathetic souls willing to spend millions for the pleasure of killing that last polar bear.         
Do you have any doubt?

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Lieberals financial Shell game

According to Christy Clark Quote “We will implement a seniors agenda that will improve support and services for the fastest growing part of our population” unquote. 
Once again watch out for that duplicitous  left hand in your pocket as Christy Clark claims she wants to help seniors. 
The truth is Christy Clark obviously doen’t want to help seniors, they are not her family, big business is. 

What a sham at the very same time the ConFiberals promise up to $1000 a year that will help seniors live independently longer, I get a bill in the mail that increases my MSP payments $1392.00 a year, this is in addition to the $ 4194.84 that I already pay for medical and dental coverage but doesn’t include all the deductibles I pay in spit of this coverage.

I have to wonder what is it about a fixed income or pension that these people do not understand.

Have no illusions, MSP is nothing more than another tax that only BC and Alberta pay, and it does not go to the medical system as one would expect but straight into the general revenue slush fund where it is used for the really important things such as $1.7 million for advertising against the teachers, $6 million to cover up the BC Rail corruption,  $ 5 Million to help defeat the anti-HST referendum, paying for all the legal judgements against the BC government (taxpayers of BC) for breaking all those legal contracts, just to mention a few. 

It’s pathetic these pirates always find enough money to give themselves fat raises but when it comes to the real workers of BC the cupboard is always bare.

P.S. MSP is the ultimate rich mans dream tax, a totally flat tax that you and I pay exactly the same for as a multibillionaire, but I get to wait 78 weeks and counting to get into the hospital for a hernia operation.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Pot calling the kettle black

I just saw the new BC Liberal attack ad NDP leader Adrian Dix, it called him reckless and risky, I quite honestly did not know whether to laugh or cry, these are the people that broke many laws in the privatization of health services in BC and threw caution to the wind about hospital cleaning for example, not like it hasn’t been tried with disastrous results in Europe decades before. Well we know what that reckless gamble cost in money and 84 patients lives and counting, never mind the the lawsuits and class actions that disaster has exposed the taxpayers of BC to. 

The privatization at any cost and union busting legacy of this government has cost BC hundreds of millions and it still is not over with the imminent sale of the BC Liquor distribution system for less money than it generates in one year not to mention the many more workers that will end up with minimum wage jobs as a result of this governments anti-union anti-living wage, anti-worker, anti-middle class agenda. 

I couldn’t believe the ad with the NDP broken piggy bank, this is a government that has raised the provincial debt in one decade from 33.8 billion when the NDP left power to 53.4 billion of direct provincial debt and another 80 billion in hidden and unfunded financial commitments, P3s etc., compounding this problem is the fact that that the Auditor General of BC Mr. Doyle has accused the BC Liberals of deceptive accounting practices, so I suppose we will have to get a new government to find out how much this government has really cost the people of BC. I find the BC liberal claim that taxes will go up with the NDP laughable, the present shell game that the BC Liberals think they are fooling us with is a joke, siphoning off multi-billions of dollars from ICBC, BC Hydro, MSP, HST, gas and the many other fees that we pay for everything from drivers licences to passports to electronic’s, batteries etc. etc. that have all been doubled or tripled by the BC LIberals, according to the BC liberals these are not taxes but something else. 
The kicker is they still can not balance the budget.

Not to forget some of the BC Liberals finer moments such as HST, BC Rail, cost overruns on convention centre, the fact that the taxpayers of BC will be paying for the 5th lane on the Port Mann bridge decades after it has been torn down.

Last but not least the pennies on the dollar give-away of all BCs valuable assets that successive governments and generations of taxpayers have accumulated over the years, this government reminds me of the family drunk squandering his inheritance by selling off all the family jewels in a drunken orgy,  playing the foolish big-shot by lavishing all his buddies with exorbitant gifts, ending up with nothing to show for it but a huge debt, bankruptcy and decades of hardship for the citizens of BC as they are forced to pay down this massive debt. 

Is this pitiable legacy something any rational person would be proud of?

Wayne Clark

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Time to put an end to this obsenity

Re: Where is Tory disgust ? MR News March 1/2012

Cheryl for a small hard core of Conservative there is no line they will not cross, no deed to despicable to utilize, their total lack of morals and ethics and fair play say “ success is the sole earthy judge of right and wrong” in other words the end justifies the means, end of story. Democracy to them is just another buzz word they subvert to their own purposes. 

They truly believe that “ It is not truth that matters, but victory”, they are so obsessed that they believe they can do no wrong, Who says I am not under the special protection of god”, “I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the almighty creator”, Steven Harper is not the first politician to believe that fallacy. 

They live by the belief that an admission of wrongdoing is fatal or as another man put it “ As soon as by one’s own propaganda even a glimpse of right on the other side is admitted, the cause for doubting one’s own right is laid”,  “ Strength lies not in defence but in attack”.
“ By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise”
“how fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think”. 

As Mr Harper and others know, 
“If you make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”

If you recognized the above quotes it is because they all come from none other than Adolf Hitler who was also supposedly elected democratically and as many Canadian's have seen, closely parallel the beliefs of another would be dictator Steven Harper. 

Fortunately most Canadians do not share Steven Harpers dismal vision of Canada. 

Time for the Canadian public to show this tin pot dictator and this gaggle of doppelgangers the door, call an election now, while we can still recognize Canada.   

Wayne Clark