Wayne & Belle

Sassamat Lake
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
In my Opinion
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Misplaced Loyaltys
It would seem the legend about the difference between Americans and Europeans is definitely a fact, the legend goes that in European countries the government is afraid of their people but in America the people are afraid of the government.
In spite of the fact that there are occupy protests in over 70 major American cities and over 600 occupy protests in other communities the American Congress refuses to extent the middle class tax cuts past the new year which will affectively mean tax increases for over 160 million already hurting middle class familys. The sad fact is that 1 out of every two Americans is already living below the poverty level, but Congress is more afraid of the 1 percent that keep them in the style they are accustomed than they are afraid of the American middle class, the very people that really pay the bills.
In their arrogance the one percent is confident they can keep the system firmly under their control, before the end we could see the American military just back from Iraq occupying American cities and Predator drones cruising Wall street and Main street looking for home grown enemies of the state, the long suffering middle class.
In the end the American elite are more than likely destined to find out why the European governments fear their populations.
Least we forget the last figures I saw claimed there are 7 guns for every man women and child in America, best not to antagonize the sleeping tiger.
P.S. America has just officially become a police state with the passing of the national defence authorization act.
P.S. March 2012 Things have just gotten decidedly worse with the driving in of the last nail in the coffin of freedom, with the passing of the authoritarian
anti-protest law H.R. 347 which allows fines and jail terms from 1 year up to 10 years for being involved in a public protest.
If you want to scare the crap out of yourself read the actual legislation or the final destruction of the American Constitution.
Which is almost redundant considering the other draconian laws just passed which gives the government the right to literally kill people without due process or legal redress.
Wayne Clark
In spite of the fact that there are occupy protests in over 70 major American cities and over 600 occupy protests in other communities the American Congress refuses to extent the middle class tax cuts past the new year which will affectively mean tax increases for over 160 million already hurting middle class familys. The sad fact is that 1 out of every two Americans is already living below the poverty level, but Congress is more afraid of the 1 percent that keep them in the style they are accustomed than they are afraid of the American middle class, the very people that really pay the bills.
In their arrogance the one percent is confident they can keep the system firmly under their control, before the end we could see the American military just back from Iraq occupying American cities and Predator drones cruising Wall street and Main street looking for home grown enemies of the state, the long suffering middle class.
In the end the American elite are more than likely destined to find out why the European governments fear their populations.
Least we forget the last figures I saw claimed there are 7 guns for every man women and child in America, best not to antagonize the sleeping tiger.
P.S. America has just officially become a police state with the passing of the national defence authorization act.
P.S. March 2012 Things have just gotten decidedly worse with the driving in of the last nail in the coffin of freedom, with the passing of the authoritarian
anti-protest law H.R. 347 which allows fines and jail terms from 1 year up to 10 years for being involved in a public protest.
If you want to scare the crap out of yourself read the actual legislation or the final destruction of the American Constitution.
Which is almost redundant considering the other draconian laws just passed which gives the government the right to literally kill people without due process or legal redress.
Wayne Clark
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
If anyone has any doubts about how far the one percent is prepared to go to preserve the status-quo one only look at the present legislation being considered in the land of the free, the good old U.S.A.
PS No wonder America is in financial distress when you see the stupid ideas they have to squander $100 billion on a useless iron white elephant that will not make them one bit safer.
I wonder how many bridges roads and other needed infrastructure that money could finance.
There is no doubt about it Americans are their own worst enemy.
P.S. The national defence authorization act is now the law of the land.
A provision in the National Defence Authorization Act would authorize the military to jail anyone it considers a terrorism suspect anywhere in the world without charge or trial, and would include indefinite detention.
The measure would effectively extend the definition of what is considered the U.S. military’s battlefield to anywhere in the world, even the United States.
It would seem that our southern neighbour is about to flirt with fascism in an attempt to control the unrest of the 99 percent.
It would seem that our southern neighbour is about to flirt with fascism in an attempt to control the unrest of the 99 percent.
As if that isn’t scary enough the government of Steven Harper thinks it would be a good idea for Canada to sign on and become a party to this draconian insanity.
Quote “ They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.” Benjamin Franklin
Let the Americans build their 6 thousand mile fence because by the direction they are moving it will undoubtedly protect Canadians much more from them, than it will them from us.
PS No wonder America is in financial distress when you see the stupid ideas they have to squander $100 billion on a useless iron white elephant that will not make them one bit safer.
I wonder how many bridges roads and other needed infrastructure that money could finance.
There is no doubt about it Americans are their own worst enemy.
P.S. The national defence authorization act is now the law of the land.
Wayne Clark
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Oligarchy by Quisling
Canadians are so lucky that we have such a democratic caring government that is so closely tuned to the wishes and needs of the Canadian people and it’s economy.
It’s popular stand on things close to the hearts of the majority of Canadians like spending billions on much needed new prisons to put all those new criminals and who can forget Mr. Harpers brave stand against doing anything about climate change and making sure nobody else does either. Lets not forget his insightful fight to turn a blind eye to the endangered blue fin tuna or polar or grizzly bears, or Canada’s caribou or his ever popular quest to continue the highly subsidized seal slaughter that makes us so popular in the world.
How can we forget his ultimate gift to the Americanization of Canada which will undermine every civil liberty and right that Canada has taken for granted for most of it’s history. Canada’s charter of rights is about to be super-ceded by the draconian American patriot act.
It seems Mr. Harpers government which is supported by 16 percent of Canadians thinks it is another great idea to hand over Canada’s laws and very sovereignty to America, a country on the brink of financial and social collapse.
Why Canadians would willingly hitch our wagon to a country that is in free-fall on every front is totally incomprehensible.
It is time to tell the Governor general to immediately dissolve parliment and every Canadian voter to vote for anything other than the NeoConservatives while we can still call Canada our own.
Wayne Clark
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